Course subject: Health Studies (HLTH)

For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 601 Lifespan Determinants of Health and Disease (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 001724
The course will examine the determinants of health and disease from a multi-disciplinary lifespan perspective. An integrated approach will be taken to consider biological, behavioral, and social factors relevant to health and disease at different ages and to discuss issues of prevention within a broadly-based public health orientation.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 602A Foundations of Public Health (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 012523
Overview of the conceptual, theoretical, practical, and professional foundations of public health. The course will help students build an understanding of the historical origins and achievements of public health practitioners and establish an appreciation of the core values that underpin, and the core functions that make up, public health. Examination and analysis of current approaches to prevent, control, and manage the major causes of illness and disease worldwide. The course also serves as an introduction to the MPH program. As such, it is required to be taken in the first term of the MPH program.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 602B Capstone Integrative Seminar for Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012524
The culminating experience in the UW MPH program, the Capstone provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate two very important dimensions of readiness to practice in public health: the ability to work in a diverse and multidisciplinary team and the ability to integrate lessons learned from a variety of sources (including, but not limited to, course work and practicum) and bring them to bear on a concrete public health problem. Graded on a Credit/Non-Credit basis. (The course is delivered in a two-week block at the end of the MPH program sequence, on the UW main campus).

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 603 Health Systems and Policy (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 010533
A critical analysis of health policy formulation, implementation and evaluation related to population health initiatives and health services delivery. The course will include discussion of health system financing, organization, management and regulation and the role of various regional, provincial, and national agencies in health policy formation. It will compare the Canadian health system with systems in other countries.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 604 Public Health and the Environment (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012526
This course will explore the major sources of environmental stressors and types of environmental processes posing a risk to public health, and the mechanisms through which these interact with biological systems to exert adverse effects on human health.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 605A Regression Models (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015444
The use of regression models (for continuous and categorical outcomes) for analysis of multi-variable data sets. Strategies for model building, fitting of models, assessing model assumptions and testing hypothesis. Application of these models to problems in the health sciences.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 605B Quantitative Methods and Analysis (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012527
This course is a rigorous introduction to biostatistics for those planning a career in public health. Students will learn various biostatistical techniques, how to apply those techniques in the analysis of data from health studies, and how to interpret the results from those analyses. After a brief review of material from a basic statistics course, topics covered will include simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of categorical data, simple and multiple logistic regression, and survival analysis. Emphasis will be on (i) conceptual understanding of topics, including literacy necessary for understanding scientific papers in public health, as well as (ii) carrying out various data analysis applications.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 606A Epidemiological Methods (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 001730
An investigation of the epidemiology of selected non-infectious diseases with emphasis on the identification of risk factors and on the methodology of epidemiological investigations.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 606B Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012528
This course introduces the principles, methods, and uses of epidemiology in the practice of public health. After completion of this course, students will be able to critically read and interpret epidemiologic research and clearly communicate epidemiologic findings. They will be familiar with health status measurement, data sources, screening, surveillance, outbreak investigation, and methods to support program planning and evaluation. Students will have a sound understanding of basic epidemiologic concepts, including prevalence, incidence, study designs, measures of association, bias, confounding and causal inference.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 607 Social, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Public Health I (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012529
An introduction to the social, cultural and behavioural foundations of public health and outline the contributions of the social sciences to the planning and implementation of public health interventions. Prerequisite PHS 601.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 608 Health and Risk Communication in Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012530
An overview of theories, research findings, and applications of health communication and risk communication in public health. The course examines theories of group interaction and mass communication related to community perceptions of public health problems and practices, the impact of new technologies on public health communication, intercultural issues in health communication, health literacy, social marketing, and links between health communication and public health policy. Prerequisite PHS 601.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 609 Management and Administration of Public Health Services (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012531
Approaches to strategic planning and organizational design, key concepts of human resource management in achieving the strategic objectives of public health organizations, and the fundamentals of operation planning, budgeting, financial management and project management. Prerequisite PHS 601.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 610 Program Development and Service Delivery for the Elderly (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 001731
The various programs and services, particularly in the non-medical areas, will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on various programs which are available to the elderly residing in the community, such as home care and homemaking services, various outreach programs, including day hospitals, placement and coordination services, geriatric assessment services, vacation relief beds and foster home programs. The reasons for the changes which have taken place over time will also be investigated. In addition, the cost-effectiveness and methods how such cost-effectiveness can be evaluated will be outlined. As with HSG 703, students in this course will be expected to undertake some field work.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 611 The Health Care System (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013806
