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The Undergraduate Calendar



Faculty of Science

Examinations and Standings

Appeals, Petitions, and Re-Assessment

An appeal may be initiated by a student who believes that an error in academic judgement or procedure has occurred. Belief that an examination included material outside the proper content of the course, or that the instructor refused to accept receipt of legitimate medical evidence are examples of grounds for appeal.

A petition is appropriate if a student seeks relief from normal University or Faculty rules and regulations for reasons beyond his or her control, e.g., illness or bereavement prevented completion of a course. Petitions must be presented within six months after the end of the term in which the event or events which led to the submission of the petition took place.

A re-assessment of an examination may be requested by a student who is convinced that the mark assessed is unreasonable.

Whenever possible, an informal approach to the person whose judgement is being questioned should precede a formal appeal, or request for a re-assessment. Properly documented reasons must be provided for all petitions, formal appeals, or requests for a re-assessment. Mere dislike of a low mark is not a sufficient reason to request a re-assessment.

Please refer to Student Grievance Policy (UW Policy #70) for more details. Appeal/Petition forms are available at

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567