Research Practicum in Social Psychology II

Psychology (PSYCH)
Catalog number: 
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Grading basis: 
Department Consent Required
Research in social psychology comprises a wide array of methods, analyses, and approaches. Researchers able to effectively use this diverse toolkit are better positioned to solve important problems in social psychology. The goal of this practicum is to provide students with novel experiences conducting research in social psychology or a complementary interdisciplinary area to their research. To this end, contingent on the availability of appropriate opportunities, students will work in a laboratory outside that of their primary research advisor on an independent research project relevant to their research in social psychology. The practicum setting is to be proposed by the student to the faculty head of the social area and the time spent in this setting should be a minimum of 50 hours per term (approximately 1 morning or afternoon a week). This proposal should outline the planned location for the practicum, a primary contact, and the nature of practicum and its relation to the student¿s academic goals, and the proposed time. The plans for evaluation will be determined, on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the student¿s advisor and the head of the area. Via this practicum, students will gain experience applying new methods and approaches in social psychology, learn new research and analytical skills, and expand their professional networks. This practicum does not count towards the breadth requirement for students in Social. Students can enroll only after completing PSYCH 829A (Research Practicum in Social Psychology I).
Topic titles: 
Arts (ART)
Academic level: 
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