Health Studies (HLTH)
Catalog number: 
Unit weight: 
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Grading basis: 
An in-depth analysis of specific topics of interest. Representative topics may include advanced epidemiological and statistical methods for health research, cancer prevention and control, advanced health program evluation, psychoneuroimmunology, addictions, caregiver issues, etc. The form of the study may include a literature review or the planning and execution of and execution of an independent study leading to a mamor paper for possible publication.
Topic titles: 
1 Caregiver Strain
2 Nutrition and Chronic Disease
3 Health Effects of PM, etc.
4 Advanced Program Evaluation
5 Frontiers of HI Research
6 Exposure Analysis Methods
7 Grp Dynamics&Comm of Practise
8 Advanced Program Evaluation
9 Knowledge Exchange in Pop Hlth
10 Readings in Health Informatics
11 KE and Popn HProm
12 Innovative Health Promotion
13 Radical Interpretive Research
14 Advanced Qualitative Research
15 First Nations Diet and Health
16 Advanced Statistics
17 Poverty and Smoking
18 Nutrition Knowledge Assessment
19 Methods of Survival Analysis
20 Health Policy in Public Health
21 Determinants of Cancer Risk
22 Nutrition & Cancer Risk
23 Env Tox in Public Health
24 Contextual Influence on Health
25 Nutritional Assessment Methods
26 Decision Support Systems
27 Immigrants & Healthcare Access
28 Systems Technology Development
29 Work and Mental Health
30 Overview of Forensic MH
31 Metabolic Syndrome Prevention
32 HIV and First Impressions
33 Forensic Mental Health
34 Ergonomic Interventions
35 Spatial Epidemiology
36 Medical Decision Making
37 Nutrition and Mobile Devices
38 Grant Design and Evaluation
39 Hlth Warnings & Perceived Risk
40 Transitional Models and Aging
41 Leisure, Sleep & BMI in Youth
42 Weight Perceptions of Youth
43 Impact of Menu Labelling
44 SNS and Weight Loss Programs
45 Practices in Patient Costing
46 Gender, Power, Activism in OHS
47 Eval Complex Geriatric Systems
48 Consult'n Methods w/ Seniors
49 Health Equity
50 Health Behaviour Instruments
51 Research in Work and Health
52 Global Tobacco Control
53 InterRAI Assessments Overview
54 Food Safety Policy & Practice
55 Phenomenological Data Analysis
56 Geriatric Assessment
57 Epi & the Peoples' Health
58 Health Measurement & Surveys
59 Enteric Disease Determinants
60 Immigrant Food Behaviour
61 Underlying Causes of Stunting
62 Predicting Youth Tobacco Use
63 Dietary Patterns in Canada
64 Dietary Patterns in Canada
65 Research Seminar
66 Review Methodologies: Diet
67 Rural Public Health Systems
68 Implementation Sci & Knowl Tra
69 Maternal Nutrition
70 Mobile Health Systems
71 Alzheimer's Quality of Life
72 School Bullying Prevention
73 Male & Female Sexual Health
74 Psychoneuroimmunology
75 Games for Mental Health
76 Expl Obesity Epid in Children
77 R Methods Asthma in Children
78 Cannabis Use & Soc Functioning
79 Interdisciplinary PH Seminar
80 Impliment Sci & Knowl Transl
81 Intro to Ethnography
82 Modelling Alcohol Use and BMI
83 Youth Sport and Education
84 Global Health Policy Making
85 Community Organizing FW & Meth
86 Role of Affect in Dec. Making
87 Mental Hlth Qual Indicators
88 Psychological Health & Safety
89 Apps of interRAI Assessments
90 Migration and Health
91 Price Elasticity and Nutrition
92 Food Policy in Canada
93 Food Behaviours in Canada
94 Public Health Hydrology
95 Recreation Food Environments
96 Dietary Disease Determinants
97 Longitudinal AmED in Youth
98 OH&S Regl Systems: Inspectors
99 Sociological Theory in Health
100 Cannabis Use in Canada
101 Canada Pop. Health Data
102 Nutrition Transition
103 Food System in Health
104 Advanced Stats Methods
105 Eval M & QA HLTH informatics
106 HTA Framework and Methodology
107 Tobacco farming & rural nutrit
108 Principles of Neural Science
109 Global Mental Health Screening
110 Observation Oriented Modeling
111 Impact of Vaccination on AMR
112 What is fair? Equity & Health
113 Exposure ASMT w/ Crystal Ball
114 Risk Behaviour Analysis
115 Large Dataset Analysis
116 Indigenous Health
117 Knowledge Translation
118 Neuroplasticity
Health (AHS)
Academic level: 
Course ID: