Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Public Health and Health Systems - Work and Health

The program information below was valid for the spring 2019 term (May 1, 2019 - August 31, 2019). This is the archived version; the most up-to-date program information is available through the current Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.

The Graduate Studies Academic Calendar is updated 3 times per year, at the start of each academic term (January 1, May 1, September 1). Graduate Studies Academic Calendars from previous terms can be found in the archives.

Students are responsible for reviewing the general information and regulations section of the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.

  • Admit term(s) 
    • Fall
  • Delivery mode 
    • On-campus
  • Length of program 
    • Must be completed within the following time periods from completion of the Master’s degree unless an extension has been granted:
      • Full-time: 12 terms
      • Part-time: 18 terms
  • Program type 
    • Collaborative
    • Doctoral
    • Research
  • Registration option(s) 
    • Full-time
    • Part-time
  • Study option(s) 
  • Minimum requirements 
    • Normally a Master's degree with a minimum 75% average in a field that is relevant to the area of work and health (normally kinesiology, recreation and leisure studies or health studies and gerontology, but other degrees in life, behavioural and social sciences could be suitable as well).
    • Submit a letter indicating reasons for pursuing graduate studies and a written statement outlining research interests.
  • Application materials 
    • Résumé/Curriculum vitae
    • Supplementary information form
    • Transcript(s)
    • Writing sample
      • Students must submit a copy of previous academic work, such as copies of preprints, reprints, or master's thesis, or other evidence of written scholarly work.
  • References 
    • Number of references:  3
    • Type of references: 


  • English language proficiency (ELP) (if applicable)

    Thesis option:

  • Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)
  • Courses 
    • With the exception of HLTH 701 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Public Health and Health Systems, students must fulfill the minimum requirements of the PhD program in the School of Public Health and Health Systems (SPHHS) and will normally complete a minimum of 9 one‐term (0.50 unit) graduate courses beyond an Honours Bachelor degree, including at least 4 courses beyond the Master’s degree. Course requirements are as follows:

    • Students must also complete the following CR/NCR graduate seminars:

    • At a minimum, students must obtain an average of 75% or higher in aggregate on the courses presented in fulfilment of the degree requirements. Grades on all courses presented to fulfill the degree requirements must be 70% or higher. A grade below 70% in any course or failing to maintain an average of 75% will necessitate a review of the student's status by the School and may result in a student being required to complete additional coursework or being required to withdraw from the program. The School reserves the right to stipulate additional coursework if it is necessary for the student's preparation.
  • Link(s) to courses
  • Academic Integrity Workshop
  • PhD Comprehensive Examination
    • Students will complete the comprehensive examinations as required by the SPHHS. At least one of the comprehensive examination committee members will be appointed from a department other than the home department. The comprehensive examination will normally occur on completion of the students course work and will begin during the fourth term of their program.
  • PhD Thesis
    • A PhD thesis on an approved topic is required, which is to be defended in an oral examination. The research is to be conducted under the supervision of the student's supervisor and the advisory committee. The PhD thesis advisory committee consists of at least three members, with the supervisor and at least one other committee member being faculty from within the SPHHS. The proposal will be defended before the thesis committee; however, upon completion of the thesis, the final document will be defended before a five person Examination Board.
    • The thesis will be on a topic in an area relevant to work and health.
  • Other requirements 
    • Student evaluation: a review of each student's progress takes place during the month of May each year. Students are evaluated on several criteria, including performance in courses, progress with regard to the comprehensive examination and thesis work and, where appropriate, reports submitted by the students regarding their research and teaching assistantship activity.