This course examines the environment in which health systems operate, with a focus on policy formulation legislative frameworks, governance structures, and funding models. Special attention is given to issues related to electronic health records and health information systems. A focus on international settings with strong track records in health informatics is central to this course.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 612 Data Structures and Standards in Health Informatics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013604
This course focuses on health data as a key component of all health informatics systems. Topics include ontologies and other classification taxonomies found in health systems, data standards (with a focus on Canadian implementations of international standards), privacy and security of health data, client/patient assessment tools, and ethical considerations.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 613 Information Technology for the Health Professional (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014291
This course introduces health professionals to the conceptual and physical building blocks of large scale distributed health information system. Network architectures, web architectures, distributed processing, securing information, database structures, and other technical topics are covered with a specific focus on the concepts that need to be understood by health professionals to facilitate interaction with technical system specialists.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 614 Foundations of Program Evaluation (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012532
This course covers methods and applications of intervention evaluation in public health, as a means to ensure the effectiveness, accountability and continuous improvement of public health interventions. Basic evaluation models and concepts of evaluation design are provided as an introduction, including the relationship between intervention planning (organization and program planning) and evaluation. Both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches are presented. Case examples are used to illustrate methodological, political and ethical challenges of program evaluation in the public health context.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 615 Requirements Specification and Analysis in Health Systems (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014292
This course introduces students to the requirements of definition phase of software development. Models, notations, and processes for software requirements identification, representation, validation, and analysis are discussed, as are mechanisms to evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of health information systems.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 616 Decision Making and Systems Thinking in Health Informatics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 014293
This course focuses on the process by which decisions are made and how decision-making processes can be codified and machine supported. It will include topics such as reasoning and inference, techniques for managing uncertainty and information representation. The course is anchored in a systems thinking approach to problem solving.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 617 Population Intervention for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012533
The first of two capstone courses in the MPH program, this course presents the principles and methods for the effective design, selection and implementation of public health interventions to address environmental, social, and behavioural risk factors. Students will determine when interventions are justified; differentiate between individual and population level interventions; describe various types of interventions; use theory and evidence to select and design interventions including the appropriate mixes of intervention types, sites, and delivery systems. Emphasis is placed on developing a final project that integrates methods, concepts and theories in public health through reading and problem-based learning.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 618 Research Tools for Public Health Practice (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016163
This course introduces and reviews the full range of research deigns, methods, and tools that are employed in contemporary public health practice, emphasizing the use of evidence to inform decision-making. Topics include: quantitative/epidemiologic research designs, qualitative methods and analysis, community-based participatory research methods, approaches to health program evaluation, critical appraisal of different kinds of evidence, the implications of artificial intelligence for public health, and knowledge translation/mobilization strategies.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 619 Fundamental Research Methods in Health Informatics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015445
This course focuses on the fundamental methods that are commonly employed in modern health informatics research in order to collect, store, organize, process, analyze, and communicate data/information/knowledge. Emphasis is on computerized methods and concepts. Students will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience so that they can apply the learned methods in practice after completing this course.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 620 Selected Topics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 010537
Fall/Winter/Spring Specific topics may include health behaviour change, decision making in health delivery systems, stress coping strategies, risk assessment and management, psychopharmacology and addiction, nutrition and chronic disease, psychosocial factors in disease, accident and injury control, health assessment, health and the aging person, etc.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 621 Decision Making and Decision Support in Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015446
One of the major aims of heal informatics is to help health professionals make better decisions. To this end, diverse models and methods of decision making and decision support have been developed and implements in health care settings. This course reviews theories, methods, and technologies for aiding the process of making decisions in health care.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 622 Nutritional Aspects of Chronic Disease (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015447
Nutrition is integral to the etiology, prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. This course will examine nutritional aspects of key chronic diseases affecting the Canadian population. There will be an opportunity for students to explore, in depth, specific conditions and aspects of nutritional assessment or intervention that interest them.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 623 Risk and Exposure Assessment in Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012534
