For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Biology (BIOL) 602 Fisheries Biology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000158
The literature and methods of Fisheries Biology. Examination and discussion of selected topics of interest to the class. Emphasis will be primarily, but not exclusively on the ecology, habitats, and management issues related to temperature freshwater fish.

Biology (BIOL) 605 Environmental Animal Physiology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000162
An advanced study of the physiological processes used by animals to respond to changes in environmental conditions. The study will focus on adaptation strategies used by animals to changes in temperature and other rate controlling environmental factors.

Biology (BIOL) 606 Advanced Aquatic Ecology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000163
Advanced Aquatic Ecology provides opportunity for deeper study of new knowledge fronts and current issues in the field. Topics selection varies according to developments in the field and the interests of course participants, but is designed to provide broad coverage of the diversity of theoretical and methodological questions arising in modern aquatic ecology. The course is intended to be accessible to students with interests and background in ecology, environmental science, environmental engineering, or related fields.

Biology (BIOL) 608 Advanced Bacterial Genetics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000165
Genetic aspects of the control of gene expression in bacteria and bacteriophages will be stressed. Recently published works will serve as the focal points for discussion. The specific content of any one set of topics to be analyzed in a particular term will be determined in consultation with the participants.

Biology (BIOL) 610 Advanced Topics in Evolution and Diversity (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000166
A critical evaluation of selected research topics in evolution and the diversity of life and practical applications. Topics may include macroevolution, population genetics, evolution of behaviours, ecological evolution, phylogenetic reconstruction and/or phylogeny of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms.

Biology (BIOL) 614 Applied Bioinformatics and Genomics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000170
This course will cover current topics in bioinformatics and genomics, including genome assembly, annotation, sequence alignment, phylogentics, transcriptomics, and comparative genomics. Students will perform bioinformatics and computational analyses with an emphasis on topics relevant to their thesis work.

Biology (BIOL) 617 Advanced Topics in Environmental Toxicology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000173
A critical evaluation of current research topics in environmental toxicology will be undertaken. Emphasis will be placed on the ecosystem approach to toxicology including cycling of toxicants, routes by which toxicants are removed from the environment and the impact of toxicants on species interaction within communities. Consideration will also be given to new methods for toxic hazard prediction and evaluation, as well as to biotic and abiotic factors that modify toxicant impact.

Biology (BIOL) 618 Advanced Microbial Physiology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000174
Discussion of current advances in selected topics in physiology of prokaryotic and/or eukaryotic microorganisms. Recently published research results will be the central points for the discussion. The topics might include but are not limited to microbiol growth behaviour under extreme conditions, microbial roles in the cycles of specific elements, processes of energy conservation, and properties and functions of key enzymes in microbial metabolic pathways.

Biology (BIOL) 622 Selected Topics in Plant Physiology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000178
Discussions of selected topics not covered in other courses. These may include juvenility, dormancy, senescence, plant response to environmental stress, morphogenesis, photosynthesis and biochemistry.

Biology (BIOL) 624 Environmental Biogeochemistry (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000180
The influence of physical, chemical and microbiological processes on groundwater geochemistry are examined. Background concepts in microbial ecology and organic geochemistry are developed and related to subsurface environments. Treatment is given to biodegradation of organic pollutants, microbially-mediated redox reactions and organic-metal interactions. EARTH 439 is strongly recommended.

Biology (BIOL) 627 Topics in Applied and Industrial Microbiology (0.50) SEM,TUT

Course ID: 000183
One or more topics will be addressed in detail through review of literature, including patents, and current practices in industrial microbiology. The topics might include but are not limited to Bacillus subtilis: a workhorse in industrial fermentations; production of microbiol lipids; Aspergillus fermentations. Each student will present a seminar on an assigned topic and the class will work as a group to prepare an up-to-date review of publication quality.

Biology (BIOL) 629 Cell Growth and Differentiation (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000185
Discussion of literature relating to the cell cycle and cell differentiation. Topics may include: the cell cycle, DNA replication, mitosis, stem cells, cell proliferation and differentiation, cancer progression, epigenetics, chromatin remodeling, and extracellular matrix function. A strong undergraduate background in cell biology and molecular biology is required.

Biology (BIOL) 631 Statistical Methods in Ecology (0.50) LAB,LEC

Course ID: 000187
This course introduces statistical methods commonly used in ecology. Topics covered will include Experimental design, ANOVA, regression, general linear models, clustering, ordination, and some multivariate analyses of variance.

Biology (BIOL) 636 Advanced Immunology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000192
Discussion of current advances in selected topics in immunology. The areas to be covered will include cell-mediated immunity, humoral immunity, comparative immunology, and other topics of current interest.

