For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Planning (PLAN) 601 Planning Tribunals (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002238
The course focuses on contemporary planning problems before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Student analyze and synthesize the various planning perspectives involved in real OMB cases. Students explore the challenges associated with presenting a case, or appearing as a witness before the Board through lectures, observation and participation I a moot OMB hearing. (Note: Estimated additional cost for document preparation will not exceed $100). Prereq: Level at least 4A Planning students.

Planning (PLAN) 602 Land Development Planning (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011469
An examination of planning issues related to the design, economics and financing of private land and building construction projects including residential high-rise condominium, low-rise residential subdivision, infill, intensification and brownfield redevelopment and industrial/commerial land development. The course focuses on developer decision-making, analysis of risk, sources of financing, planning, environmental and engineering aspects of land development. This course may include a field component. (Note: If a field trip occurs, the cost will not exceed $50.)

Planning (PLAN) 611 Industrial Location Theory and Concepts (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001839
Examination of industrial location theory, and themes concerning the role of manufacturing in the space-economy. Factors of location will be considered as will the way that manufacturing has led to spatial disparity on international, regional and local levels.

Planning (PLAN) 613 Innovation and Economic Development in Cities and Regions (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001841
This course offers a critical examination of the innovation, knowledge creation and circulation, and governance processes that underpin contemporary economic development in cities and regions. Strategies, policies and programs that are intended to support and promote innovation and economic development in urban and regional economies are analyzed.

Planning (PLAN) 614 Issues in Housing (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002242
An examination of social planning and policy issues associated with Canada's housing system, considering the roles of various levels of government and the private sector in developing socially sustainable, affordable housing. The course considers the housing needs of various social and demographic groups. We use case study methods to examine the redevelopment of social housing. Issues of social mix, live-work, housing need and homelessness, and ways housing can create community are considered. This course normally includes a fee component. (Field trip will not exceed $60.)

Planning (PLAN) 615 Community Economic Development (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001842
Community Economic Development is a field of theory, process and practice that is concerned with understanding the forces shaping communities and finding sustainable local solutions to economic needs. This seminar course will examine topics such as capacity-building, asset-based strategies, social capital, poverty-alleviation, social enterprises and co-operatives, and comprehensive community initiatives, using international and local examples and case studies.

Planning (PLAN) 616 Multivariate Statistics (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001360
Theory and application of multivariate statistics, regression and correlation analysis, factor analysis, discriminant analysis and grouping analysis, with emphasis on the use of the computer. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 618 Spatial Analysis (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001362
Presentation of analytical and simulation models useful in analyzing geographic phenomena such as spatial interaction, spatial dependence, spatial equilibria and locational optimization; consideration is given to both theoretical and empirical components. *eligible for MES

Planning (PLAN) 619 Analytical Tools for Economic Development (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 002245
The course provides an overview and hands-on application of the quantitative analytical methods regularly used by professionals in economic development and related fields. Emerging analytical tools and techniques are explored.

Planning (PLAN) 621 Metropolitan Form and Structure in Canada (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 010621
A seminar on selected topics of particular relevance to understanding and planning for contemporary processes of metropolitan change in Canada. Major topics represent an interrelated set of exogenous forces, (globalization, economic restructuring, technological innovation and immigration and demographic shift), and endogenous structural responses, (central city decline, revitalization, dispersed styles of suburban development and new urbanist and ecologically sustainable styles of planned intervention).

Planning (PLAN) 622 Contemporary Urban Planning and Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011472
The distinct circumstances of the central business district, the inner city, the inner suburb and the outer suburb are explored in the context of political and economic factors that influence urban planning processes and outcomes. Urban governance, land market dynamics, and urban planning instruments are discussed.

Planning (PLAN) 623 Social Concepts in Planning (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002247
An advanced examination of planners in their environment considering the relationship between social and land use planning. The course will examine a set of social concepts which may include: safety, gentrification, neighbourhood revitalization, social mix, community, displacement, participation, social capital, social sustainability, accessibility, public space, urban sprawl and social cohesion.

