Course subject: Political Science (PSCI)

For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Political Science (PSCI) 600 Political Science Methods (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 011481
This team-taught course examines different approaches to the study of political science, with units focusing on quantitative methods, qualitative methods, and an exploration of the epistemology of social science.

Political Science (PSCI) 604 Advanced Topics in Global Environmental Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001205
This course examines the ways in which environmental challenges are being addressed by means of 'global governance' - that is, international organizations and institutions intended to deal with these environmental challenges. Concepts are investigated both to help analyze the relative strengths and weaknesses of existing structures and to suggest ways in which alternative forms of global governance might advance sustainability. Specific organizations and other actors presently active in global environmental governance are given particular attention, as is the management of selected global environmental challenges.

Political Science (PSCI) 606 Governing Global Food and Agriculture Systems (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012738
This course examines the international rules and organizations that have emerged to govern the increasingly global system of food and agriculture. Specific themes to be covered include governance issues related to the rise of global food corporations, agricultural trade liberalization and the WTO, food aid distribution, international agricultural assistance, the global agro-chemical industry, and agricultural biotechnology.

Political Science (PSCI) 609 Public International Law (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015932
This survey course will provide students with a systematic introduction to the international legal system. Topics to be covered include: the origins and nature of the international legal system; the formation, sources and application of international law; the law of treaties; international legal personality; the institutional framework of international law; the relationship between international law and municipal law; the relationship between states and territory; law of the sea; state jurisdiction; jurisdictional immunities of states; state responsibility; and a selection of substantive international legal topics including, as time permits, international trade, international investment, the use of force by states, and/or international humanitarian law.

Political Science (PSCI) 610 International Relations Theory (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016365
This course examines the major theories of International Relations (IR) and the current state of the field. It addresses the major IR theories, how they inform advanced research, and how they relate to the conduct of world politics.

Political Science (PSCI) 611 Current Issues in International Relations (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016366
This course examines recent trends in world politics, their origins, and their policy implications.

Political Science (PSCI) 614 Global Business and Development (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013687
This course examines the impact of international business on development in the context of economic globalization. It explores contending perspectives on how international business, particularly multinational corporations, has affected the economic, social and political development in the host countries, the home countries, as well as the world in general.

Political Science (PSCI) 619 China and Global Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 014301
This course examines the evolution of Chinese involvement in global governance across different issue areas. We discuss Chinese perspectives on the existing governance mechanisms, and China's role in preserving or changing these mechanisms. We will also explore how China's involvement in global governance has shaped its domestic institutions.

Political Science (PSCI) 620 Gender and Global Politics (0.50) LEC,SEM

Course ID: 014363
Does looking at the world through the lens of gender change how we see the state, sovereignty, diplomacy, security, trade, migration, globalization, governance, and other foundational concepts in global politics? We review feminist theories of politics, with a particular focus on international relations and global governance; examine how gender shapes the roles and experiences of women and men in global politics; and discuss how to do feminist research.

Political Science (PSCI) 621 Contemporary Political Theory (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002420
An examination of normative understandings of freedom and equality and the ways different theorists measure them. An analysis of the impact that different framings of major concepts have on structurs of justice and their implications for institutional design.

Political Science (PSCI) 623 Democratic Theory and Practice (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002422
An examination of the justification and limitations of democratic government, as well as more practical applications of democratic theory to the workplace, judicial review, legal obligations, etc. The focus will be on problems of democratic theory and practice.

Political Science (PSCI) 624 Justice and Gender (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 002423
Theories of justice are concerned with the distribution of the basic goods of society - money, power, status, leisure, and so on. One would expect that they would be of particular interest to feminist theory, which is also concerned with the distribution of these goods. This course will consider how the gender system fares from the standpoint of liberal justice, and to what extent the promises of liberal justice can be used to overturn the unequal treatment of women. The issues of equality and difference will also be explored.

Political Science (PSCI) 630A Public Administration and Policy 1 (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002428
An in-depth analysis of selected theories of public administration and public policy (e.g.) organization, behaviour, motivation, responsibility, policy making and implementation.

Political Science (PSCI) 631 The State and Economic Life (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002430
An analytical and comparative study of the growth of government intervention in the economic process, and of the development of the welfare state in selected western liberal-democratic societies.

