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The Undergraduate Calendar



About the Faculty of Arts

Class Enrolment

Course Load
  1. Full-time students in the Faculty of Arts will normally carry a maximum five-course load (2.5 units) in a term. Students are reminded that course weights can vary. See "Unit Weights" in the Faculty of Arts section of the Calendar.
  2. Exceptions are allowed for students in Joint Honours plans and Honours plans where six courses (3.0 units) per term may be required.
  3. Students in plans other than Joint Honours or Honours as indicated above may take six courses (3.0 units) by permission of their undergraduate advisor provided that they have an overall average, based on a minimum of ten courses (5.0 units) from the Faculty of Arts, of 75% or better. Students with less than 75% require the permission of the Examinations and Standings Committee before enrolling in the sixth course.
  4. Students in the Faculty of Arts who wish to enrol in courses in other faculties are expected to balance Arts and non-Arts courses, choosing a minimum of 50% of each term's course load in Arts disciplines.
  5. In the spring term and sessions the combined total course load shall not exceed the normal course load permitted in one term.
  6. Exceptions to these regulations may be sought by petition to the Arts Examinations and Standings Committee.
  7. Co-op students require permission of their undergraduate advisor to enrol in more than one course (0.5 unit) while on a work term.

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
2nd Floor, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567