Planning (PLAN) 625 Methods of Social Investigation for Planners (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002249
Selected research approaches and methods used in planning research and practice including, for example, survey research, field research, participatory research; methods using existing data; needs assessment research. The purposes of social inquiry, the development of theories, the use of research in policy-making, and the ethical issues associated with social research provide the context for discussing the details of research methods. A course for those with some research skills and wishing to pursue planning-related methods.

Planning (PLAN) 627 Climate Change and Community Planning (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015718
Climate change has complex implications for communities across Canada and Planners are at the forefront of developing and implementing strategies to both reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and build resilience to current and future climate. This course focuses on some of the opportunities and challenges associated with the integration of climate change into urban and rural planning, including climate vulnerability of urban systems, low-carbon transport systems, urban greening and green infrastructure for climate resilience, regenerative designs that reduce social vulnerability, the role of information and communication technologies for system efficiency and resilience, and assessing synergies and conflicts between mitigation and adaptation. Leading policy and design cases from communities across Canada and internationally will be examined.

Planning (PLAN) 630 Planning Law (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002251
A seminar in Planning Law using the case study approach. Although the emphasis is primarily on the law in Ontario, reference is made to planning law in other provinces for purposes of comparison. Planning issues dealt with by the Ontario Municipal Board are used to illustrate the power to regulate the use of land, the law relating to citizen participation, problems of non-conforming uses, and the maintenance of environmental quality in neighbourhoods and communities. Some general familiarity with law is desirable, but not essential. Estimated additional cost to student: $40.00

Planning (PLAN) 639 Health, Environment and Planning (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM

Course ID: 011476
This course examines the relationship between the environment (built/physical, economic, social, political and natural aspects) and population health. It focuses on conceptual and empirical links among current environment-health issues such as air quality, active transportation, injury prevention, climate change, and mental well-being. Emphasis is placed on the role of urban planners in collaboration with allied professionals (e.g., public health, engineering, law enforcement, architecture) in creating and maintaining healthy built environments to improve population health with a focus on key health issues. The importance of multi-sectoral collaboration, healthy public policy and effective tools for assessing healthy communities will be illustrated using case studies. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 641 Heritage Planning Workshop (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011485
The role of cultural heritage in the community context is examined. Varying forms of heritage preservation, its function and organization are covered. This course may include a field component. (If a field trip occurs, the cost will not exceed $25.)

Planning (PLAN) 646 Site Planning and Design Studio (0.50) STU

Course ID: 011486
A design studio that focuses on design planning for individual sites and small scale developments. Projects integrate critical features: terrain, natural and cultural context, microclimate, infrastructure, and adjacent land uses. Studio seminars, consultation and critiques explore theory and practice in observation, awareness, comprehension, and idea development. (Note: Studio fee of $15 may be charged.)

Planning (PLAN) 647 Community Design Studio (0.50) STU

Course ID: 011487
A design studio on planning design at the community scale that is sensitive to the natural, built, and cultural context. Field study projects of area development or redevelopment projects are used to examine traditional and contemporary theory and practice. Studio seminars, presentations and critiques explore the definition, management and mapping of physical structures, visual and environmental resources. Included is consideration of the special problems of planning development within a scenic landscape. (Note: Studio fee: $15 may be charged. If a field trip occurs, the cost will not exceed $50. Estimated supply and printing cost will not exceed $150.)

Planning (PLAN) 648 Urban Design Seminar (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011488
An exploration of traditional and contemporary theories of urban design and their application in a variety of contexts. This involves study of approaches that lead to improved quality of life within a robust and sustainable urban environment. Topic includes the special, environmental, social, cultural and economic aspects of urban design. Precedents and trends will be analyzed. International viewpoints and case studies are considered. (Note: Estimated material cost to student will not exceed $75.)

Planning (PLAN) 652 Environmental Policy Analysis (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012036
This seminar course provides an introduction to methods of analyzing current environmental policy problems. Students will learn a step-by-step process of prescriptive activities used to aid decision making about natural resources. If held in conjunction with Plan 452, the graduate student requirement will be equivalent to the stand-alone graduate course.

