Physics (PHYS)
Catalog number: 
Unit weight: 
Meet type: 
Grading basis: 
Instructor Consent Required
Topic titles: 
1 Geometrical Methods
2 Strong Laser Field Physics
3 Optics of the Eye
4 Quantum Error Correction
5 Renorm Group & Disordered Syst
6 Advanced String Theory
7 Intro to Quantum Gravity
8 Non-Abelian Gauge Theories
9 Molecular Ion. in Laser Fields
10 X-Ray Diffraction
11 Interpretation Quantum Theory
12 MRI in Wood Physics
13 Squid Fabrication
14 Spectroscopic Techniques
15 Open Quantum Systems
16 Theoretical Physics
17 Superconducting Devices
18 Intermolecular Forces
19 Topics in Quantum Information
20 Intense Field Physics
21 Recent Adv Opt Instrumentation
22 Xprmnt Techs Lw-Enrg Nclr Phys
23 Prb-Time in Qtm Grvty & Csmlgy
24 Acoustics
25 Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
26 NMR Quantum Info. Processing
27 Opt Design & Opt in Zemax
28 Nanoelectronics for QC
29 Molecular Imaging etc.
30 Modern Optics
31 Topics in Quantum Field Theory
32 Error Correction Coding
33 Intro to Supersymmetry
34 Stars & Galaxies
35 Membrane Biophysics
36 Mttr & Methods @ Low Temp
37 QFT for Cosmology
38 Mechanics of the Cell
39 Statistical Physics of Fields
40 Meth. Computational Physics
41 Mod Exp Qntm Opt Atm Ensmb
42 Adv Membrane Biophysics Rdg
43 Nanostructures, Laser Pulses
44 Neutron Scattering Principles
45 Physics of Quantum Dot Devices
46 Modelling Galaxies in context
47 Nanofabrication
48 Biophys Mitochndrl Bioenergtcs
49 Machine Learning in Physics
50 AdS/CFT Correspondence
51 Quantum Mechanics
52 General Relativity
53 Geometry & Topology Physics
Science (SCI)
Academic level: 
Course ID: