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Faculty of Mathematics

Combination Honours Plans Leading to a Degree in another Faculty: Requirements

Computer Science Minor

A "Computer Science Minor" is available for Honours and four-year General students in other faculties. This minor requires a total of ten courses which must include the following specific courses:

All of

One Algebra course
One Calculus course

One of

CS 123 Developing Programming Principles
CS 125 Introduction to Programming Principles

All of

CS 126 Introduction to Software Development
CS 230 Introduction to Computers and Computer Systems
CS 234 Data Types and Structures

Four of

CS 200 Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage
CS 330 Management Information Systems
CS 338 Computer Applications in Business: Databases
CS 370 Numerical Computation
CS 430 Applications Software Engineering
CS 432 Business Systems Analysis
CS 436 Distributed Computing Systems
CS 437/STAT 340 Computer Simulation of Complex Systems
* CS 200 may only be taken for credit prior to any other second, third, or fourth year CS course.

For the complete set of courses on the student's record that could be used to satisfy any of the course requirements above (a) the average of all passed courses (including repeated courses) must be at least 60% and (b) at most two courses may have failing grades.


  1. The Computer Science Minor designation is not available to students pursuing a Joint Honours with Mathematics.
  2. A student who obtains a Computer Science Minor may not also obtain another minor offered by the Faculty of Mathematics.
  3. Students with extensive programming experience (ICS4M or equivalent) may substitute a third- or fourth-year CS course for CS 123/125.
  4. Non-CS majors are permitted to take a maximum of one Computer Science course per term during Years One and Two and two CS courses per term during Years Three and Four.
  5. Courses listed above must be taken as specified through the Faculty of Mathematics. Exceptions for students who have transferred from other universities will be considered by the Faculty of Mathematics. Such students should submit written requests, including course descriptions, to the Mathematics Undergraduate Office, MC 4022.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567