Methods used to assess human health risks associated with biological, chemical and physical exposures in the environment, focusing on hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. The course examines the strengths and weaknesses of various types of risk assessment approaches, the inherent uncertainties in each stage of risk assessment, and the interactive role of risk assessment and risk management in public health decision-making. Course open to MPH students. Others may be admitted with consent of instructor.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 624 Environmental Toxicology in Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012535
Introduction to the underlying principles governing the interactions of foreign chemicals with biological systems, including a description of the human health effects that can occur as a result of chemico-biological interactions in the environment. Course open to MPH students. Others may be admitted with consent of instructor.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 625 Foundations of Qualitative Research Methodologies (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015823
This workshop oriented course provides a foundational overview of various qualitative research processes beginning with philosophical underpinnings, and continuing through theoretical perspectives, methodologies, methods, analysis, and write-up. Specifically, ontological and epistemological approaches of prediction, understanding, emancipation, and deconstruction will be introduced and discussed as students immerse themselves in rigorous fieldwork in relation to current qualitative trends in health and well-being.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 626 Analysis and Management of Health Information in Aging Populations (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016010
The course combines an overview of health policy issues and service delivery with methodological considerations in the analysis of health information from a variety of sources. The topics to be addressed may include the role of health information in evidence-based practice and policy development; basic concepts of demography and health information management; secondary data analysis; case-mix based funding systems; analysis; cost analysis; international comparisons.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 627 Advanced Dementia Care (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016011
This course provides a comprehensive examination of dementia from multiple perspectives, including the person living with dementia, family care partners, and the health and social care systems. Key topics include epidemiology, prevention, stigma, meaningful engagement, care and support.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 628 What is Fair? International Perspectives on Equity in Work and Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016021
The aim of this course is to increase knowledge about health equity from an international perspective, by focusing on the field of work and health. This is an international on-line course, co-taught by Canadian and Swedish instructors, that gives students the experience of working on comparative policy and practice assignments and projects with peers at international universities. Some assignments differ for MSc and PhD students. The assignments address concepts of social determinants of health, intersectionality, and equity as they relate to healthy work environment factors.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 629 Information Vizualization (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016018
This course provides an introduction to the field of information visualization: the use of computer graphics and interaction to help humans understand, interpret and solve problems using complex data. Topics will be covered using case studies, and include what is visualization?; use of colour, shape, and contrast in representing data; rules of thumb for creating visualizations; and case studies.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 630 Advanced Geriatric Medicine and Healthcare (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016019
This course will address the role of geriatric medicine in the context of an aging population. We will identify and explain gaps in the health care of seniors that led to the development of geriatric medicine as a separate specialty and be able to discuss the role of geriatric medicine in the health care system. The course will consider models of frailty, methods for measuring frailty, and their implications for the health system, and discuss the epidemiology, burden of disease, and impact on health care of ¿geriatric giants¿ and common illness in older persons.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 631 Public Health Surveillance (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012536
Fundamental principles of public health surveillance and monitoring, describe the source of public health data in Canada and other countries. Topics covered include forecasting, information management and organization, and technological innovations for assessment, evaluation and program delivery.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 632 Health Economics and Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012537
An exploration of the socioeconomic determinants of health, the role of economics in public health policy, and the uses of economic evaluation methods in public health decision-making. Course open to MPH students. Others may be admitted with consent of instructor.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 633 Digital Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 016020
The wide adoption of mobile technology presents a new opportunity. Leveraging this existing technology, healthcare systems can deliver remote care and collect real-time data on patients outside of health centres, minimizing unnecessary visits to hospitals and providing healthcare access to remote populations. In this course, we will explore how digital health technology has been designed, evaluated, and deployed in different countries. Case studies will be used to demonstrate how institutional and governmental constraints have a strong impact on the success of the deployment. The course will address the different digital health technologies in the market, such as Telehealth, remote patient monitoring, tele radiology, consumer health informatics, and mHealth. Important aspects of technology development like patient confidentiality, privacy, standards, communication and security protocols, regulatory requirements, among others, will be discussed when presenting the development of each digital health solution. By the end of this course, students will be prepared to design, evaluate, and deploy a digital health intervention and will have a solid understanding of the barriers and requirements for deploying digital health technology.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 634 Environmental Epidemiology for Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012539
This course will cover epidemiological theories, methods, and applications used to address major environmental risks to public health, through a focus on the design, conduct, and interpretation of results from epidemiological studies of various designs. Public health risks will include the major pathways for exposure to microbial, chemical and physical hazards (e.g. ambient and indoor air, drinking and recreational water, food, physical contact).

