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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Mathematics

Recognition of Excellence

Recognition of Excellence

Alumni Gold Medal

An alumni Gold Medal is presented annually, usually at Spring Convocation, to recognize the academic excellence of the Math Faculty's most outstanding undergraduate student.

K.D. Fryer Gold Medal

The K.D. Fryer Gold Medal is presented annually, at Fall Convocation, to a graduating Math student who best exemplifies academic excellence and good student citizenship.

Graduating "With Distinction - Dean's Honours List"

In recognition of outstanding academic records throughout their undergraduate careers, all students who graduate with a BCS or BMath Honours degree, and have a cumulative average (CAV) of at least 87%, and do not have any INC, IP, or UR grades are eligible to graduate "With Distinction - Dean's Honours List." In addition to having this notation appear on their official University transcripts and diplomas, such students have their names displayed in gold in the Math Faculty Colloquium Room (MC 5158).

Graduating "With Distinction"

In recognition of distinguished academic achievement throughout their undergraduate careers, all students who graduate with a BCS or BMath degree, either four-year Honours or three-year General, and a cumulative average (CAV) of at least 80%, and do not have any INC, IP, or UR grades are eligible to graduate "With Distinction." This notation appears on official University transcripts and diplomas.

Term Dean's Honours List

In recognition of outstanding academic achievement in an academic term, the designation "Term Dean's Honours List" is awarded to undergraduate Math students who satisfy all of the following criteria for the term:

  • registered in an Honours plan with a term average (TAV) of at least 87%, normally this average must be based on numeric or letter grades in at least 2.5 units;
  • no excluded courses;
  • no INC, IP, or UR grades.

J. Alan George Award

The J. Alan George Award is presented annually, at the Math Graduation Ball, to a graduating Math student who best exemplifies student leadership and dedicated involvement in student affairs on campus for the benefit of Math students.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567