For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Physics (PHYS) 601 Perimeter Scholars International Quantum Field Theory 1 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013275
Canonical quantization of fields, perturbation theory, derivation of Feynman diagrams, applications in particle and condensed matter theory, renormalization in phi^4.

Physics (PHYS) 602 Perimeter Scholars International Statistical Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013276
A brief review of ensembles and quantum gases, Ising model, Landau theory of phase transitions, order parameters, topology, classical solutions.

Physics (PHYS) 603 Perimeter Scholars International Quantum Field Theory 2 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013277
Feynman Path Integral, abelian and nonabelian guage theories and their quantization, spontaneous symmetry breaking, nonperturbative techniques: latticef ield theory, Wilsonian renormalization.

Physics (PHYS) 604 Perimeter Scholars International Relativity (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013278
Special relativity, foundations of general relativity, Riemannian geometry, Einstein's equations, FRW and Schwarzschild geometries and their properties

Physics (PHYS) 605 Perimeter Scholars International Quantum Theory (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013279
Schrodinger equation: free particle, harmonic oscillator, simple time-dependent problems. Heisenbrerg picture and connection with classical physics. Entaglement and non-locality. Pure and mixed states, quantum correlators, measurement theory and interpretation.

Physics (PHYS) 606 Perimeter Scholars International Information and Data Analysis (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013280
Probability, entropy, Bayesian inference and information theory. Maximum likelihood methods, common probability distributions, applications to real data including Monte-Carlo methods.

Physics (PHYS) 607 Perimeter Scholars International Dynamical Systems (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013281
Maps, flows, stability, fixed points, attractors, chaos, bifurcations, ergodicity, approach to chaos. Hamiltonian systems, Liouville measure, Poincare theorem, integrable systems with examples.

Physics (PHYS) 608 Perimeter Scholars International Computation (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013282
Common algorithms for ode and pde solving, with numerical analysis. Common tasks in linear algebra. Focus on how to write a good code, test it, and obtain a reliable result. Parallel programming.

Physics (PHYS) 609 Perimeter Scholars International Conformal Field Theory (0.50) LEC,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 013916
This course is an introduction to the key ideas and techniques of conformal field theories. These theories play a central role In the study of phase transitions in statistical physics and condensed matter systems, as well as in string theory. Conformal field theories provide a theoretical laboratory in which the constraints imposed by symmetries allow for the exact solution of field theories, which have found important applications in both physics and mathematics.

Physics (PHYS) 610 Perimeter Scholars International Mathematics Physics (0.50) LEC,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 013917
This course will include the study of Perturbation Theory (Regular and Singular) Speeding Up Convergence: Shanks Transformations and Richardson Extrapolation Taylor Series, Fourier Series and the Gibbs Phenomenon Using Diveregent Series: Generalised Summation Analytic Continuation, Riemann Surfaces and Branch Points Continued Functions and Pade Approximants Steiltjes Functions, the Herglotz Property and the Carleman Bound Feynman Diagrams.

Physics (PHYS) 611 PSI Condensed Matter Physics (0.50) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 014237
Theories of Condensed Matter Physics emphasizing the consequences of broken symmetries and the resulting collective modes which emerge, including broken translational symmetry and phonons, broken spin rotational symmetry and magnons, electronic properties of normal metals, and broken U(1) gauge symmetry in superconductors, excitations above the gap and collective modes in superconductors.

Physics (PHYS) 621 Perimeter Scholars International Cosmology (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013283
FRW metric, Hubble expansion, dark energy, dark matter, CMB. Thermodynamic history of early universe. Growth of perturbations, CDM model of structure formation and comparison to observations, cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inflation and observational tests.

Physics (PHYS) 622 Perimeter Scholars International Standard Model (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013284
Application of Yang-Mills theory to particle physics, QCD and its tests in the perturbative regime, theory of weak interactions, precision tests of electroweak theory, CKM matrix and flavour physics, open questions.