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 635 Public Health, Environment and Planning (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012540
An exploration of the complex set of relationships among public health, environment and planning at the community and global levels. Topics covered include the concept of sustainable development and how it relates to public health.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 637 Public Health Informatics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012542
This course examines the application of information technologies and information systems in public health practice. Selected topics include managing information to deliver value; data standards in public health; privacy, confidentiality and security in public health; surveillance systems, informatics of toxicology and environmental public health. Course open to MPH students. Others may be admitted with consent of instructor.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 638 Selected Topics in Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012543
Fall/Winter/Spring specific topics in public health. Course open to MPH students. Others may be admitted with consent of instructor.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 639 Experiential Learning in Evaluation (0.50) LAB,LEC

Course ID: 016164
This course will provide graduate students with hands-on experience in designing evaluation processes for programs, services, responses and/or interventions. Students will be exposed to contemporary trends and issues in evaluation theory, as well as methods and practice, while working with stakeholders. Course content covers evaluation planning, design and implementation. Attention will be given to theories of change, stakeholder engagement, evaluation approaches and methodologies. Working with stakeholders to understand program context and apply it to the design of an evaluation is a key feature of this course. The course uses real world problems across a range of applied health interests, and emphasizes experiential learning through a case- and team-based approach.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 640 Professional Experience Practicum (1.5) PRA

Course ID: 012544
Fall, Winter, Spring. The supervised practicum is intended to provide professional program students with an opportunity to apply course learning in a health or health system setting. The placement may involve any of the activities or functions of students' field of study: public health, informatics, evaluation, etc. A contract stipulating practicum objectives, and work to be completed and evaluated to meet these objectives, must be jointly approved by the student, the student's field supervisor, and the course instructor. A written report by the student, together with products produced during the practicum and interim and final feedback from the field supervisor, are used by the course instructor to evaluate student performance. Completion of all prerequisite coursework is required before commencing the practicum.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 641 Practicum (0.50) PRA

Course ID: 010253
Fall/Winter/Spring. The supervised practicum is intended to enhance basic or applied research and/or practice skills. The placement may involve a combination of research design or program development, data collection (using quantitative or qualitative methods), analyses, interpretation, presentation, and application. A contract stipulating practicum objectives, and work to be completed and evaluated to meet these objectives, must be jointly approved by the student, the student's field supervisor, the student's academic advisor (if applicable), and the course instructor. A written report by the student, together with a letter from the field supervisor, are used by the course instructor to evaluate student performance. This course is intended for Masters level students.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 642 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Aging (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015448
This course provides an opportunity for critical discussion and analysis of a range of key issues in aging and aging research, and of health system and health policy issues affecting older persons. Speakers will represent a variety of disciplines, reflecting the importance of interdisciplinary perspectives in aging research, as well as the combination of biomedical and psychosocial factors that contribute to healthy aging or to the development of frailty and chronic disease.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 644 Indigenous Wellbeing, Health, and Social Justice (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 016294
This interdisciplinary course is intended to engage and advance knowledge and practice in Indigenous wellbeing and health through a social justice lens. The course critically links determinants of Indigenous Peoples¿ wellbeing and health to historical and ongoing colonial priorities and practices. Disparities in health and social issues, access to care, and systemic challenges, including racism experienced by Indigenous Peoples in different regions and contexts, are shared as points for discussion and reflection. An intersectionality lens is applied in consideration of the unique wellbeing and health experiences among Indigenous Peoples, including Indigenous women, youth, and Two Spirit Peoples. Indigenous approaches to science, healing, and community-based ethical practices are also profiled in social work and health care delivery, research, policy, and programming. The knowledges, values, and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples are highlighted throughout this course, incorporated within a variety of resources including readings, film and other arts-based narratives that include Indigenous scholars and community activists, in the delivery of course content and assignments. This course was created in consultation with a local Indigenous Advisory Circle that included community-based Indigenous Elders, health leaders, social workers, and academics involved in Indigenous initiatives and research. (Note: This is an online course).

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 650 Applied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Public Health (0.50) LAB,LEC

Course ID: 016369
This course introduces machine learning (ML) algorithms that are commonly used in artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare and public health settings. Students will have hands-on experiences in making linkages across multiple datasets, developing ML algorithms to find patterns, and generating evidence and predictive models that help inform decision-making for policymakers and public health organizations. Challenges related to AI in health data will also be discussed, including data quality, explainability of artificial intelligence, unethical use of AI, and vulnerabilities in datasets that pose a threat to privacy and appropriate use of AI in the public health domain.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 651 Theory and Applications in Program Evaluation (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 015072
An advanced program and policy evaluation course that provides theoretical knowledge, skills, and application of program evaluation approaches, including organizational and program planning. A more in-depth coverage of topics will be presented, including case studies and the understanding and use of program and policy intervention theory. This includes the creation of logic models, the identification of the purpose of the evaluation, the development of an appropriate evaluation design, and consideration of factors associated with knowledge use.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 652 Qualitative Methods and Analysis (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 015073
This course explores qualitative method approaches to program evaluation and public health practice. A critical analysis will inform health policy and practice based on methodological approaches most appropriate to the type of evaluation being conducted. Data collection tools, such as focus groups or interviews will be taught, as well as useful techniques for data analysis, interpretation of results, and presentation of findings. Mixed methods are introduced.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 653 Evaluation Practice and Management (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 015074
Key concepts necessary for successful evaluation practice and management are discussed and applied using case examples. Evaluation practice examples that are discussed include learning to understand and incorporate consideration of diversity, societal, organizational and environmental context in the conduct of evaluations. Key project management concepts relevant to each step of the evaluation of intervention will be covered, including (but not limited to) selecting research questions and focusing design considerations, budgets, timelines, politics, and contingency plans as well as creating and working in teams.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 654 Systems Thinking and Analysis in Health Program Planning and Evaluation (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 015075
This course provides the theory and tools needed to apply systems thinking and a systems approach to health program evaluation. Course includes application of ethical theory to health reform, systems approaches to health programming planning and evaluation, international comparison of health systems, and an in-depth investigation of health sector subsystems or building blocks.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 655 Health Measurement and Survey Methods (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 015076
This course provides in-depth coverage of measurement and survey methods needed for evaluation data collection and other research or clinical applications. Various measurement approaches will be studied, including classical test theory and item response theory. Students will learn how to develop a measure or questionnaire and test its reliability and validity, or to critically appraise an existing measure or questionnaire. Issues and methods related to administering health measures or questionnaires will be covered, including sampling and ethical issues.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 656 Quantitative Methods and Analysis for Program (0.50) LEC,OLN

Course ID: 015358
This course will provide an introduction to quantitative methods for use in program evaluation practice. Students will learn the importance of quantitative methods and analysis, appropriate analytic techniques to address certain evaluation questions, and how to interpret and report the results from those analyses. Study designs as well as descriptive and inferential statistics will be reviewed. Specific topics will include measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, analysis of variance, categorical data analysis, correlation and regression, and data visualization. Emphasis will be on the theoretical and conceptual understanding and application of quantitative analysis relevant to program evaluation.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 661 Geographic Information Systems and Public Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013386
