Directed Readings in International Politics

Political Science (PSCI)
Catalog number: 
Unit weight: 
Meet type: 
Grading basis: 
Department Consent Required
Topic titles: 
1 Canadian Foreign Policy
2 Post-Conflict & Reconstruction
3 Scientific Studies of War
4 Humanitarian Assistance
5 Causes of Interstate War
6 Critical Security Studies
7 Oil Diplomacy
8 Humanitarian Intervention
9 I/R Theory
10 Govrning Glbl Food & Agricltr
11 Middle East Political Economy
12 Interntnl Business & Dvlopmnt
13 International Relations Theory
14 Integration in Latin America
15 Democracy in Asia
16 Canada - East Asia
17 Human Security
18 Democratization and Liberaliza
19 State Crime
20 Interntnl Globl Politicl Ecnmy
21 Managing of Global Prosperity
22 Development and Ethics
23 Modern Mid East History
24 Rdgs in Modern Iranian Hist
25 Internationl Business & Ethics
26 Politcl Dvlpmnt in South Asia
27 Foreign Invlvmnt Afghanistan
28 Civil Society Afghanistan
29 International Peace & Conflict
30 Crime and Politics
31 Environmental Politics in Taiw
32 Modern Middle East History
33 Political Economy of Pakistan
34 Green Global Governance
35 Green politics and globl govce
36 Pakistan's Democratization
37 Post-War Justice & Security
38 Civil Sec. & Counter-terrorism
39 Russian Foreign Policy
40 Global Poverty
41 IPE of Finance
42 Interntnl Business & Dvlopment
43 Global Democracy
44 Innovation Theory and the U.S
45 Governing Complex Systems
46 Foreign Policy Analysis
47 Causes of War and Peace
48 Globalization: An Introduction
49 Nat Persp on Global Governance
50 Issues in Confl & Security
51 Non-State Actors-Glob Govern
52 Global Health Policy
53 Social Innovation
54 Morality and War
55 Politics in the former USSR
56 Govt, Policy & Social Innov
57 Rights, Privacy & Surveillance
58 Cluster Development Theories
59 Democratization in Middle East
60 Arctic Governance
61 Pol Phil of Austrian Economics
62 Understanding Terrorism
63 Japan in International Society
64 European Union Foreign Policy
65 Culture and Conflict
66 Nigerians in China
67 Conceptions-Emerging Economies
68 Arctic Strategies
69 Politics of Authoritarianism
70 U.S Muslim Political Activism
71 Chinese Political Economy
72 Issues in the 2018 US Election
Arts (ART)
Academic level: 
Course ID: