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Faculty of Mathematics

Faculty Members

Combinatorics and Optimization

Professor, Department Chair
W.H. Cunningham, BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo), University Research Chair

Assistant Professor, Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
J. Könemann, MS (Saarbrucken), PhD (Carnegie Mellon )

Professor, Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
C.D. Godsil, BSc, MSc, PhD (Melbourne), Faculty of Mathematics Faculty Fellow

Professor, NSERC/Pitney Bowes Industrial Research Chair in Cryptography
S.A. Vanstone,1 BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo), FRSC, J

Professor, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Combinatorics & Optimization
N. Wormald, BSc (Australian National University), PhD (University of Newcastle)

Associate Professor, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Combinatorial Optimization
J.F. Geelen, BSc (Curtain), PhD (Waterloo), PREA

Associate Professor, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Quantum Computation
M. Mosca,1, 3 BMath (Waterloo), MSc, DPhil (Oxford), J, PREA

Assistant Professor, Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Quantum Communication
D. Leung, BSc (California Institute of Technology), Ph.D. (Stanford)

Distinguished Professors Emeritii
R.C. Mullin, BA (Western Ontario), MA, PhD (Waterloo), Dr. rer. nat. h.c. (Universitat Rostock)*

M.J. Best, BMath, MMath (Waterloo), MSc, PhD (California, Berkeley)
J. Cheriyan, BTech, MTech, PhD (IIT, Kanpur)
R.E.Cleve,2 BMath, MMath (Waterloo), PhD (Toronto)
T.F. Coleman, BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo)
I.P. Goulden, BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo), Faculty of Mathematics Faculty Fellow
P. Haxell, BMath (Waterloo), PhD (Cambridge), PREA
D.M. Jackson, BA, MA, PhD (Cambridge), FRSC
R. Laflamme,3 BSc (Laval), PhD (Cambridge)
A.J. Menezes,1 BMath, MMath, PhD (Waterloo), Faculty of Mathematics Faculty Fellow
L.B. Richmond, BSc, MSc (Manitoba), PhD (Alberta)
R.B. Richter, BSc (McGill), MMath, PhD (Waterloo)
P.J. Schellenberg, BSc, MA, PhD (Waterloo)
D.R. Stinson,2 BMath (Waterloo), MSc (Ohio), PhD (Waterloo), University Research Chair
L. Tunçel, BSc (Dokuz Eylul), MSc (Middle East Tech. U.), MSc, PhD (Cornell), Faculty of Mathematics Faculty Fellow
S. Vavasis, AB (Princeton), Certificate of Advanced Study (Cambridge), PhD (Stanford), University Research Chair
D.G. Wagner, BSc (Simon Fraser), PhD (MIT)
H. Wolkowicz, BSc, MSc, PhD (McGill)

Associate Professors
S.C. Furino, BA, MMath, PhD (Waterloo), J
B. Guenin, Dipl. Comp. Sci. (EPF, Lausanne), MSc, PhD (Carnegie Mellon), PREA
E. Teske, Diplom-Mathematikerin (Technische Universitat Berlin), Dr. rer. nat. (Technische Universitat Darmstadt), PREA

Assistant Professors
A. Ambainis, BSc, MSc, PhD (California, Berkeley)
D. Jao, SB Math (M.I.T.), PhD (Harvard)
J. Könemann, MS (Saarbrucken), PhD (Carnegie Mellon )
A. Nayak, BTech (IIT, Kanpur), PhD (California, Berkeley)
R. Shioda, BSc, MSc, PhD (MIT)
C. Swamy, BTech (IIT, Delhi), MS, PhD (Cornell)
J. Verstraëte, BSc, MSc (Natal), MPhil, PhD (Cambridge)

Adjunct Professors
G. Cornuéjols, PhD (Cornell)
J. Gottesman, BA (Harvard), Ph.D (Caltech)
N. Koblitz, BA (Harvard), PhD (Princeton)
Y.E. Nesterov, MMath (Moscow State U. ), PhD (Inst. Control Sci., Moscow)
D.H. Younger, AB, BS, MS, PhD (Columbia) (retired)

Adjunct Associate Professors
U.S.R. Murty, BA (Andhra), MA (Osmania), PhD (Indian Statistical Institute) (retired)

Faculty members of Combinatorics and Optimization holding cross appointments to:
1 School of Computer Science

Faculty members holding cross/joint appointments to Combinatorics and Optimization from:
2 School of Computer Science
3 Physics

"J" refers to Faculty members at St. Jerome's University
PREA - Premier's Research Excellence Award

*Also has Adjunct appointment

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