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About the Faculty of Arts

Examinations and Standings

Petition Procedures

A petition to the Faculty of Arts Examinations and Standings Committee must be submitted in those instances in which a student seeks relief from normal Faculty or University rules and regulations because of special circumstances such as illness or bereavement.

Petitions may include (but are not limited to) the following: requests to drop or add courses after the deadline; withdraw without academic penalty; take an additional course above the specified maximum for a term; substitute for a required course; take a course on a CR/NCR basis (other than courses normally so designated); reconsideration of academic standing.

Appropriate supporting documentation must accompany all petitions. Such documentation may consist of certification of illness/injury from a medical professional; statements from employers regarding work hours/conditions; documentation for personal difficulties from an appropriate counselling individual/body (e.g., Counselling Services, University Chaplain or other clergy); verification of bereavement (e.g., obituary notice). The Examinations and Standings Committee respects the confidentiality of all documentation submitted to it. Students should be aware, however, that claims made in a petition regarding another individual/body (e.g., claims regarding interaction between a student and an instructor) may require the Committee to verify such claims with that individual/body.

The Petition for Exception to Academic Regulations form is available at

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567