For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 601 MSc Thesis Proposal (0.50) SEM,TUT

Course ID: 014939
The objective of Pharm 601 are to encourage graduate students in the MSc Pharmacy program to best prepare and present their research objectives in written and oral form. In addition to the writing and defence of the Thesis proposal, each student will be required to: a. Attend and complete a scientific writing workshop (90 min class time) that will provide background on literature searching, citation and proper management of references as part of preparation of the Thesis Proposal, and participate in a one-on-one appointment with the Pharmacy liaison librarian to discuss research strategies and reinforce academic integrity. The workshop and appointments will be offered each term by the Pharmacy liaison librarian. b. Attend two Thesis Proposal defences by other students, prior to the students own oral defence. This course is only available for the first Thesis Proposal taken within the Pharmacy Program. If a student is required to fulfill a second Thesis Proposal (for example, if being reassessed for transfer to the PhD) no additional course credit is available. The Thesis Proposal component involves the preparation of a written research proposal and oral defence of the proposal. The intent is to learn how to use the literature to stimulate in-depth thinking about the basis of their thesis research project and to encourage development of their scientific oral presentation skills. The thesis proposal should outline the reasons for undertaking the project, concisely survey the relevant literature, present a detailed description of the methodology to be used and outline any preliminary results acquired at the time of the proposal. The written proposal will be considered by an examination committee that will normally comprise the students Advisory Committee plus an independent Chair who will assume that role for all thesis proposals within one academic term. The full Examination Committee will independently grade the written proposal, and separately assign a grade to the oral defence. The simple average of those scores (two per committee member) will be the students grade for the course.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 602 Grant Writing in the Sciences (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013817
The course is designed to teach the student how to critically review the literature, ask the right scientific questions, generate hypotheses, and write a professional curriculum vita and a fundable grant proposal. The course will include lectures from the instructor and guest speakers, small group discussion, student presentations and a final written grant proposal.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 603 Selected Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013818
This course provides an introduction to basic principles in medical chemistry such as physiochemical properties, drug design and pharmacological actions. A brief overview of the theory and application of computer aided drug design principles will provide a basic understanding of the "in silico" drug design concepts. The student will develop an understanding toward the concepts of peptide/petidomimetic design as therapeutic agents. A series of case studies on clinical drugs will be presented with major emphasis on their design, synthesis, reaction mechanisms and structure-activity relationship studies. A section of the course will address the pathophysiology and pharmacology of diseases affecting the central nervous system. In addition, learning activities and assignments include a term paper submission and in class presentation of current topics in medicinal chemistry.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 604 Gene Therapy (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013819
Gene therapy offers extraordinary potential to treat both inherited and acquired diseases by using the body's own machinery to produce a therapeutic compound or protein, or up-regulate/down-regulate specific cellular processes. This course will examine the various extra- and intracellular barriers to DNA transfection, and the common vectors used in gene therapy. Various routes of administration, such as injected, inhaled, and transdermal will be discussed in terms of their challengers, and the successes of recent formulations described in the literature.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 605 Physical Chemistry and Application of Surfactants (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013820
Surface active compounds, more commonly known as surfactants are found in nearly every aspect of day to day life, including motor oils, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, detergents, and paints and inks to name a few. This course will introduce the student to the structures of classical and emerging classes of surfactants and their fundamental properties that make these systems so useful. The self-assembly of these compounds into micelles will be discussed in detail using both thermodynamic and kinetic modules and modern methods of characterizing these systems will be examined. The application of surfactants in a variety of industries will be introduced. The capstone activity of this course will entail a critical analysis of a relevant recent journal article, and presentation to the class.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 606 Neuroscience in the 21st Century (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013821
Intensively examines medical and technological advances in neuroscience. Students will first develop a deep understanding of the structure and function of the central nervous system, neuronal cell biology and physiology, and neurotransmission. Explores selected CNS disease states and identify mechanisms of neuropathology by biological, environmental, and iatrogenic causes. Advances in technology and nanotechnology is and will continue to transform the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and these issues will be explored by expert guest lecturers.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 607 Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013822
This course provides an introduction to modern spectroscopic methods with emphasis on pharmaceutical analysis. First few lectures will cover the theory and application of UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy. A review of NMR spectroscopy will focus on commonly used techniques such as 1H NMR and 13C NMR and their application. The student will get a practical experience in spectroscopic methods for structural elucidation by using UVS-VIS, IR and NMR spectrometers. In addition, a section will address the theory and application of mass spectrometry. Examples of drug molecules/pharmaceuticals and their spectroscopic characteristics will be discussed. In addition, learning activities and assignments include problem sets and structural elucidation of an unknown organic molecule.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 608A Selected Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1 (0.50) LEC,RDG,TUT