Political Science (PSCI) 632 The Politics of Canadian Resource Development (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002431
An examination of various public policies designed to promote the exploitation and export of Canada's natural resources with an emphasis on the economic, political, social and environmental implications of these developmental strategies.

Political Science (PSCI) 633 Canadian Public Policy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002432
In this course, we examine some of the conceptual frameworks that have been used by policy analysts in the past, in order to assess the possibilities as well as the limitations of such frameworks. We then develop our own approaches to examining some recent policy developments in Canada, using the insights of the authors we have examined. We will examine federal economic policy, provincial health policy, and municipal zoning policies, in order to assess (among other factors) the relative significance of policy focus, the situation of the policy-makers in the political system and ideological preferences.

Political Science (PSCI) 634 Comparative Public Administration (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002433
A comparative survey of public administration in both developed and developing areas. The focus is on the rise of the administrative state in a variety of cultural and political contexts, and on the study of general concepts which can then be applied in a variety of settings. Among the topics to be discussed are: comparison in the study of public administration; bureaucracy as a focus for comparison; the concept of the administrative state; the evolution of national administrative systems; the politics-administration interface and the senior civil service; bureaucracy and democracy; representative bureaucracy; bureaucratic ethics and morality; and the ombudsman and government secrecy.

Political Science (PSCI) 637 Introduction to Machine Learning for Public Policy (0.50) RDG,SEM

Course ID: 002436
This course is an introduction to machine learning and other complex statistical methods that can be used to analyze a wide array of policy issues based on the use of open data. Learners must have knowledge of multivariate regression methods and be trained in the basic use of python or R to take this course.

Political Science (PSCI) 639 Global Social Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 012553
This course examines the prospects for the supranational governance of social issues including the political and philosophical underpinnings of transnational social policy cooperation as well as examining specific issue areas such as global health policy and cross-national migration.

Political Science (PSCI) 649 How Political Institutions Change Society (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016642
The objective of this course is to study how the design and nature of political institutions in a country affect various aspects of its society, such as the cost of living, gender and race relationships, economic growth, people¿s access to education, and the nature of rural life. The course will compare the social impact of various political institutional features, such as regime types, polarization, government partisanship, and the rules of electoral competition.

Political Science (PSCI) 650 Approaches to the Study of Comparative Politics (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002440
This course focuses on some of the methodological and theoretical problems involved in the conduct of comparative political inquiry.

Political Science (PSCI) 655 Ethnic Conflict and Conflict Resolution I (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002445
This course examines the causes of ethnic conflict but focuses in particular on the strategies which states use to manage or resolve such conflicts. The review of state strategies is comprehensive in nature, and includes approaches which are morally unacceptable as well as approaches which many consider morally desirable.

Political Science (PSCI) 656 The Politics of Inequality (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015942
This course studies the relationship between politics and socioeconomic inequality from a wide range of perspectives, such as inequality relating to income and debt, ethnicity, sex, consumers and producers, and regions

Political Science (PSCI) 657 International Organizations and Global Governance (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002447
This course serves as a survey of the international relations (IR) subfield of international organizations (IO) but focuses principally on formal, inter-governmental organizations (IGOs). We examine the growing literature on international organizations and discuss their impact on global governance, considering their formation, design, relevance, impact and agency. We apply this knowledge to the study of several highly institutionalized issue areas.

Political Science (PSCI) 658 Human Rights in the Globalized World (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002448
The course is a study of international and local responses to human rights abuses in the contexts of economic globalization and proliferation of armed violence. It examines major debates on international human rights. It also deals with specific human rights situations in the developing/transitional countries. Topics include: universalism and cultural relativism, global economic justice, rights to food and health, women's and children's rights, the rights of displaced civilians, human rights and R2P, prospects for transitional justice.

Political Science (PSCI) 661 Canadian Political Institutions (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002450
This course examines the structure and operation of central institutions in government, including dominant theories and approaches to their study. Topics may include the constitution, Parliament, the executive, courts, federalism and intergovernmental relations, political parties, provincial and municipal governance, and the bureaucracy.