Physics (PHYS) 623 Perimeter Scholars International String Theory (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013285
Superstring spectrum in 10d Minkowski, as well as simple toroidal and orbifold compactifications. T-duality, D-branes, tree amplitudes. Construct some simple unified models of particle physics. Motivate the 10- and 11-dimensional supergravities. Simple supergravity solutions and use these to explore some aspects of AdS/CFT duality.

Physics (PHYS) 624 Perimeter Scholars International Mathematical Physics Topics (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013286
Differential forms, de Rham cohomology, differential topology and characteristic classes, monopoles and instantons, Kahler manifolds, Dirac equation, zero modes and index theorems.

Physics (PHYS) 625 Perimeter Scholars International Supersymmetry (0.25) LEC,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 013918
The following topics will be discussed: The Lorentz Group: Properties and Representations; Manipulating Spinors; Supersymmetry Algebra and Representations; Superfields and Superspace; 4d Supersymmetric Lagrangians; Supersymmetry Breaking; Constructing the MSSM; Collider Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Theories; and Dark Matter.

Physics (PHYS) 635 Perimeter Scholars International Quantum Information Review (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013287
Review of selected topics in Quantum Information

Physics (PHYS) 636 Perimeter Scholars International Gravitational Physics Review (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013288
Review of selected topics in Gravitational Physics

Physics (PHYS) 637 Perimeter Scholars International Condensed Matter Theory (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013289
Review of selected topics in Condensed Matter Theory

Physics (PHYS) 638 Perimeter Scholars International Quantum Gravity (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013290
Review of selected topics in Quantum Gravity

Physics (PHYS) 639 Perimeter Scholars International Foundations of Quantum Theory (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013291
Review of selected topics in Foundations of Quantum Theory

Physics (PHYS) 641 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Quantum Information (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013292
Review of selected topics in Quantum Information

Physics (PHYS) 642 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Numerical Gravitational Physics (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013293
Review of selected topics in Gravitational Physics

Physics (PHYS) 643 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Condensed Matter Theory (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013294
Review of selected topics in Condensed Matter Theory

Physics (PHYS) 644 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Quantum Gravity (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013295
Review of selected topics in quantum Gravity

Physics (PHYS) 645 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Foundations of Quantum Theory (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013296
Review of Selected topics in Foundations of Quantum Theory

Physics (PHYS) 646 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Particle Physics (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013297
Review of selected topics in Particle Physics

Physics (PHYS) 647 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in String Theory (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013298
Review of selected topics in String Theory

Physics (PHYS) 648 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Complex Systems (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013299
Review of selected topics in Complex Systems

Physics (PHYS) 649 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Cosmology (0.25) SEM

Course ID: 013300
Review of Selected topics in Cosmology

Physics (PHYS) 650 Perimeter Scholars International Explorations in Quantum Gravity (0.25) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 014776
This course will introduce the students to the basic techniques and results of the field of loop quantum gravity. Possible topics include: 1) The Ashtekar variables and the Hamiltonian formalism; 2) The Plebanski action for general relativity; 3) The Hilbert space of loop quantum gravity and basic operators such as the area and volume operators; 4) Spin foam models; 5) Group field theory; 6) Quantum black hole horizons.

Physics (PHYS) 701 Quantum Mechanics 1 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002192
Review of formalism of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics including symmetries and invariance. Approximation methods and scattering theory. Elementary quantum theory of radiation. Introduction to one-particle relativistic wave equations.

Physics (PHYS) 702 Quantum Mechanics 2 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002193
Concepts of relativistic quantum mechanics, elementary quantum field theory, and Feynman diagrams. Application to many particle systems. Students who have not taken PHYS 701 but have an equivalent background in Quantum Mechanics may seek the instructor's consent to register in this course.

Physics (PHYS) 703 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000135
Review of relativistic quantum mechanics and classical field theory. Quantization of free quantum fields (the particle interpretation of field quanta). Canonical quantization of interacting fields (Feynman rules). Application of the formalism of interacting quantum fields to lowest¿order quantum electrodynamic processes. Radiative corrections and renormalization.

