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General Information

Research with Human Participants

Research with Human Participants

The University of Waterloo requires that all research conducted by its students, staff, and faculty involving humans as participants undergo prior ethics review and clearance through the Director, or Manager, Office of Research Ethics (ORE). The ethics review and clearance process is intended to ensure that projects comply with the University of Waterloo's Guidelines for Research with Human Participants (, the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (, as well as guidelines of provincial and federal agencies, and that the safety, rights, and welfare of participants are adequately protected. The Guidelines inform researchers about ethical issues and procedures that are of concern when conducting research with humans (e.g., confidentiality, recruitment, risks, and benefits, informed consent process etc.).

The Director and Manager, in association with the Human Research Ethics Committee, develop and distribute educational materials, procedural information, and sample documents related to research with human participants, and provide consultation, assistance, and support to researchers at all stages of the application and review process. The Director liaises with government agencies on matters pertaining to research with humans. The Manager coordinates University research within local elementary and secondary schools and coordinates ongoing monitoring of human research projects with ethics clearance. Additional details about the application and review procedures can be obtained by contacting Dr. Susan Sykes, Director, Research Ethics and Grants, Susanne Santi, Manager Office of Research Ethics, or from the Office of Research Ethics website at

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567