Course subject: Digital Experience Innovation (DEI)

For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 612 Working in Teams (0.50) LAB,LEC,RDG,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 014085
This course will cover the three key areas for working in teams: communicating, differing and facilitating. To master the art of managing and participating in high performing, problem-solving teams, team members must be aware of both their own and others' strengths and weaknesses when working in teams. They must also be aware of the dynamics of teams throughout the phases of a problem-solving cycle. Theory on teams and on team development will be introduced, as well as the particulars of working in teams on early-stage innovation projects. The course will then focus on deepening and practicing relevant skills. It will begin with a self-assessment of personal capacities and of the distribution of skills in the team as a whole. Following this, it will focus on deepening skills in a sequence which shadows the phase of the project on which the teams are working. Students will be trained in the skills of reflective listening, problem identification and analysis, supportive listening and facilitation, creative brainstorming and alternatives generation, construction differing and choice, idea development and presentation, and team process evaluation. The format of the course will combine short lecture with experiential skill-building exercises. Coaches assigned to each team will support individual and team learning. Students will be required to enter a "contract" relative to their team role and performance.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 613 Digital Media Solutions 1: Design Principles and Practice (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM

Course ID: 014086
This course combines the creation of an analysis or digital design projects. Students will be provided with a theoretical and critical framework in order to learn how to contextualize digital design within the broader social, cultural, political, economic, and global context. Students will also receive hands on training in design processes, digital tools, as well as the principles of design.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 614 Principles of Marketing (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM

Course ID: 014087
The objectives of this course are to provide the students with a firm understanding of market strategy and the techniques used for marketing in a globalized context. This course aims to instruct students in two primary, fundamental areas of marketing: (1) basic principles of marketing, which includes market segmentation strategies, the use of marketing channels, how to develop promotion and pricing strategies, and how to develop competitive advantage, and (2) how to leverage technology-driven, digital media for achieving marketing goals.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 616 Special Topics 1 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016253
This course addresses special topics related to design, innovation or emerging trends in digital technologies. This course is restricted to students enrolled in the Master of Digital Experience Innovation program.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 623 Digital Media Solutions 2: Project Management (0.50) LAB,LEC,RDG,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 014090
This course will focus on managing production processes and resources for digital media projects, from initial planning and budgeting through the management of milestones, tasks, personnel, technical resources and delivery. Students will receive training in initiating and tracking individual tasks within the overall structure of a project, learning how to adjust for change in project needs and available resources.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 625 Business Innovation and Impact (0.50) LEC,SEM

Course ID: 014092
Changing media have a profound impact on our economy, governance, and community life. Our institutions, our approaches to economic and cultural development, and traditional business models are challenged to adapt to the realities of an information-rich, technology-enabled society. This course will provide a survey of the broad implications of evolving technology through research and case studies focusing o personal, institutional, and political choices.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 626 User Experience (UX) Fundamentals and User Research (UER) (0.50) LAB,SEM

Course ID: 014302
This course will cover the fundamental concepts of User Experience (UX) design and research (UR). It provides students with insights into "real-life" user evaluation and/or design processes, challenges, considerations, tools, teams and models. Students will learn how to design, evaluate, implement, and/or measure engaging user experiences.

Digital Experience Innovation (DEI) 627 Special Topics 2 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016254
This course addresses special topics related to applied innovation or emerging trends in business. This course is restricted to students enrolled in the Master of Digital Experience Innovation program.