Political Science (PSCI) 662 Canadian Political Process (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002451
This course examines the political process and societal cleavages in Canada, with a focus on new directions and debates in research. Topics may include elections and voting behaviour, social policy, gender, regionalism and nationalism, Indigenous politics, political culture, interest groups and social movements, and rights.

Political Science (PSCI) 666 Rights and Public Policy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 014925
An exploration of the role that rights and rights discourse plays in public policy development and policy change. Examines Canadian public policy in relation to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and human rights legislation, as well as cases in comparative context.

Political Science (PSCI) 668 The Politics of National Innovation Systems (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 002454
This course examines the global effort to develop new economies built around the commercialization of science and technology. This class, while covering Canadian developments in some detail, examines the broad international, theoretical and conceptual questions surrounding national innovation strategies and implementations and considers the role of national cultures and political environments in promoting new economies.

Political Science (PSCI) 671 Women and Public Policy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002455
Public policy in a variety of areas significant for women (including sport, employment equity, violence) sometimes fails to take into account women's experiences and needs. In this course, we will review policy developments, and reflect on the significance of feminist perspectives for policy analysis. The course will focus on Canadian examples, with comparative material included where useful.

Political Science (PSCI) 672 Special Topics in Political Science (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016465
A course on a specialized topic offered at different times as announced by the Department.

Political Science (PSCI) 678 Security Ontology-Theory (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 002461
This is a seminar in the ontology of security. Security is a contested concept, and in this course we ask what it is and how best to pursue it. What do we mean by security? What are we trying to protect? From what? Why? How do we do it? We begin by considering the concept of security in the abstract, and we then proceed to explore various specific conceptions. Along the way we encounter both traditional and non-traditional approaches to security.

Political Science (PSCI) 679 Security Governance: Actors, Institutions, and Issues (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013686
In this course we examine a range of "security" issues on the global agenda - both traditional and non-traditional - and examine recent and possible future institutional and policy responses. Issues examined include nuclear proliferation, terrorism, intrastate conflict, resource and territorial disputes, climate change, drugs, disease, and migration. Students will have an opportunity to research in depth a specific security issue of their choice.

Political Science (PSCI) 680 Critical Security Studies (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013377
This course reviews critical analytical models for the study of security and covers a range of non-traditional issues including environmental security, public safety, cyber security, and counter-terrorism.

Political Science (PSCI) 683 Topics in International Political Economy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002464
Contemporary perspectives and issues in international political economy, with particular attention to advanced industrial countries. Topics include political/economic cooperation, the politics of trade, and the politics of adjustment.

Political Science (PSCI) 684 Special Topics in International Diplomacy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 009393
Diplomacy and foreign policy are usually discussed as though they are synonymous. From a more nuanced perspective, diplomacy is about the set of instruments used in international affairs via techniques of representation, information, communication and negotiation. This course highlights the work of diplomats and the machinery of diplomacy.

Political Science (PSCI) 687 Explaining Interstate War (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002467
An examination of explanation of interstate war found in classic texts and current empirical studies. (Heldwith PSCI 481).

Political Science (PSCI) 688 Governance of Global Economy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 002468
A survey of the theoretical and public policy debates relating to regulation of the global economy, examined through case studies ranging from international banking an intellectual property rights, to labour and environmental standards and the control of illicit economic activity.

Political Science (PSCI) 689 International Political Economy (0.50) LEC,RDG

Course ID: 011482
Topics in international political economy-such as trade, finance, corporations, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, regionalism (EU, NAFTA/FTAA, and APEC)-with a focus on resistance and accommodation to the forces of "globalization".

Political Science (PSCI) 690 Theories of Political Economy (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016367
An advanced examination of theoretical approaches to the study of political economy. The course explores both historical and contemporary approaches and how they inform political economy research.

Political Science (PSCI) 691 Developments in Political Economy (0.50) RDG,SEM

Course ID: 016368
A survey of recent developments in the field of political economy that combines local, national, comparative, and international perspectives on states and markets, politics and business, wealth and power.

Political Science (PSCI) 692 Ecological Political Economy: Canada in Comparative (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015943
This course examines major current issues and debates in the field of political economy as it relates to the environment. The focus is on Canadian cases with comparative insights drawn from international cases.