Applied Mathematics (AMATH)
Catalog number: 
Unit weight: 
Meet type: 
Grading basis: 
Instructor Consent Required
Topic titles: 
1 Delay Differential Equations
2 Wavelet and Fractal Analysis
3 Calculus of Variations
4 Impulsive Control&Stabilizat'n
5 Modelling of Smart Materials
6 Computational Fluid Mechanics
7 Quantum Fields in Cosmology
8 Wavelets:Theory & Applications
9 Infinite-Dimensional Systems
10 Robust Control
11 Impulsive DEs with Time Delay
12 Fluid Mechanics
13 Impulsive Control&Applications
14 Bifurcation Theory
15 Dynamical Systems and Imaging
16 Stability of Stochastic System
17 Hybrid Systems with Time Delay
18 Waves in Porous Media
19 Bayesian Mthds - Data Analysis
20 Mathematical Biology
21 Advanced Linear Systems Theory
22 Stochastic Processes
23 Hybrid Dynamical Systems
24 Nonlinear Systems Theory
25 Nonlinear Systems Control
26 Mathematical Imaging
27 Cellular Mathematical Biology
28 Statcl Anlysis-Microarray Data
29 Topics in Spectral Methods
30 Physical Processes in Lakes
31 Mathematical Imaging
32 Finite Element Methods
33 Numrcl Mthds for Hyprbolc PDEs
34 Topics in Continuum Mechanics
35 Intro to Mathematical Oncology
36 Large-scale Ocean Circulation
37 Finite Element Methods
38 Delay Differential Equations
39 Impulsive Delay Systems
40 Foundations of Quantum Theory
41 Numerical Linear Algebra
42 Nonlinear Water Waves
43 Impulsive Dynamical Systems
44 Fractal Analysis, Math Imaging
45 Advanced Numerical PDEs
46 Environmental Fluid Dynamics
47 Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
48 Compressible Fluid Dynamics
49 Computation of Internal Waves
50 Repetitive Control Theory
51 Special Topics in PDEs
52 Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
53 Finite Difference Methods
54 Applied Green's Functions
55 Surface Wave Processes
56 Waves and Sediment Transport
57 Numerical Methods
58 Instability and Turbulance
59 Adv Numerical Linear Algebra
60 Models of Marine Ecosystems
61 Internal Gravity Waves
62 Biomathematics
63 Spectral Methods
64 Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
65 Ocean and Atmosphere Dynamics
66 Image Inpainting
67 Algorithms for Massive Data
68 Intro to Mathematical Biology
69 Survey Course on Quantum Fdn
70 Nonlinear Control Theory
71 Computational Oceanography
72 Impulsive delay systems
73 Solid State Physics
74 Theory of Hyperbolic Diff Eqs
75 Synchronization
76 Electrochemistry of graphene
77 Wave Motion
78 Land use modelling
79 Dynamics of Cancer
80 Hybrid Systems and Control
81 Complex Networks
82 Uncertainty Analysis
83 Fluid Dynamics
84 Numerical Methods for Climate
85 Radiation from Nanostructures
86 Controller Design for DPS
87 Turbulence
88 Space-time DG methods
89 Moist Tropical Dynamics
90 Group Theory for Math Physics
91 Atmospheric Convection
92 Stochastic Simulation
93 Mathematical Neuroscience
94 Dynamical Systems &Bifurcation
95 Quant. Bacterial Physiology
96 Methods for Hyperbolic Systems
97 Mixed finite element methods
98 Convex Optimization & Imaging
99 Math Modeling Techniques & App
100 Computational Nonlinear Cntrl
101 Microhydrodynamics
102 Linear Response Theory
Mathematics (MAT)
Academic level: 
Course ID: