For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Sociology (SOC) 700 Sociological Theory (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003036
A critical overview of selected original writings of major sociological theorists from the 19th and 20th centuries (including, among others, Marx, Weber, Durkheim, Mead, Schutz, Wollstonecraft, Martineau, D. Smith, Giddens, and Habermas). Attention is paid throughout to issues in the philosophy of social science and sociology of knowledge.

Sociology (SOC) 701 Sociology of Digital Media (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003037
An examination of the circuits of technology, creativity, and culture in new media industries, including qualitative work with start-ups and entrepreneurs.

Sociology (SOC) 708 Contemporary Sociological Theory (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003042
This course provides an overview of major works of social thought in contemporary context.

Sociology (SOC) 709 Selected Problems in Sociological Theory (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003043
Relation of sociological theory to specific problems of sociological analysis.

Sociology (SOC) 710 Intermediate Social Statistics (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003044
Applied multiple regression/correlation, with emphasis on data processing/computing, model construction and interpretation and underlying statistical assumptions.

Sociology (SOC) 712 Elements of Social Research (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003045
The social science research process is examined within quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches.

Sociology (SOC) 715 Mixed Methods Research (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003048
Strategies are introduced to design, implement and critically assess the appropriateness of mixed methods different designs integration, interpretation, logistics, benefits and the challenges involved in conducting mixed methods research.

Sociology (SOC) 716 Qualitative Methods (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013075
This course covers the basic techniques for collecting, interpreting, and analyzing qualitative data. The course will operate on two interrelated dimensions, one focused on understanding the relationship between theory, methods and data, the other focused on practical techniques such as identifying informants, and coding and analyzing data.

Sociology (SOC) 717 Reflexive Research Methodologies: Contemporary Interpretive Traditions (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012778
Drawing on the intimate intertwining of theory and methodology in such areas as phenomenology, ethnomethodology, hermeneutics and analysis, this course takes a practical approach to the reflexive research strategies these methodologies employ. Students will be encouraged to develop research proposals in line with their exposure to these methodologies.

Sociology (SOC) 719 Selected Topics in Sociology (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003049
An instructor will teach in their area of specialization.

Sociology (SOC) 720 Social Inequality (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003050
This course examines the dimensions, causes, and consequences of social inequality. Focus will vary by instructor specialization.

Sociology (SOC) 721 Law, Tech, & Society (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016467
The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the intersections between technological innovations, law, and the regulation of social life. Emphasis is placed on how socio-technical and legal orders condition information environments, and, by extension, inform power relations and social inequalities. Focus is also placed on a range of empirical contexts to reveal how social harms are both produced and regulated through a nexus of technology, legal rules, and social relations.

Sociology (SOC) 722 Social Policy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016468
This interdisciplinary course covers social policy related topics including social justice, social equity and equality, evidence-based policy making, and policy critique and analysis.

Sociology (SOC) 723 Technology and Gender (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016641
This course is an in-depth study into the histories, theories, and design-based methodologies of gender and technology, including topics such as algorithms, A.I., cyborgs, and beauty filters. Using science and technology studies and feminist technoscience as frameworks, we will explore how the gendering of technology may risk reinforcing gendered stereotypes in society and culture--but also, how women and non-binary peoples may be empowered through technological tools and communities.

Sociology (SOC) 725 Sociology of Health (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012018
An overview of sociological approaches - theoretical and methodological - to the study of health, illness, and health care. Both the social organization of the health care system and the socio-cultural determinants of health and illness are considered.

Sociology (SOC) 726 Law and Society (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015608
This course examines key themes, ideas, and debates in law and regulation. Students will explore the interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological approaches that animate the study of law regulation in various social, political, and cultural contexts and are encouraged to apply these approaches to their research interests.

Sociology (SOC) 740 Sociology of Deviance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003053
The seminar undertakes a critical examination of the major theoretical perspectives in the sociology of deviance.

Sociology (SOC) 744 Sociology of Crime and Justice (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013073
An overview of current sociological theories and research in the areas of crime and delinquency, and juvenile and criminal justice. The focus of the course is on recent developments in theory and research that have received widespread attention from sociological criminologists.

Sociology (SOC) 751 Theories of Gender Relations (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003056
A critical examination of theories concerning the origin of sex inequality and an attempt to identify indicators of changing status of the sexes as well as factors which account for such changes.

Sociology (SOC) 765 Political Sociology (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003059
A critical examination of political and governmental strategies for identifying social problems and managing the conduct of individuals, groups, and populations.

Sociology (SOC) 776 Sociology of Knowledge (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003061
The seminar undertakes to develop a general theory of the relation of social thought to social action, comparative value systems and the role of the scientist, artist and intellectual in society.

Sociology (SOC) 780 Theories of Social Change (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003062
A systematic review and analysis of major theories of social change. Theoretical problems are examined within a specific context such as social organization, economic institutions, social stratification, and urban structures.

Sociology (SOC) 781 Global Development Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 014219
The course explores theoretical perspectives on the global governance of development, with critical attention to how processes of global development shape local environments and their inhabitants, challenge notions of state sovereignty and territory, and engender diverse responses to regimes of control. Cross-disciplinary perspectives will enable students to engage with a wide range of sociological, ethnographic, and political analyses of development through case studies and themes.

Sociology (SOC) 782 Feminism, Law and Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 014550
The course will explore the theoretical debates within feminist scholarship surrounding the use of Western liberal legal approaches to prosecute gender violence and improve the socio-economic status of women globally. The course readings will draw from various literatures, including liberal and transnational feminist, postcolonial, and socio-legal and governmentality literatures, to analyse and critically evaluate the concept and deployment of women's empowerment in global contexts.

Sociology (SOC) 783 Security and Regulation (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 014220
An examination of criminological and sociological theory and research on the problem of security and related regulatory agencies. Various forms of regulation will be examined (e.g. discipline, surveillance, control, security detention, security intelligence, risk management) as they apply to particular bodies, mobilities, borders, and private and public spaces.

Sociology (SOC) 784 International Migration: Practice, Theory & Regulation (0.50) LEC,SEM

Course ID: 014803
This course explores theoretical perspectives on migration and critically examines how states deter or facilitate migration flows, including irregular immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, and low and high-skilled labourers. A multidisciplinary approach allows students to investigate the ubiquitous rise of border controls as a state tool to control migration, and how their implementation intersects with gender, race, class and nationality.

Sociology (SOC) 785 Urban Security Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 003065
An examination of the urban aspects of security, surveillance, war and terrorism. Particular attention will be given to the contemporary embrace of resilience as a rationality of urban security. Additional themes include the militarization of policing, the role of 'big data' in the intensification of urban surveillance, and the relationship between security and urban environments.

Sociology (SOC) 789 Graduate Readings in Sociology (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 003068
Selected readings in a specific topic including the preparation of a research paper under the supervision of a faculty member.