Needles Hall, second floor, room 2201
The program information below was valid for the winter 2023 term (January 1, 2023 - April 30, 2023). This is the archived version; the most up-to-date program information is available through the current Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
The Graduate Studies Academic Calendar is updated 3 times per year, at the start of each academic term (January 1, May 1, September 1). Graduate Studies Academic Calendars from previous terms can be found in the archives.
Students are responsible for reviewing the general information and regulations section of the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
Admit term(s)
- Fall
- Winter
Delivery mode
- On-campus
Length of program
- Normally, the formal requirements of the program are to be completed in two years.
Program type
- Collaborative
- Master's
- Research
Registration option(s)
- Full-time
- Part-time
Registration option(s) information
- This program will not normally be offered on a part-time basis. In exceptional circumstances, students may assume part-time status after their formal course work has been completed.
- Study option(s)
Minimum requirements
- Students must normally hold an Honours Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. Students with an Honours Bachelor of Environmental Science (BES) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Physical Geography, Environmental or Earth Science, Geomatics, or the equivalent, will also be considered. Students must demonstrate that they have the necessary science background to pursue graduate work in their field of specialization. Students will have completed the undergraduate degree with an overall average of at least 75%.
Application materials
- Résumé
- Supplementary information form
- Transcript(s)
- Number of references: 3
Type of references:
at least 2 academic
- English language proficiency (ELP) (if applicable)
- Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)
- Students must successfully complete the following 4 graduate level courses (0.50 unit weight per course):
- GEOG 700 Professional Skills Development for Masters Students
- Aeronautics core courses:
- AVIA 601 Interdisciplinary Aeronautics
- AVIA 602 Interdisciplinary Aeronautics Project
- Any other GEOG course that complements the student’s graduate research field. Students may elect to take a non-GEOG elective course with approval of the Graduate Officer.
- Failure to obtain a final grade of at least 70% in each course will result in an automatic review of the student’s status in the program, which may require that the student withdraw from the program.
- The coursework part of the program is designed to develop advanced understanding of issues relating to environmental science and geomatics, and also to provide students with training in additional methods/skills for their thesis research and its defence. Students will normally complete the 4 one‐term courses during their first year.
- This degree is offered through the Collaborative Aeronautics Program. This program, jointly offered by a range of departments/schools across several academic faculties, promotes the development of interdisciplinary perspectives on aeronautics. Collaborative Aeronautics Program students complete their specialist training in their respective home departments/schools, while working with colleagues from a variety of other departments/schools in core interdisciplinary courses (AVIA 601 and AVIA 602).
- Students must successfully complete the following 4 graduate level courses (0.50 unit weight per course):
- Link(s) to courses
- Master’s Thesis Proposal
- During the first year, students develop a thesis proposal applicable to Geography and Aeronautics that will be approved by their supervisor and committee, normally before the end of the first year.
- Master’s Thesis
- Upon approval of the thesis proposal, students will then proceed to the research and writing of the thesis applicable to Geography and Aeronautics. Normally, students should complete and defend the thesis within two years of starting the program.
Other requirements
- Fieldwork: many students will engage in fieldwork as part of their research. Several courses provide experience and training, to complement what most students will have obtained in their undergraduate degrees. Individual faculty also provide specialized training before and during fieldwork activity. Fieldwork is subject to environmental and other impact assessment through NSERC funding reviews, as well as research permit applications in many jurisdictions where students work, e.g., in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, or Nunavut.