Course ID: 013919
This course will discuss specialized topics that are related to the research interests of faculty members in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Topics could include, for example, the areas of drug delivery systems, diabetes, bacteriophage derived therapeutics, central nervous disorders, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, biophysical methods, bionanotechnology, nanomedicine among others. This course may be presented in any of the following formats, reading based, lecture based, project based or online learning.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 609 Advanced Pharmacokinetics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014082
This course provides statistical hands-on knowledge for the implementation of nonlinear mixed effects (NLME) models in the analysis of population pharmacokinetic data. In order to provide a foundation for NLME, the content builds from simple to multiple linear regression models and to linear mixed effects models. Exploratory and descriptive analyses as well as model implementation will be taught in R and Phoenix.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 610 Topics in Drug Development (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014083
This course will cover all aspects of drug development, from basic research through to post-marketing surveillance of drug safety and efficacy. Faculty members from the UW School of Pharmacy and beyond will provide their expertise on aspects of the drug development process. Students will gain valuable knowledge and appreciation of the drug development process from "bench to bedside". Using real-life drug research problems, students will learn how identification of disease stat pathophysiology directs drug design, how medicinal chemistry optimizes lead molecule creation, how drug dosage forms are designed, pharmacokinetic studies, how animal models are used to test the efficacy and toxicity of lead compounds, the design and evaluation of clinical trials, drug manufacturing, perspectives from the pharmaceutical industry, as well as business and regulatory issues.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 611 Special Topics in Pharmacy Practice (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM,TUT

Course ID: 014366
This course will discuss specialized topics that are of mutual interest to the research of faculty members and graduate students in the field of Pharmacy Practice. Topics could include, for example, pharmacy education; rural pharmacy practice; geriatrics and aging; pharmacoepidemiology; the role of technology in primary care; chronic disease management; expanded scope of practice; collaborative practice in different settings; health services design and care delivery; among others. This course may be presented in any of the following formats, reading based, lecture based, project based, or online learning.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 613 Principles and Practices in Systemic Treatments for Cancer (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014780
This course is designed to accommodate graduate students from a variety of backgrounds who wish to increase their understanding of cancer and its treatment. It will cover the full range of issues involved in the rational use of anti-cancer agents, from the older cytotoxic drugs through to newer agents targeted at particular steps in cell regulatory pathways. A broad overview of the pathology of cancer is included. Although drug mechanisms will be addressed, there is an equivalent emphasis on what these drugs mean to the patient. Students will consider the disease itself, the behavior of the diagnosed patient, the issues around drug administration, the extensive side effects and the various supportive strategies that are required to take the patient through the very stressful course of systemic cancer therapy.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 614 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (0.50) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 014953
This course will provide students with an overview of the rationale and stages involved in the conduct of a formal systematic review and meta-analysis of a well-defined clinical/health research question. The overarching aim is to provide students with the tools to critically appraise and conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis. Students will largely work in pairs to progress through each step involved (with feedback from instructors at each stage) and to produce a final systematic review and meta-analysis to be presented/submitted at the end of the course. Course Objectives: 1. To demonstrate an understanding of the rationale underlying a systematic review and meta-analysis and relevance to clinical care and health policy; 2. To critically appraise a systematic review; 3. To develop a focused research question amenable to a systematic review; 4. To develop and implement a comprehensive and systematic literature search strategy; 5. To determine and apply procedures for including/excluding potential studies for a systematic review and meta-analysis; 6. To develop and implement a data abstraction process and study database; 7. To demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental statistical/biostatistical issues relevant to the conduct of a formal systematic review and meta-analysis. 8. To perform statistical analyses for a systematic review and meta-analysis and complete/present a final report demonstrating all stages involved. Students will need to meet with Course Coordinators and provide of appropriate previous experience with linear and/or logistic regression techniques.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 615 Strategic Management of Biopharmaceutical Technology (0.50) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 014959
The strategic development and commercialization of novel and incremental bio/pharma technological innovation is rapidly expanding across all industries and with it comes the need for adept management of the process. Effective management involves ensuring technological precaution such that the risks and ambiguities associated with advanced technologies are minimized. Additionally, management must be strategic to maximize the successful achievement of corporate objectives based on the alignment of internal resources with the external environment. The transfer of technology from lab to market and successful propagation is usually impeded by a lack of cohesion between scientific understanding and business adeptness. This course also serves to analyse and connect scientific principles underlying novel and incremental technologies with strategic management and the commercialization process from an entrepreneurial perspective.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 616 PhD Thesis Proposal (0.50) SEM,TUT