Planning (PLAN) 654 Spatial Information Technology, Globalization and International Development (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011818
This course considers the role of GIS and RS technologies for problem solving and planning decision support in developing countries. Topics covered include the globalisation of information technology and its transfer from developed to developing countries and general aspects of the spatial information technology industry and its relationship to society. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 657 GIS and Spatial Decision Support for Planning and Resource Management (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011491
This course introduces students to key theories, concepts and techniques that have been developed recently to improve the design support capabilities of spatial information systems. Topics covered include participatory GIS, group-based spatial decision support systems, and the integration of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) methods with GIS to facilitate decision-making in planning. *eligible for MES

Planning (PLAN) 660 Perspectives in Resource and Environmental Management (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001210
Current research and practice in resource and environmental management. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 661A Applied Studies in Hydrology and the Environment 1 (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002264
This applied hydrology course involves defining, designing and conducting research on the hydrology and/or water quality of a specific environmental setting. Drawing on strengths and interests of students, the field and laboratory activities in this course typically involve collection, analysis and reporting of primary data. The Fall-term (661A) focuses on literature review, problem definition, methodological design and data collection; the Winter-term (661B) includes analysis, interpretation and write-up suitable for publication in a refereed journal. Group work is typically involved. *eligible for MES

Planning (PLAN) 661B Applied Studies in Hydrology and the Environment 2 (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001389
This course is a continuation of GEOG 661A/PLAN661A. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 665 Environmental Planning Theory and Practice (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002269
An interdisciplinary approach to environmental planning. Focuses on the socio-economic, planning, environmental science, design, and decision-making theories and methods utilized in environmental planning theory and practice. Regional and local case studies and studio projects will be used to demonstrate professional practice issues and techniques. Recommended: A senior level course in ecology, environmental science, landscape architecture or equivalent. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 666 Ecosystem Approach to Park Planning (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002270
An ecological approach to planning national and provincial parks, focusing on system planning, master planning and park administration. Examination of the theory and practice of parks planning, utilizing ecological concepts. Recommended: a senior undergrad or graduate ecology course. Estimated additional field trip cost to student: $30.00 *eligible for MES

Planning (PLAN) 669 Landscape Restoration (0.50) WSP

Course ID: 011474
A workshop on landscape restoration and rehabilitation. *eligible for MES.

Planning (PLAN) 674 Special Topics in Planning (0.50) LAB,LEC,RDG,SEM,STU

Course ID: 010620
These courses allow for additions to the program on a short-term basis, and for development of future permanent courses. Eligible for MES (subject to approval of the School of Planning Graduate Officer).

Planning (PLAN) 675 Special Readings on Selected Planning Topics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 009445
Study topic to be defined on an individual basis with a faculty member to cover materials not otherwise available in a graduate course offered in this or near-by universities. A specific outline for the course of study is developed in consultation with the professor in charge and is subject to School approval by the Associate Director (Graduate Studies), within 3 weeks of the beginning of term. *eligible for MES (subject to approval of the School of Planning Graduate Officer)

Planning (PLAN) 676 Special Topics in Planning (1) SEM

Course ID: 009449
Course content varies according to the instructor availability and demand for specific topics in planning, and may include field courses.

Planning (PLAN) 677 Freight Planning and Policy (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012168
This course critically explores the evolution of freight planning and policy in the urban and regional realms from the early importance of ports to modern global logistics. Emphasis is placed on understanding 1) the theory, fundamental characteristics, and methods of analyzing freight systems and 2) planning/policy perspectives on freight transportation.

