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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Mathematics

Three-Year General Program: Requirements


In conjunction with the degree requirements in Table I in "Degree Requirements,"  this program requires a total of 30 courses (15 units), including at least 16 math courses and a minimum of ten non-math courses (five units). The math courses must include the following:

Nine general core courses

MATH 125 Applied Linear Algebra 1
MATH 126 Applied Linear Algebra 2
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
CO 220 Introductory Combinatorics or CO 227 Introduction to Optimization Models*
CS 115 Introduction to Computer Science 1 or CS 123 Developing Programming Principles
CS 116 Introduction to Computer Science 2 or CS 126 Introduction to Software Development
STAT 220 Introduction to Statistical Methods 1
STAT 221 Introduction to Statistical Methods 2
*Note: Students who have credit for MATH 237/247, taken while in honours, may use it to satisfy this requirement.

Seven additional courses, including at least three that are not labelled CS, from

ACTSC 221 Mathematics of Investment
AMATH 250 Introduction to Differential Equations
AMATH 343 Discrete Models in Applied Mathematics
CO 220 Introductory Combinatorics
CO 227 Introduction to Optimization Models
CS 200 Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage
CS 230 Introduction to Computers and Computer Systems
CS 234 Data Types and Structures
CS 330 Management Information Systems
CS 338 Computer Applications in Business: Databases
CS 430 Applications Software Engineering
CS 432 Business Systems Analysis
CS 436 Distributed Computer Systems
PMATH 330 Introduction to Mathematical Logic
PMATH 340 Elementary Number Theory
PMATH 360 Geometry
STAT 322 Sample Surveys and Study Design
STAT 324 Statistical Methods and Computing

For math course selection, students registered in the general program may enrol only in courses in the above list and in the general core courses.


  1. As a general practice, it is not intended that a student be awarded a BMath General degree, and then subsequently be awarded an Honours BMath degree. Honours students who request, and are recommended for, a general degree will be deemed to have transferred to the general program and thus be ineligible for further BMath degree studies. Such students may petition the Standings and Promotions (S&P) Committee for re-admission to an honours plan, but such petitions will normally be considered only after an absence from the Faculty of several terms.
  2. For any course in the general core, the corresponding advanced or honours course may be used in lieu of the general course, provided the course was taken while registered in an honours plan. Honours core CS courses will satisfy general core requirements for CS.  Double counting of these courses is not permitted.
  3. Advanced or honours courses (except CS 131) may be used in lieu of the courses on the "Seven additional courses" list above provided that (a) they were taken while registered in an honours plan, and (b) no more than four of them have the same course abbreviation (i.e., ACTSC, AMATH, CO, CM, CS, MATH, PMATH, STAT).

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567