Biology (BIOL) 642 Current Topics in Biotechnology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000197
Recent developments in biotechnology, both applied and basic, will be emphasized. The course will cover such topics as the development of vectors for the stable transformation of plant cells, the isolation, characterization and manipulation of plant, animal and microbial genes, and the use of microorganisms to develop new products and processes.

Biology (BIOL) 645 Recent Advances in Microbial Ecology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000198
Recent advances in selected topics of microbial ecology will be examined. Topics will be selected from soil, fresh water or other ecosystems with an important microbial component.

Biology (BIOL) 646 Paleolimnology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012794
This course examines the use of stratigraphic records from lakes to reconstruct environmental change. Topics include sediment coring techniques, radiometric dating methods, analysis of physical, geochemical and biological indicators, and case studies demonstrating applications to address scientific and management questions. Practical experience is gained from a lake sediment coring field trip and subsequent laboratory analyses. *eligible for MES.

Biology (BIOL) 650 Bio-Molecular Tools (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000204
The ability to determine the three¿dimensional structure of a biomolecule and correlate that structure to molecular function is essential to understanding its role in Biology. In BIOL 650 we will explore the use of biophysical and structural approaches that can be used to establish the structure and function of protein-based biomolecules. The primary emphasis of the course will be upon establishing structure¿function relationships in enzymes. Upon completion of the course, students will have gained a practical understanding of the use and limitations of the tools of steady¿state enzyme kinetics and x¿ray crystallography.

Biology (BIOL) 651 Hydroecology for Freshwater Ecosystem Management (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013757
This course examines the interaction in both space and time between hydrological processes and lacustrine environments. Applications to freshwater ecosystem management are explored.

Biology (BIOL) 652 Advanced Ecology (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM

Course ID: 014059
Discussion of the major concepts in ecology, and current advances in selected topics. A broad overview of important ideas in population, community and ecosystem ecology will be provided, and following this, recently published research results on a subset of topics will become the central focus of the course. Topics might include but are not limited to: spatial-temporal dynamics of populations, meta- and hierarchical community structure, and species-specific influences on ecosystem function.

Biology (BIOL) 667 Animal Molecular Biology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000206
Selected topics in molecular biology will be presented at an advanced level with the aim of evaluating recent contributions and developments. Basic concepts and organismic interrelationships will be emphasized. The topics will concentrate on mechanisms of replication, transcription and (or) translation. Specific themes for discussion will be arranged each time the course is presented.

Biology (BIOL) 669 Plant Molecular Biology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000207
Critical discussion of current developments in plant biology. The course will cover such topics as the structure, organization, replication and expression of plant and algal genetic material. Emphasis will be placed on understanding basic molecular mechanisms and processes.

Biology (BIOL) 675 Advanced Topics in Animal Behaviour (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000209
This course will deal intensively with a subject area in the field of animal behaviour. The particular topic for a given term will be determined by the interests of the participating members of the class. Suggested topics include: mating systems in the animal kingdom; patterns of parental care; cost/benefit analyses of social living. Recommended: a basic knowledge of animal behaviour and a devoted interest.

Biology (BIOL) 678 Current Topics in Neurophysiology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012711
Principles and applications for the study of membrane proteins in physiological processes will be covered, with particular emphasis on voltage-, receptop- and second messenger-operated channels. Discussions will focus on modern techniques employed in electrophysiology, pharmacology, imaging and biochemistry.

Biology (BIOL) 680 Specialized Studies of Selected Research Procedures, Strategies or Topics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 000210
Critical evaluation and discussion of topics and procedures in biology that are not covered in existing graduate courses. The course must be specially arranged with a faculty member. Students may take only one BIOL 680 course for credit. (Offered to Master's students only.)

Biology (BIOL) 681 Specialized Studies of Selected Research Procedures, Strategies or Topics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 000224
Critical evaluation and discussion of topics and procedures in biology that are not covered in existing courses. The course must be specially arranged with a faculty member. Students may take only one BIOL 681 course for credit. (Offered to PhD students only.)

Biology (BIOL) 690 Scientific Communication (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013049
The goal of the course is to introduce new graduate students in the department of Biology to the basic skills that will be necessary for them to acquire and organize information as well as present it effectively. The course will be given in two sections, in different terms; Topic 1: Life Science Research Skills (fall of a student's first year) and Topic 2: Scientific presentation (winter of a student's second or third year). The participants are expected to also attend and participate in the weekly "Biology Brown Bag Gathering" which is a forum for students and post doctoral fellows to present their research results or lead discussions on current topics of general interest. This series will start each fall with a presentation on "How to give a talk".