Physics (PHYS) 704 Statistical Physics 1 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002195
Statistical basis of thermodynamics; microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles; quantum statistical mechanics, theory of the density matrix; fluctuations, noise, irreversible thermodynamics; transport theory; application to gases, liquids, solids.

Physics (PHYS) 705 Statistical Physics 2 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002196
Phase transitions. Fluctuation phenomena. Kubo's theory of time correlation functions for transport and spectral properties; applications selected from a variety of topics including linearized hydrodynamics of normal and superfluids, molecular liquids, liquid crystals, surface phenomena, theory of the dielectric constant, etc. Students who have not taken PHYS 704 but have an equivalent background in Statistical Physics may seek the instructor's consent to register in this course.

Physics (PHYS) 706 Electromagnetic Theory (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002197
Maxwell's equations and conservation laws; accelerated point charges and electromagnetic radiation; multipole expansions; electromagnetism and special relativity; selected applications.

Physics (PHYS) 708 Applications of Group Theory (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002198
Introduction to group theory; symmetry, the group concept, representation theory, character theory. Applications to molecular vibrations, the solid state, quantum mechanics and crystal field theory.

Physics (PHYS) 709 Green's Function Method (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002199
Review of essential quantum field theory. Zero and finite temperature Green's functions. Applications.

Physics (PHYS) 710 Atomic Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002200
Emphasis on atomic structure and spectroscopy. Review of angular momentum, rotations, Wigner-Eckart theorem, n-j symbols. Energy levels in complex atoms, Hartree-Fock theory, radiative transitions and inner shell processes. Further topics selected with class interest in mind, at least one of which to be taken from current literature.

Physics (PHYS) 713 Molecular Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002203
Angular momentum and the rotation of molecules; introduction to group theory with application to molecular vibrations; principles of molecular spectroscopy; spectra of isolated molecules; intermolecular interactions and their effects on molecular spectra; selected additional topics (e.g., electronic structure of molecules, experimental spectroscopic techniques, neutron scattering, correlation functions, collision induced absorption, extension of group theory to molecular crystals, normal coordinate analysis, etc.).

Physics (PHYS) 714 Nonlinear Optics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013590
Laser and nonlinear optics; techniques for controlling laser beams such as mode selection and mode locking; laser spectroscopy.

Physics (PHYS) 715 Nuclear Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 009358
Static properties of nuclei; alpha, beta, gamma-decay; two-body systems; nuclear forces; nuclear reactions; single-particle models for spherical and deformed nuclei; shell, collective, interacting boson models.

Physics (PHYS) 716 Special Topics in Subatomic and Nuclear Physcis (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013591
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 717 Intermediate and High Energy Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002204
Strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions. Isospin, strangeness, conservation laws and symmetry principles. Leptons, hadrons, quarks and their classification, formation, interactions and decay.

Physics (PHYS) 718 Special Topics in Subatomic and Nuclear Physics (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 013592
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 730 Liquid State Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013597
Physical properties of atomic liquids; distribution functions and equilibrium properties, elementary perturbation theories and integral equation theories; simple metals, simple computer simulation; viral expansions and thermodynamic derivatives of g(r); experimental determination of g(r).

Physics (PHYS) 731 Solid State Physics 1 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002206
Phonons, electron states, electron-electron interaction, electron-ion interaction, static properties of solids.

Physics (PHYS) 732 Solid State Physics 2 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002207
Transport properties; optical properties; magnetism; superconductivity; disordered systems.

Physics (PHYS) 737 Special Topics in Surface Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013599
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 738 Special Topics in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 013598
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topics and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 739 Quantum Many Body Physics (0.50) LEC,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 015873
A modern approach to the quantum many-body problem from the perspective of condensed matter physics. Low energy effective theories, continuum field theories, and lattice models. Phases and phase transitions in the path integral formulation of bosons, fermions and quantum spins. Quantum critical points, topological phases, gauge theories, and connections to quantum information.

Physics (PHYS) 745 Special Topics in Experimental Physics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002215
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 747 Optical Electronics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011592
Optoelectronic component fabrication, light propagation in linear and nonlinear media, optical fiber properties, electro-optic and acousto-optic modulation, spontaneous and stimulated emission, semiconductor lasers and detectors, noise effects in fiber systems.

