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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans - Non-Departmental

Science and Aviation

Honours Science and Aviation (No Specialization)

In order to graduate in this Plan the following requirements must be met:

  • Successful completion of at least 21.0 units, including 10.0 Core Science* units. Of the 10.0 Core Science* units, 9.0 must be lecture units and at least 7.0 lecture units must be at or above the 200-level. At least 3.5 of the 7.0 must be at the 300- or 400-level.

*Core Science includes Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics courses, but not SCI -labelled courses. Biology 112 cannot be used towards Science and Aviation Plans.

Note: Year one Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics courses must be taken with corresponding Labs.

  • To satisfy Core Science courses in Year One, EARTH 121/122 The Planet We Live On/The Planet We Live Off, plus labs, and at least one of (a), (b), or (c) must be taken:

    (a) Two 100- or 200-level Biology courses plus labs.
    (b) CHEM 120/123 Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter/Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kineticsplus labs.
    (c) PHYS 111/112 Physics 1 and 2 plus labs or PHYS 121/122 Mechanics and Waves 1/Mechanics and Waves 2 plus labs.

Note: For students taking BIOL 130, 140, or 273, the corresponding lab components (BIOL 130L, 140L, and 273L) are recommended, but not required.

  • The following courses must be included:

Year 1A (Fall)

EARTH 121/121L The Planet We Live On/Lab
Core Science* courses (1.0 units) plus related labs
GEOG 165 Computer Cartography: Principles and Design
AFM 131 Management

Year 1B (Winter)

EARTH 122/122L The Planet We Live Off/Lab
Core Science* courses (0.5 unit) plus related labs
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences
GEOG 255 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Professional Pilot Program Course I (0.5 unit)

Year 1 (Spring)

Professional Pilot Program Course II (0.5 unit)

Year 2A (Fall)

Core Science* courses (1.0 unit)
GEOG 276 Image Interpretation and Photogrammetry
CS 125 Introductory Programming Principles
Professional Pilot Program Course III (0.5 unit)

Year 2B (Winter)

Core Science* courses (1.0 unit)
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
MTHEL 100 Commercial and Business Law for Mathematics Students
Professional Pilot Program Course IV (0.5 unit)

Year 3A (Fall)

Core Science* courses (1.0 unit)
GEOG 271 Earth from Space Using Remote Sensing
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists
Professional Pilot Program Course V (0.5 unit)

Year 3B (Winter)

Core Science* courses (1.5 units)
GEOG 355 Spatial Data Bases
Professional Pilot Program Course VI (0.5 unit)

Year 4A (Fall)

Core Science* courses (1.0 units)
GEOG 309 Physical Climatology
GEOG 371 Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques
One recommended elective† (0.5 unit)

Year 4B (Winter)

Core Science* (1.5 units)
Two recommended electives† (1.0 unit)

Recommended Electives

AFM 123 Accounting Information for Managers
CS courses as appropriate
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 220 The Principles of Entrepreneurship
ENGL 210F Genres of Business Communication
FR 151 Basic French 1

GEOG 455 Spatial Analysis Using Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 457 Geographic Information Systems Project
GEOG 471 Remote Sensing Project
MSCI 211 Organizational Behaviour
PHIL 145 Critical Thinking
PHIL 215 Professional and Business Ethics
PHIL 216 Rational Behaviour and Decision-Making
PHIL 240 Introduction to Formal Logic
SCI 206 The Physics of How Things Work
SCI 238 Introductory Astronomy

Other electives, where appropriate prerequisites have been taken.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567