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The Undergraduate Calendar



Academic Plans - Non-Departmental

Important Information

Scientific Computing Option

Advisor - Associate Dean of Science for Undergraduate Studies

The Scientific Computing Option is available in any Honours Academic Plan. The Option requires the passing of seven courses (3.5 units) with an average of at least 60% in those courses. The Option is made up of a core (three courses) to provide the fundamentals of computing and a choice amongst a number of other courses (four more) to provide emphasis for either numerical methods (N) or information and data handling (D). It is not necessary to choose all four optional courses from only the N or the D category. The required courses (Note 1) are:

All of

CS 123 Developing Programming Principles
CS 126 Introduction to Software Development
CS 200 Concepts for Advanced Computer Usage

Four of

PHYS 139 (N) Scientific Computer Programming
or BIOL 461 (D) Advanced Biostatistics
CS 330 (D)Management Information Systems
CS 370 (D) Numerical Computation
PHYS 339 (N) Scientific Computation 2
CS 472 (N) Numerical Linear Algebra
CS 476 (N) Numeric Computation for Financial Modelling
EARTH 456 (N) Groundwater Modelling
GEOG 255 (D) Data Management and Analysis using Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 355 (D) Spatial Data and Spatial Data Bases
ENVE 573 (N) Contaminant Transport
Other courses as these become available (Note 2)


  1. It may be necessary to pass CS 100 before taking any other courses but this course does not count as a credit towards the Scientific Computing Option. Other courses, such as PHYS 339, may require other prerequisites but these do not count towards the Option.
  2. Substitutions and/or additions to this list will be made: check with the Associate Dean of Science, Undergraduate Studies, for the current list. (For example, new courses in Bioinformatics (D) and Enviroinformatics (D) would fall into this category.)

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567