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Departmental Honours Academic Plans: Requirements

Computer Science

Software Engineering Option

The Software Engineering Option isavailable only for the Bachelor of Computer Science plan. This optionis offered jointly by the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Scienceand the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Therationale for the plan is described in the "Faculty Options" section of the Engineering chapter. Given that the Option involves twofaculties, it has slightly different realizations in those faculties.Students who complete this option within the Faculty of Mathematics donot qualify for the professional engineering designation. The courserequirements are the same as for the Bachelor of Computer Science(Honours) with the following constraints on upper-year CS courses:

All of

CS 348 Introduction to Database Management

All of

CS 445/ECE 451 Software Requirements Specification and Analysis
CS 446/ECE 452 Software Design and Architectures
CS 447/ECE 453 Software Testing, Quality Assurance and Maintenance

Two of

CS 343 Concurrent and Parallel Programming
CS 349 User Interfaces
CS 444 Compiler Construction
CS 448 Database Systems Implementation
CS 450 Computer Architecture or ECE 429 Computer Structures
CS 452 Real-time Programming
CS 454 Distributed Systems or ECE 454 Distributed and Networking Computing
CS 456 Computer Networks or ECE 428 Computer Communications Networks
CS 457 System Performance Evaluation
CS 486 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence or ECE 457 Applied Artificial Intelligence
CS 488 Introduction to Computer Graphics

The following constraints apply to the non-math and free-choice courses:

Societal Issues

One of

CS 492 The Social Implications of Computing
GENE 411 Engineering Law and Ethics
ME 401 Law for the Professional Engineer
PHIL 215 Professional and Business Ethics
PHIL 315 Ethics and the Engineering Profession
STV 100 Society, Technology and Values: Introduction
STV 202 Design and Society
STV 302 Information Technology and Society
Note: Because CS 492 is a math course, it may only be taken as a replacement for CS 133 or as free-choice course.

Business Issues
One of

BUS 111W Introduction to Business Organization
BUS 121W Functional Areas of the Organization
GENE 452 Technical Entrepreneurship
HRM 200 Basic Human Resources Management
MSCI 211 Organizational Behaviour
MSCI 311 Organizational Design and Technology
MTHEL 400 Entrepreneurship, Technology and the Emerging Information Economy
Note : Courses labelled BUS are offered by Wilfrid Laurier's School of Business and Economics. See "Business-Related Plans."

Reasoning methodology or Communication
May be replaced with an additional course from the societal or business lists.

ENGL 109 Introduction to Academic Writing
ENGL 119 Communications in Mathematics & Computer Science
ENGL 140R The Use of English 1
ENGL 209 Writing Strategies
ENGL 210E Genres of Technical Communication
ENGL 210F Genres of Business Communication
ENGL 219 Contemporary Usage
ENGL 309E/SPCOM 323 Speech Writing
ENGL 376R Applied English Grammar 1
ENGL 392A Information Design
ENGL 392B The Rhetoric of Text and Image
PHIL 145 Critical Thinking
PHIL 200J Intentional Logic
PHIL 243 Creative Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
SPCOM 100 Interpersonal Communication
SPCOM 223 Public Speaking
SPCOM 225 Interviewing
SPCOM 324 Small Group Communication
Note: Non-math courses may have enrolment limits or may not easily fit schedules.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567