For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

French Studies (FR) 600 Research Methods and Professional Communication in French Studies (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012848
This course comprises an introduction to research tools (bibliographies, databases, etc.); an introduction to means of disseminating research (conferences, publications, etc); and a series of workshops devoted to professionalization (scholarship and grant applications, preparation of the academic cv and teaching dossier, professional communication, career options outside of the academia, etc.). This course is compulsory for all MA level students and for PhD students who have not taken a research methods course during their MA studies.

French Studies (FR) 601 Language (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 001253

French Studies (FR) 603 Linguistics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 001254

French Studies (FR) 605 Community Fieldwork in French (0.50) PRA

Course ID: 015284
This graduate practicum in French community work offers advanced experiential learning in an area related to the student¿s professional interest. A student wishing to pursue this possibility must submit to the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, a proposal that outlines the plans for the practicum (e.g., the organizing unit, the on-site supervision, the nature of the community work, the relevance to the French graduate program) and the arrangements for evaluation.

French Studies (FR) 606 Research or Professional Practicum in French (0.50) PRA

Course ID: 001261
This graduate practicum in French offers advanced experiential learning in an area related to the student¿s professional or research interest. A student wishing to pursue this possibility must submit to the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, a proposal that outlines the plans for the practicum (e.g., the organizing unit, the on-site supervisor, the nature of the professional or research work, the relevance to the French graduate program) and the arrangements for evaluation.

French Studies (FR) 687 Topics in North African Literature (0.50) LEC,SEM

Course ID: 001326
In this course we will study literary texts of different genres and writers from the Maghreb region.