Year 1A (Fall)
BIOL 140 Fundamentals of Microbiology
BIOL 140L Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 250 Ecology
CHEM 120/120L Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter/Laboratory
EARTH 121/121L The Planet We Live On/Laboratory 1
MATH 127 Calculus 1 for the Sciences Year 1B (Winter)
BIOL 120 Introduction to Plant Science
CHEM 123/123L Chemical Reactions, Equilibria and Kinetics/Laboratory
ERS 241 Introduction to Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
MATH 128 Calculus 2 for the Sciences
One Elective† (0.5 unit)
Year 2A (Fall)
BIOL 110 Introductory Zoology
CHEM 28 Organic Chemistry for Engineering and Bioinformatics Students or
CHEM 264 Organic Chemistry 1
EARTH 123 Introduction to Hydrology
STAT 202 Introductory Statistics for Scientists
ENVS 201 Introduction to Environmental and Planning Law
Year 2B (Spring)
CHEM 129 Introductory Spectroscopy (via DE)
CHEM 228/228L*** Analytical Chemistry for Life Sciences/Laboratory
CHEM 233 Fundamentals of Biochemistry
Two Electives† (1.0 unit)
Year 3A (Winter)
BIOL 211 Introductory Vertebrate Zoology
BIOL 457 Analysis of Communities or One Elective† (0.5 unit)**
EARTH 358 Environmental Geology for Earth Scientists
CIVE 375 Water Quality Engineering
One Elective† (0.5 unit)
Year 3B (Fall)
BIOL 354 Environmental Toxicology 1
BIOL 456 Population Biology or One Elective (0.5 unit)**
EARTH 342 Applied Geomorphology
CHEM 404 Chemistry of Aquatic Systems
or Elective† (0.5 unit)*
One Elective† (0.5 unit)
Year 4A (Fall)
Five Electives† (2.5 units)
Year 4B (Winter)
CHEM 357 Physical Biochemistry
or Elective† (0.5 unit)*
Four Electives† (2.0 units)
*One of CHEM 357 or 404 must be completed.
**One of BIOL 456 or 457 must be completed.
***Students can choose CHEM 220/220L in 3B instead of CHEM 228/228L in 2B.
Electives must be chosen in consultation with the Academic Plan Advisor.
†These electives must include: 0.5 units of 200-level or above Science units, and 1.5 units of 300- or 400-level Science units, other than "SCI"-labelled units.