Course ID: 015241
The objective of Pharm 616 are to encourage graduate students in the PhD Pharmacy program to best prepare and present their research objectives in written and oral form. In addition to the writing and defence of the Thesis proposal, each student will be required to: a. Attend and complete a scientific writing workshop (90 min class time) that will provide background on literature searching, citation and proper management of references as part of preparation of the Thesis Proposal, and participate in a one-on-one appointment with the Pharmacy liaison librarian to discuss research strategies and reinforce academic integrity. The workshop and appointments will be offered each term by the Pharmacy liaison librarian. b. Attend two Thesis Proposal defences by other students, prior to the students own oral defence. This course is only available for the first Thesis Proposal taken within the Pharmacy Program. If a student is required to fulfill a second Thesis Proposal (for example, if being assessed for internal transfer from the MSc to PhD program) no additional course credit is available. The Thesis Proposal component involves the preparation of a written research proposal and oral defence of the proposal. The intent is to learn how to use the literature to stimulate in-depth thinking about the basis of their thesis research project and to encourage development of their scientific oral presentation skills. The thesis proposal should outline the reasons for undertaking the project, concisely survey the relevant literature, present a detailed description of the methodology to be used and outline any preliminary results acquired at the time of the proposal. The written proposal will be considered by an examination committee that will normally comprise the students Advisory Committee plus an independent Chair who will assume that role for all thesis proposals within one academic term. The full Examination Committee will independently grade the written proposal, and separately assign a grade to the oral defence. The simple average of those scores (two per committee member) will be the students grade for the course.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 617 Formulations (0.50) LEC,SEM

Course ID: 015361
The formulation of chemicals into products for specific purposes dates back to the stone age. Formulated products are now part of everyday life and include pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, personal care products, detergents, agricultural products, etc. This course will examine the chemical formulation of various consumer products with an emphasis on pharmaceutical formulations; major components used in formulations, surface chemistry, and molecular interactions will be discussed. Analytical methods for testing formulations, raw materials, and environmental and sustainability considerations will also be discussed.

Pharmacy (PHARM) 618 Applied Health Economics and Pharmacoeconomics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015872
This course will take a practical approach to health economics and pharmacoeconomics. Students will learn about relevant methods of evaluating diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in order to optimize individualized patient care and inform policy decision, including those in which a fixed amount of resources are an important consideration. Topics include preference-based measures of health-related quality of life and quality-adjusted life years, key principles of economic evaluation and decision-analytic modeling, and critical appraisal of economic evaluation studies. Students will also learn to use decision analysis software to build and test their own pharmacoeconomics analyses.