Directed Readings in Theological Studies

Theological Studies (TS)
Catalog number: 
Unit weight: 
Meet type: 
Grading basis: 
Department Consent Required
The scope, focus and requirements of a reading course are determined by the professor in consultation with the student. Permission for a reading course must be obtained at the time of registration, prior to the term in which the course will be conducted.
Topic titles: 
1 Celebrating the Christian Year
2 Theol of Euch/Lord's Supper
3 Contemporary Christian Thought
4 War & Peace in Christn Thought
5 Jesus and Peace
6 History of Interpretation
7 Widsom Literature
8 Healing: Christian Tradition
9 Contextual Ministry I
10 Sermon Methodology
11 Litratr & Histry of OT:Dvlpmnt
12 Eastern Thght,Dctrn & Theology
13 Trinitarian Thought
14 Spirituality and Suffering
15 Cross/Multi Cultural Ministry
16 Mnstry:Dying&Grieving Persons
17 Spirituality:Hlth Care Setting
18 2nd Samuel
19 Spcl Tpcs:Systematic Theology
20 Spiritual Guidance
21 Gender and War
22 Modern Cont. Theology
23 Biblcl Eschatology/Human Work
24 Theology & Lbrl Arts Education
25 The Ethics of John Paul II
26 Worship & Idolatry in the OT
27 The Aging Process
28 Royal Drama
29 Spirituality in Healthcare
30 The Bible and Suffering
31 Holy Spirit
32 Bonhoeffer
33 Paul
34 Post-Colonial Hermeneutics
35 Sugirtharajah and the Bible
36 Counsl'g in Multifaith Society
37 Theology and Education
38 Formation of Pauline Churches
39 Theology of Culture
40 Addictn: Cnslng & Spirituality
41 Hebrews
42 Church Dogmatics
43 Mysticism East and West
44 Greek II
45 Spiritual Formation
46 Intermediate Biblical Greek
47 Spirituality & Human Dvlpment
48 Healing: Christian Tradition
49 Family of Origins
50 Christian Theologies of Art
51 Trinity and Scripture
52 God, One and Triune
53 Discplshp Mennonite Yth Mnstry
54 Material Theology
55 Couple and Family Dynamics
56 Bcmng Intrcultural Communities
57 Sexuality and Ethics
58 Tchng Mthds for Bible Studies
59 Contextual Ministry III
60 The Drama of Christian Ethics
61 Matthew
62 Early Christian Spiritualit
63 Book of Psalms
64 Canadian Political Theologies
65 Celtic Christianity
66 OT Theme of Mission
67 Strytllrs: Blendng God's Story
68 Bible Theology 19-20th Century
69 Exec Managmnt for Church Leade
70 Marriage and Family Counsellin
71 Human Finitude & Resurrection
72 Reenginrng the Estblshd Church
73 Mennonite History & Thought
74 Anabptist-Menno Hist & Thought
75 Film, Prophecy and Culture
76 Intro to New Testament Greek 1
77 Anbptst-Mennonite Hist & Thght
78 Mennonite Responses to Islam
79 Political Theology
80 Worship Ritual and Ministry
81 Facilitating Bible Study
82 Creation Mat Apclyps in NT pt1
83 Creation Mat Apclyps in NT pt2
84 Ministry and Technology
85 Hebrew Grammar I
86 Hebrew Grammar II
87 Pastoral Counsel Anger Anxiety
88 Pastoral Counsel Dying Grievin
89 Exegesis: Gospel of Luke
90 Gospel of Luke
91 Investigatg Athiesm
92 Spirit Intgrtd Psychothrpy
93 Aboriginal Theology
94 Shattered Lives
95 Living the Beatitudes
96 Play Therapy
97 Difficult Church
98 Scriptural Biography
99 Spirituality of Children
100 Anabaptist Ecclesiology
101 Understanding Suffering
102 Develop. Of Doctrine
103 Idolatry
104 Religion & Culture
105 Feminist Theology
106 Abrahamic Faith
107 Eco-Theology
108 Pre-Practicum
109 16th Cent Reform
110 Early Christianity
111 New Testament Ethics
112 Reformation History
113 Iconography
114 Isaiah
115 Early Modern Religion, part 1
116 Early Modern Religion, part 2
117 Social Justc & Develp - Malawi
118 Suprvs'd Exp In Ministry, pt 3
119 Christian Apocrypha
120 Com. Ministry & Homeless.
121 Traditions - Catholic Epistles
122 Theology of Place - Part 1
123 Land, Bible, and Environment
124 Theology of Place - Part 2
125 Context, Culture, Land & Bible
126 People, Land, Bible
127 Cross-Culture Experience
128 Advocating for Peace
129 Spirit'l & Psych'l Form'tn
130 Theology & WW II
131 Spirit & Christian Life, NT
132 Modern Atheism
133 Intro to Spiritual Care
134 Restorative Justice
135 Works of Thomas Berry
136 Exp. World Religions
137 Formation of Pauline Churches
138 New Testament I
139 Spirit'ly Integrt'd Psych'thpy
140 Gospel of John
141 Spiritual Care - Instit/Commty
142 P-Modern Family Therapy
143 Therapeutic Relationships
144 Exploring Spiritual Care
145 Worship and Global Song
146 Coun/Spirit in Multifaith
147 Decolonizing Institutions
148 A Theology of Disability
149 Reconciliation & Restitution
150 Queer Theology
151 Jesus, Suffering and Hope
152 Individual Theories
153 Theories of Change
154 Palestinian Peace Theologies
155 Hymnody
156 Grief and Hymnody
157 Sex Abuse: Theology of Silence
158 Hebrew Readings: Prophets
159 Church and Sexuality
160 Ancient Christian Women
161 Anabapt'm Spirit'l'm & Piet'm
162 The Works of James K.A. Smith
163 Anabaptism in Brazil
164 Restorative Thl & Peacemaking
165 Discerning the Will of God
166 The Local Church in Mission
167 1st Century Biblical Interp
168 Women in the Classical World
169 Women and the Reformation
170 Theologies - Majority World
171 Atonement
Theology (THL)
Academic level: 
Course ID: