Course subject: Nuclear Engineering (UN)

For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Nuclear Engineering (UN) 700 Industrial Research Project in Nuclear Engineering (1) RDG

Course ID: 012162
An industry-oriented research project in the field of Engineering Risk and Reliability Analysis. The project will be completed in an industrial laboratory under the supervision of a suitably qualified staff scientist and a university co-supervisor. The topic for the project will be arranged in consultation with the candidate and through negotiation with the candidate's employer. A substantial report on the project and a verbal presentation at the University are required. The industrial research project is equivalent to two half-term courses.

Nuclear Engineering (UN) 701 Engineering Risk and Reliability Analysis (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012163
This course gives a broad treatment of the subject of engineering decision, risk, and reliability. Emphasis is on (1) the modelling of engineering problems and evaluation of system performance under conditions of uncertainty; (2) systematic development of design criteria, explicitly taking into account the significance of uncertainty; and (3) logical framework for risk assessment and risk-benefit tradeoffs in decision making. The necessary mathematical concepts are developed in the context of engineering problems.

Nuclear Engineering (UN) 702 Power Plant Thermodynamics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012253
Theoretcial and practical analysis of the following with particular reference to CANDU plants. Thermodynamic Cycles: Nuclear versus conventional steam cycles, regenerative feedwater heating, moisture separation and reheating, turbine expansion lines, heat balance diagrams, available energy, cycle efficiency and energy analysis. Nuclear Heat Removal: Heat conduction and convection in fuel rods and heat exchanger tubes, heat transfer in boilers and condensers, boiler influence on heat transport system, boiler swelling and shrinking, boiler level control and condenser performance. Steam Turbine Operation: Turbine configuration, impulse and reaction blading, blade velocity diagrams, turbine seals and sealing systems, moisture in turbines, part load operation, back pressure effects, thermal effects and turbine governing.

Nuclear Engineering (UN) 799 Special Topics in Nuclear Engineering (0.50) LAB

Course ID: 012254
The course will cover special topics related to the field of Nuclear Engineering.

Nuclear Engineering (UN) 801 Nuclear Plant Systems and Operations Test (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012296
System and overall unit operations relevant to nuclear power plants with emphasis on CANDU; includes all major reactor and process systems with nuclear plant simulator; self-study using interactive CD ROM. Two to three class one day meetings will be scheduled.

Nuclear Engineering (UN) 802 Reactor Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012297
An introduction to nuclear energy and fission energy systems is presented. The energetics of nuclear reactions, interactions of radiation with matter, radioactivity, design and operating principles of fission are presented. Nuclear reactor physics including chain reactions, reactor statics and kinetics, multigroup analysis, core thermalhydraulics and the impact of these topics on reactor design are covered. Special topics such as xenon dynamics, burnup and reactor flux effects on safety are included.