Planning (PLAN) 678 Advances in Public Transportation Planning, Operations & Control (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012341
The historical evolution of transit in cities; the technological innovations which made transit possible; and transit mode definitions. Models of transit vehicle motion are presented; transit travel times under different travel regimes are derived. Transit scheduling methods are shown. System operational characteristics are defined and quantitative measures of effectiveness are introduced. Transit network planning objectives are identified; actual geometries are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Transit ownership structures and economics are discussed; contemporary ITS applications are presented. Methods for selecting appropriate transit modes are covered.*eligible for MES

Planning (PLAN) 684 Physical Infrastructure and Planning (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012546
Plan 684 introduces students to the planning of physical infrastructure. The course covers governments' roles in regulating, financing and maintaining public infrastructure such as transportation or water systems. The impacts of infrastructure provision on land use, the environment, economic development and social equity are also addressed. Quantitative methods of predicting infrastructure demand and utilization are presented. The role of private sector in providing and maintaining infrastructure is discussed. *eligible for MES

Planning (PLAN) 700 Planning Paradigms and Theory (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002307
Historical background and development of planning including cultural, philosophical and disciplinary roots; planning theory and its applications in urban, regional, service and environmental areas.

Planning (PLAN) 701 Land Use Planning Fundamentals (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012547
The fundamentals of municipal land use planning are introduced in this course. Important planning and financial instruments, administrative processes and planning practice issues are reviewed. Participants will learn about relevant legislation (e.g. Planning and Municipal Acts), policy plans (e.g. official plans, secondary plans, subdivision plans) and plan implementation tools (e.g. zoning bylaws, site plans, easements, consents and variances). Municipal budgets and accounting concepts, and financing strategies (e.g. assessments, mill rates, capital works, and debentures) are studied.

Planning (PLAN) 702 Critical Assessment of Theories, Methods and Practices of Planning (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012762
Through a series of case studies students will engage in critically reflecting upon the theories, methods and procedures applicable in the professional practice of planning.

Planning (PLAN) 703 Planning Professional Practice (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011475
Professional practice responsibilities and ethics, administration methods, financing, and organization are considered in the context of the nature of organizations, politics and economics.

Planning (PLAN) 704 Methods of Planning Analysis (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 014405
This course is a graduate level introduction into the analytical methods employed in planning research and practice. The broad spectrum of tools, approaches and techniques drawn from quantitative and qualitative traditions will be reviewed. Commonly employed examples will form the basis for developing applied problem solving skills. Operational considerations, critical assessment, and analytical communication provide the important review context.

Planning (PLAN) 705 Design in Planning (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015036
The foundation of this course is the intersection of the strong relation between urban design as the shaping of urban space and urban planning as the strategic and regulatory mediation of urban change. Establishing the basis of this relationship, the course critically explores contemporary issues in urban design and their implications for urban futures, planning, the environment, and the public realm. Case studies drawn from around the globe are featured.

Planning (PLAN) 706 Contemporary Issues in Planning (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015261
The nature and implications of key forces of change, trends and current issues are identified in the context of urban and regional planning practice. Case studies, drawn from Canadian and international experiences and challenges, will frame the exploration of evolving, contemporary issues.

Planning (PLAN) 710 Research Design (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002308
The major philosophical and methodological approaches to research in a professional field of practice and related academic fields.

Planning (PLAN) 720 Introductory Planning Project Studio (1) STU

Course ID: 014406
This studio course introduces students to the process of collaborative problem solving central in Planning practice. Students work in teams, led by faculty facilitators, in applying theory and knowledge from Planning and related disciplines to problems drawn from the local community planning context. The emphasis is on the development of student skills including design, plan making, teamwork, creativity, negotiation, management, and policy application and creation. Problem based learning, reflection on process and communications are central in this course.

Planning (PLAN) 721 Advanced Planning Project Studio (1) STU

Course ID: 014408
This student centered studio course involves partnering with a local community, providing student led groups on opportunity to emulate professional practice under the guidance of an assigned faculty member. Skills and knowledge developed in the introductory studio course are enhanced and important community engagement skills are emphasized in the chosen project. Reflective learning is central as students are expected to assess the process, the outcome, and the interrelationship between them. Community presentation of the problem solution is required.

Planning (PLAN) 801 PhD Research Forum 1 (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002317
Advanced examination of theories, methods and processes of urban, regional and environmental planning through intensive examination of selected planning problems. Restricted to Planning PhD students.

Planning (PLAN) 802 PhD Research Forum 2 (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002320
Continuation of PLAN 801. Restricted to Planning PhD students.