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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans - Departmental


Examinations and Standings
The School of Pharmacy sets and administers its examinations in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the Faculty of Science and the University of Waterloo. Student academic standings are considered each term by the School of Pharmacy faculty body and are made in accordance with the regulations listed as follows:
  • The factors considered in academic standing in Pharmacy are the term average and the number of failed courses.
  • The minimum term average required for promotion in the program is 60%.
  • The standard minimum passing grade in each course is 50% but a higher requirement may be set in selected courses. A number of courses will be graded on a CR/NCR basis.

Explanation of Standings:

  • "Satisfactory Standing" requires that a student achieves a minimum term average of 60% with no failed courses. This entitles a student to proceed to the next term of study.
    Note: A student with only one failure per term may proceed to the next term; however, any failed course must be cleared. The student must make arrangements with the course instructor as to the mechanism for clearing the failed course.
  • "May not Proceed" standing may result if a student achieves a minimum term average of 60% but fails a maximum of two term courses. The failed courses must be cleared before the student is permitted to proceed to the next term.
  • "Failed-Required to Withdraw" may result if a student fails to achieve the minimum term average of 60% or the student fails three or more courses in a term or the student leaves the program without proper notification and fails to write the final examinations.

Clearing Failed Courses

Normally, failed courses may be passed in one of two ways. Pharmacy will decide which mechanism is appropriate. The two options are:
  1. Obtaining a minimal passing grade for the course based on the outcome of a supplemental examination or on another mechanism determined by the course instructor. There is a fee for supplemental exams. Supplemental examinations may not be available for all courses. Normally, a supplemental examination for a course may be offered if there is a maximum of 2 failed courses/term and the student is in satisfactory academic standing. If a supplemental examination is to be offered, the student will be notified regarding the supplemental examination. When a supplemental examination is passed, "Sup Satisfied" will appear on Quest and on the transcript in the "Sup" field adjacent to the original grade for the course. Only one attempt at a supplemental examination is allowed. If the student is not successful, s/he must re-take the course when it is next offered, and may not proceed to the next term.
  2. Re-taking the failed course or an approved alternative and obtaining a minimal passing grade for the course. When a failed course has been successfully cleared the grade obtained in the cleared course is indicated on Quest and on the Transcript. The original course and failing grade remain on the Transcript. If a grade of less than the minimal passing grade is obtained for a repeat course, the student is given the academic decision "Failed - May Not Continue in Faculty."
Academic decisions will be revised as appropriate based on clearing of failed courses.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567