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Departmental Honours Academic Plans: Requirements

Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics Overview

Applied Mathematics is motivated mathematics, or mathematics to a purpose. It reflects the belief that there exists a basic order and harmony in the universe which may be described by the logical structures of mathematics. Thus, it is no coincidence that some of the greatest mathematicians of the past were also interested in engineering and physics.

This rich, classical tradition of Applied Mathematics is typified by the ongoing work in Theoretical and Fluid Mechanics, General Relativity, and Quantum Theory, at the interface among Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, and Engineering, and covering such diverse areas as the study of supersonic flow, the behaviour of ocean waves, the structure of space-time and cosmology, and the fundamental symmetry properties of the world of atoms and molecules. In addition, newer areas, such as Control Theory and Signal/Image Processing, analyze processes ranging from optimal control of a space vehicle to the coding, compression and transmission of signals and images. As scientists find out more and more about the mechanisms that make the world "tick," we also find that more, often new, mathematics is necessary to systematize, digest, and take advantage of this wealth of knowledge in all scientific areas. This need is often reflected in a keen interest among applied mathematicians in ordinary and partial differential equations and their discretizations.

In their first two years, all Applied Mathematics students take the same core courses as are taken by other Mathematics students, in order to acquire a sound mathematical background. At the same time, since the application of analytical reasoning to a wide variety of problems is the essence of Applied Mathematics, there is room for courses in scientific disciplines which are heavy users of mathematics, such as Physics or Engineering. In the upper years, the focus is on courses more specifically related to their chosen area of specialization. It is our experience that Applied Mathematics graduates find their career opportunities to be excellent and varied.

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University of Waterloo
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200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567