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Arts Departmental Academic Plans

Church Music and Worship

Church Music and Worship - Overview

Church Music and Worship is an interdisciplinary plan of study which may be taken in conjunction with many existing plans in Arts and other faculties. The academic plan is designed to prepare students with the theoretical and practical background for the consideration of questions related to the function of music in a worship setting. It provides a course of study for those who have special interest in working in the area of music in worship.

Minor in Church Music and Worship

Students enrolled in Honours or Four-Year General Major academic plans in Arts, or in Honours plans in other faculties, may elect to pursue a Minor in Church Music and Worship.

Option in Church Music and Worship

The Option in Church Music and Worship is open to students enrolled in Three-Year General (Major or Liberal Studies) and Four-Year General Liberal Studies academic plans in Arts.

Diploma in Church Music and Worship

The Diploma in Church Music and Worship is open to students enrolled in non-degree or post-degree studies.


Requirements are identical for both the Minor and Option. Students must complete five academic course units (ten courses) from those listed below with a minimum cumulative average of 65%. Courses should be chosen in consultation with the Plan Director in the Department of Music, Conrad Grebel University College.

  1. Required courses:
    • CMW 363/MUSIC 363/RS 384 Christian Hymnody
    • CMW 364/MUSIC 364/RS 385 Worship and Music
    • RS 230/HIST 235 History of Christianity
    • one of:
      MUSIC 253 Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600
      MUSIC 254 Monteverdi to Mozart: Music from 1600-1800
    • one of:
      RS 206 Jesus: Life and Legacy
      RS 209 Paul: Life and Letters
  2. Elective courses:
    • two of the following courses, one from each of two of the three groups:
      RS 100E Biblical Studies 1
      RS 206 Jesus: Life and Legacy (if not chosen above)
      RS 209 Paul: Life and Letters (if not chosen above)
      RS 309 Unity and Diversity in the New Testament
      HIST 379 Reformation History
      RS 235 The Anglican Tradition
      RS 322/HIST 348 The Radical Reformation
      RS 331 Vatican II: Assessments and Perspectives
      RS 100H Roman Catholicism
      RS 100K Introduction to Theology
      RS 231 History of Christian Thought
      RS 296A Spirit in Motion: Secular and Religious Spiritualities Today 1
      RS 296B Spirit in Motion: Secular and Religious Spiritualities Today 2
    • three of the following (not already selected above):
      CMW 201 and 202 (two terms of Worship Practicum)
      MUSIC 116 and 117 (two terms of Chapel Choir)
      MUSIC 222 Conducting 1
      MUSIC 231 Psychology of Music
      MUSIC 245 World Music
      MUSIC 253 Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600 (if not chosen above)
      MUSIC 254 Monteverdi to Mozart: Music 1600-1800 (if not chosen above)
      MUSIC 322 Conducting 2
      MUSIC 334 Women, Music and Gender
      MUSIC 355 Music and Culture Travel Course
      MUSIC 376 Composition
      Note: Other elective courses may be approved by the Director.


  1. Students should note that no more than 2.5 academic course units (five courses) can be double-counted with their major.
  2. Courses should be chosen in consultation with the Director of the plan.
  3. No one course may fulfil more than one requirement within the Church Music and Worship plan.

Further Information

For further information, please go to the Church Music and Worship website: or email:

For further information on Music programs, go to: music.html or the Music Department website:

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567