Advanced Placement
The University of Waterloo accepts Advanced Placement (AP) courses as the equivalent of Ontario Grade 12 U courses. Although it is recognized that AP courses provide excellent preparation for university level studies, the curriculum often differs significantly from that of year one university courses. Consequently, in the best interest of preparing students for advanced level university studies, transfer credit is not awarded for AP courses in most programs. For specific transfer credit information refer to
"British" System of Education
General Certificate of Secondary Education or equivalent with passes in at least five subjects, two of which must be at the Advanced Level. Applicants admitted to Faculty of Arts or Faculty of Environmental Studies programs will be given consideration for transfer credit for Advanced Level courses in which a minimum final grade of “ B ” is attained.
International Baccalaureate
The University of Waterloo accepts the International Baccalaureate (I.B.) Diploma as a basis of admission to first-year undergraduate studies. An overall grade total of 28, excluding Diploma points, is the minimum required for consideration. More competitive programs generally require higher minimum grade totals. Subjects which are prerequisites for admission to specific programs should be at the Higher Level wherever possible. Where there are more than three prerequisite subjects, Standard Level courses will be accepted. For Engineering and Science, Higher Level Mathematics is strongly recommended. For Engineering and Software Engineering, Higher Level Physics is also recommended. For Mathematics and Software Engineering, Higher Level Mathematics is required. In Architecture, Arts, and Environmental Studies, a minimum grade of 5 must be attained in either a Standard or Higher Level English.
Applicants who have completed the full I.B. Diploma program and who are admitted to the Faculties of Arts or Environmental Studies will be considered for transfer credit for Higher Level courses in which a minimum grade of 5 is attained. In addition, transfer credit will be considered if both the Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay are completed with a minimum grade of B (Good). For specific transfer credit information refer to