Physics (PHYS) 749 Special Topics in Experimental Physics (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 002218
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 751 Clinical Applications of Physics in Medicine (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002219
This course provides an overview of the application of physics to medicine. The physical concepts underlying the diagnosis and treatment of disease will be explored. Topics will include general imaging principles such as resolution, intensity and contrast; x-ray imaging and computed tomography; radioisotopes and nuclear medicine, SPECT and PET; magnetic resonance imaging; ultrasound imaging and radiation therapy.

Physics (PHYS) 752 Molecular Biophysics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002220
Physical methods of determining macromolecular structure: energetics, intramolecular and intermolecular forces, with applications to lamellar structures, information storage, DNA and RNA, recognition and rejection of foreign molecules.

Physics (PHYS) 767 Quantum Information Processing (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011589
Review of basics of quantum information and computational complexity; Simple quantum algorithms; Quantum Fourier transform and Shor factoring algorithm: Amplitude amplification, Grover search algorithm and its optimality; Completely positive trace-preserving maps and Kraus representation; Non-locality and communication complexity; Physical realizations of quantum computation: requirements and examples; Quantum error-correction, including CSS codes, and elements of fault-tolerant computation; Quantum cryptography; Security proofs of quantum key distribution protocols; Quantum proof systems. Familiarity with theoretical computer science or quantum mechanics will also be an asset, though most students will not be familiar with both.

Physics (PHYS) 768 Special Topics in Quantum Information Processing (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013593
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 769 Special Topics in quantum Information Processing (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 013594
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 773 Special Topics in Physics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 002228

Physics (PHYS) 775 Inter-Institution Exchange (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 010490
At the Director's discretion, a PhD or MSc student may receive course credit for a term of specialized studies at another institution. Formal evaluation is required.

Physics (PHYS) 776 Special Topics in Physics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 013588
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 777 Special Topics in Physics (0.25) RDG

Course ID: 013589
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 781 Fundamentals of Astrophysics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002230
Multi-wavelength astronomy: radio, infrared, optical and x-ray observations. Radiative Processes: macroscopic description, thermal and non-thermal emission, scattering, line transitions and plasma effects. Gravitational Dynamics: potential and orbits, self-gravitating systems, the Collisionless Boltzmann Equation, gravitational encounters. Fluid Mechanics: simple fluids, soundwaves and shocks, instabilities and transport mechanisms.

Physics (PHYS) 784 Advanced techniques in General Relativity and Applications to Black Holes (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 010439
Review of elementary general relativity. Timelike and null geodesic congruences. Hypersurfaces and junction conditions. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of general relativity. Mass and angular momentum of a gravitating body. The laws of black-hole mechanics.

Physics (PHYS) 785 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory for Cosmology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012151
Introduction to scalar field theory and its canonical quantization in flat and curved spacetimes. The flat space effects of Casimir and Unruh. Quantum fluctuations of scalar fields and of the metric on curved space-times and application to inflationary cosmology. Hawking radiation.

Physics (PHYS) 786 Introduction to General Relativity with Applications to Cosmology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011282
Introduction to the differential geometry of Lorentzian manifolds. The priniciples of general relativity. Causal structure and cosmological singularities. Cosmological space-times with Killing vector fields. Friedmann-Lemaitre cosmologies, scalar, vector and tensor perburbations in the linear and nonlinear regimes. De Sitter space-times and inflationary models.

Physics (PHYS) 787 Cosmology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002232
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric and dynamics; big bang thermodynamics; nucleosynthesis; recombination; perturbation theory and structure formation; anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background; statistics of cosmological density and velocity fields; galaxy formation; inflation.

Physics (PHYS) 790 Special Topics in Gravitation and Cosmology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013595
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topic and instructor.

Physics (PHYS) 791 Special Topics in Gravitation and Cosmology (0.25) LEC

Course ID: 013596
Offered on demand. Course content depends on topics and instructor.