For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 601 Economic Development: Theories and Frameworks (0.50) LEC
Course ID: 001843
This course reviews the evolution and foundations of contemporary economic development. It offers a critical appraisal of approaches and frameworks that are adopted to understand and analyze economic development processes at different geographic scales.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 602 Economic Development: Policy and Practice (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 015499
This course exposes students to the spectrum of contemporary economic development policies and practices enacted at the local, regional and national scales by a range of public, private and not-for-profit agencies. Policies and practices are evaluated in terms of the trade-offs between efficiency, equity and sustainability goals, as well as their short- and long-term impacts and outcomes.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 603 Analytical Tools for Economic Development (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM,TUT
Course ID: 002245
The course provides an overview and hands-on application of the quantitative analytical methods regularly used by professionals in economic development and related fields. Emerging analytical tools and techniques are explored.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 604 Management and Policy Tools for Economic Development and Sustainability Professionals (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 015500
The course is aimed at enhancing skills useful for economic development practice. The course introduces different tools frequently used by economic development and sustainability professionals, including policy briefs, place marketing strategies, grant/proposal writing, feasibility studies, needs assessments, program evaluations and knowledge synthesis. Communication and management skills are also emphasized.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 605 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 015501
This course engages core debates about the nature of innovation and entrepreneurship. It examines how entrepreneurship and innovation strategies are used to achieve economic and sustainable development goals. It evaluates programs and policies designed and implemented to promote innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable business development in different contexts.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 606 Innovation and Economic Development in Cities and Regions (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 001841
This course offers a critical examination of the innovation, knowledge creation and circulation, and governance processes that underpin contemporary economic development in cities and regions. Strategies, policies and programs that are intended to support and promote innovation and economic development in urban and regional economies are analyzed.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 611 Industrial Location Theory and Concepts (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 001839
Examination of industrial location theory, and themes concerning the role of manufacturing in the space-economy. Factors of location will be considered as will the way that manufacturing has led to spatial disparity on international, regional and local levels.
Economic Development (ECDEV) 612 Land Development Planning (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 011469
An examination of planning issues related to the design, economics and financing of private land and building construction projects including residential high-rise condominium, low-rise residential subdivision, infill, intensification and brownfield redevelopment and industrial/commerial land development. The course focuses on developer decision-making, analysis of risk, sources of financing, planning, environmental and engineering aspects of land development. This course may include a field component. (Note: If a field trip occurs, the cost will not exceed $50.)
Economic Development (ECDEV) 615 Community Economic Development (0.50) SEM
Course ID: 001842
Community Economic Development is a field of theory, process and practice that is concerned with understanding the forces shaping communities and finding sustainable local solutions to economic needs. This seminar course will examine topics such as capacity-building, asset-based strategies, social capital, poverty-alleviation, social enterprises and co-operatives, and comprehensive community initiatives, using international and local examples and case studies.