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Academic Plans - Departmental


Minor in Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. C. Bissonnette

In order to graduate with a Minor in Chemistry the following requirements must be met.

A student with more than three failed attempts at Chemistry lecture courses will not receive a Minor in Chemistry.

The student must be in an Honours Academic Plan.

The following courses must be taken, with a minimum cumulative average of 60% separately in lecture and laboratory courses:

  1. CHEM 120/120L, 123/123L, 129, or 209.
  2. An additional 3.0 lecture units from 200-level or higher Honours-level Chemistry courses, of which a minimum of 1.0 lecture unit must be from 300- or 400-level Chemistry courses.
  3. At least one second-year course in each of analytical (CHEM 220), inorganic (CHEM 212), organic (CHEM 264), and physical chemistry (CHEM 254).
  4. 0.5 lab units beyond Year One appropriate to the lecture units chosen.
  5. The following courses will not count towards the Minor in Chemistry: CHEM 228/228L, 266/266L, 267/267L.
Check details with a Chemistry Undergraduate Advisor.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567