Course subject: Nanotechnology (NANO)

For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 600 Introduction to Nanotechnology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016317
This introductory course provides the fundamentals of general nanoscience, nano-characterization and nanofabrication. Discussion of (nano)scale dependent structures and properties, as well as basic quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and molecular dynamics, as required for the understanding of nanomaterials; common microscopy techniques, including scanning tunneling, atomic force and electron microscopy; and common nanofabrication techniques, including lithography, thin film technologies, molecular beam epitaxy, focused ion beam milling and solution synthesis.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 601 Characterization of Nanomaterials (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016318
Background knowledge to identify the most suitable characterization techniques for a given material. Learn some of the most commonly used materials characterization techniques for probing a given material's physical properties, such as structure and morphology. Covers basic principles of techniques and illustrates their applications with selected example problems. Modern materials fabrication processes. Microscopy techniques. Structural analysis.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 602 Structure and Spectroscopy of Nanoscale Materials (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016326
Introduction to structure of nanoscale materials (crystal, surface and electronic) from an interdisciplinary perspective. Fundamentals introduced and used to discuss the design and fabrication of electronic devices, more complex surfaces/interfaces and case studies. Covers electronic structure of nanoscale materials, including metals, insulators, semiconductors and conductive polymers, and methodologies and approaches to their spectroscopic study. Interaction of electro-magnetic radiation and quantum-mechanical particles and matter. Methodologies include optical, x-ray and electron spectroscopic/spectro-microscopic methods, including epifluorescence, confocal scanning microscopy, near-field scanning optical microscopy, scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 603 Nanocomposites (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016327
Introduction to nanomaterials and nanocomposites relevant to advanced manufacturing, transportation, energy, environmental and packaging applications. Nanocomposites in nature. Dispersion, mixing of nanoparticles and liquids, percolation theory. Polymer nanocomposite manufacturing approaches and modification of nanoparticles for controlled functionality. Nanostructures and models for mechanical, electrical, thermal and gas diffusion properties in nanocomposites. Biobased nanoparticles and nanocomposite. Nanofibers. Health and safety of nanocomposites. Selected Research Topics and Patents Seminars and Assessments.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 604 Nanomechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016328
Demonstrates how an understanding of atomic-scale interactions can be used to predict the behaviour of matter. Intro to important atomic forces in matter and the concepts of interatomic potentials. Concepts of normal modes, phonons and the quantization of energy in matter covered and related to experimental techniques such as IR and Raman spectroscopy. Examine fundamental thermodynamic quantities of matter, such as specific heat capacity, with emphasis on nanoscale materials. Molecular dynamics techniques, including force calculation methods, boundary conditions, measurements and error checks.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 605 Design of MEMS and NEMS (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014494
Rigorous grounding in the theory and practice of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) design, as well as ways of extending them to Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (NEMS) design. Analytical tools to explore the possibilities of NEMS. Includes methodology to derive and use MEMS and NEMS models as design tools, basic concepts of statics and dynamics needed to construct lumped-mass models, the use of reduced-order models in MEMS/NEMS design, advantages and disadvantages of these techniques versus commercial software (COMSOL, ANSYS, and Coventor), most effective uses and limitations for each modeling approach.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 606 Advanced MicroElectroMechanical Systems: Physics, Design & Fabrication (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012235
Course builds critical understanding in microfabrication, MEMS actuation and sensing mechanisms. Microelectromechanical systems and devices, including microactuators, microsensors, micro-domain forces, microfabrication and their actuation principles. Application domains of MEMS in RF, optics and biosensing. Specific topics include MEMS actuation mechanisms such as electrostatic, electromagnetic, thermal and piezoelectric, and sensing mechanisms such as piezoresistive, capacitive, optical and bio-transducer. Lithography, thinfilm deposition methods and etching techniques will be taught. Course covers practical examples, device architecture, fabrication design rules and fabrication procedures.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 701 Fundamentals of Nanotechnology (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 013600
Students must complete any two of the 0.25 unit weight topics courses listed below. Each topic courses will typically consist of 18 lecture hours per term.

Nanotechnology (NANO) 702 Nanotechnology Tools (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 013601
Students must complete any two of the 0.25 unit weight topic courses listed below. Each topic course will typically consist of 18 lecture hours per term.