The program information below was valid for the winter 2017 term (January 1, 2017 - April 30, 2017). This is the archived version; the most up-to-date program information is available through the current Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
The Graduate Studies Academic Calendar is updated 3 times per year, at the start of each academic term (January 1, May 1, September 1). Graduate Studies Academic Calendars from previous terms can be found in the archives.
Students are responsible for reviewing the general information and regulations section of the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
Fields (areas of research)
- Public Economic Policy
Admit term(s)
- Fall
Delivery mode
- On-campus
Length of program
- The program is designed to be completed within four years.
Program type
- Doctoral
- Research
Registration option(s)
- Full-time
- Study option(s)
Minimum requirements
- Master's degree in Economics.
- Minimum 80%, first class average in Master of Arts (MA) Economics degree.
- A one-page statement of Academic Interest.
- A GRE score is not required but is recommended for all international students applying to the program.
Application materials
- Supplementary information form
- Transcript(s)
- Writing sample
- Number of references: 3
Type of references:
- English language proficiency (ELP) (if applicable)
- Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)
- Students must complete 12 courses (7 required and 5 elective).
- The core courses are as follows:
- ECON 601 Microeconomic Theory I
- ECON 701 Micro II
- ECON 602 Macroeconomic Theory I
- ECON 702 Macro II
- ECON 621 Econometrics I
- ECON 721 Econometrics II
- ECON 722 Applied Microeconometrics II or ECON 723 Applied Macroeconometrics II
- Students are allowed to take 1 elective outside of the Department of Economics, with the approval of the Graduate Advisor. The electives have to be 600, 700, or 800 level graduate courses.
- Link(s) to courses
- Academic Integrity Workshop
- Graduate Skills Workshop
- A two week mathematics/statistics review class offered the last week of August and the first week of September.
- PhD Seminar I
- Completion of the first seminar milestone requires attendance at a minimum of 50% of the Department's seminars offered during the Fall and Winter terms.
- PhD Seminar II
- Students must complete 2 seminar presentations of their own work, 1 in year three and 1 in year four, which will fulfill the requirements for the second seminar milestone.
- PhD Comprehensive Examination I and PhD Comprehensive Examination II
- The comprehensive examinations are a two-part examination process, consisting of written comprehensive examinations and an oral thesis prospectus examination.
- Part 1 - Written Comprehensive Examinations:
- 3 written examinations covering microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory and econometrics. One re-write per topic, to be taken in August of the first year, will be
allowed. No student will be granted a third attempt. - Normally, three Department of Economics members will comprise the Examining Committee.
- Part 2 - Oral Thesis Prospectus Examination:
- An oral examination covering the candidate's thesis prospectus.
- A committee of four people including the student's thesis supervisor, two Department of Economics faculty members, and one internal/external examiner, comprise the Examining Committee.
- When the student has passed both the written and oral comprehensive examinations and completes the required elective courses, the Department will admit the candidate
to the research portion of the Doctoral program. The coursework should be completed by the end of second year, and the oral thesis prospectus examination should be completed by the end of the Winter term of the third year. - PhD Research Paper
- PhD Thesis
- At the conclusion of the thesis research, a final oral examination will be taken. The thesis defence will consist of a public seminar (at which the candidate presents the thesis) and a meeting between the candidate and the appointed Examining Committee.