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Departmental Honours Academic Plans: Requirements

Combinatorics and Optimization

Operations Research Overview

Operations Research is the field of mathematics that deals with the problems of management in business and government. It involves constructing mathematical models of complex real world situations and then applying sophisticated techniques to these models in order to make optimal, or near optimal, decisions. The three major components of the discipline of Operations Research are Optimization, Statistics, and Computer Science.

The Honours plan in Operations Research combines a solid foundation in mathematics with special sequences of courses in economics, business, and management science. The mathematics portion of the plan includes linear programming, modelling, scheduling, forecasting, decision theory, and computer simulation.

In Canada, employers of Operations Research graduates are found in manufacturing, distribution, and retail companies, mining, transportation, banking, health services, education, and government agencies. Students proceeding to a Master's of Business Administration degree (MBA) find that a degree in mathematics, emphasizing Operations Research, together with relevant work-term experience, is an excellent preparation for a rewarding career.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567