The course introduces the concepts, methods, and applications of Geographic Information System (GIS), with a focus on spatial analysis in public health. The strong emphasis on assignments that require application of concepts and methods provides students with hands-on experience of important GIS applications in public health, including disease surveillance and control, disease risk estimation, health service planning, mapping disease, disease cluster detection, and analyzing environmental hazards at the neighbourhood, municipal, regional, and international level. Students will learn the fundamentals of GIS, methodologies for analysing spatial data, study design, spatial data issues and interpretation of the results of analyses for GIS applications in public health. There is no prerequisite for this course. However, basic knowledge of statistics with an interest in information technology, public health, and mapping is highly desirable.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 662 Global Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013387
"Global Health" refers to health issues and concerns that transcend national borders, class, race ethnicity, and culture. This course will examine Global Health issues and challenges in the 21st century from a Public Health perspective. Issues range from socioeconomic factors, health systems, culture, human rights, ecological sustainability, humanitarian assistance, and war and peace. Group work is emphasized. There may be opportunities for service learning or interviews with frontline providers to explore Global Health in a local context.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 663 Human Development and Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013388
Course content includes normative and non-normative development across the lifespan as it is relevant to individual and population health and public health programming. The human is treated as an independent system nested within an environmental system. Consideration will be given to the interaction of the commonly recognized developmental domains, the individual's context, and wellness. Topics of discussion may include the impact on health and wellness of developmental continuity, resilience, transitions, and milestones.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 664 Analysis and Management of Health Information for Aging Societies (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015458
The course focuses on how information from surveys and administrative or clinical databases can be used to support evidence-informed decision making in the context of population aging. The course will combine an overview of health policy issues and service delivery with methodological considerations in the analysis of health information from a variety of sources.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 665 Mechanisms of Disease Processes (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 010535
The focus of the course is on basic physiological and immunological mechanisms involved in major contemporary health problems, including those which are contributed to by behavioural factors.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 671 Psychopharmacology (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 010230
The primary objective of the course will be to provide a basic understanding of how drugs can alter the function of neural cells, and how these changes can affect mood, cognition, and behaviour. Key topics to be discussed include: a) biological principles of pharmacology, b) general structure and function of the nervous system, c) major neurotransmitter systems of the brain, d) mechanisms of drug action on neurotransmission, and e) pharmaotherapy.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 672 Epidemiologic Methods in Aging Research (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012868
This course introduces the application of epidemiologic methods to the study of older persons. This lecture/discussion will present core epidemiologic concepts and methodologic issues in epidemiologic students of older persons. We will then study predictors of health and three major health outcomes: longevity/mortality, functional status/disability, and disease. Students will critically evaluate epidemiologic studies in aging research and will investigate a specific topic in this field in depth.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 701 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Public Health and Health Systems (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015449
This advanced seminar examines modes of research inquiry in the health sciences. Issues related to measurement, casual inference, experimental and quasi-experimental research designs, descriptive, interpretive, and ethnographic methods of data collection will be examined. The objectives of the course are to build aspiring scholars' expertise in diverse modes of inquiry and systems of knowledge production in the health sciences, in critical assessment and contextualization of methodologies within the academic, interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and knowledge translation.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 704 Advanced Qualitative Methods for Health Research (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015450
The aim of this course is to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills to understand, conceptualize, design, conduct, and critically evaluate qualitative health research. It is designed for students wishing to develop their own research at the master's or doctoral level. Emphasis is on: 1) exploring the relationship between techniques designed to gather particular kinds of data and the broader epistemological and theoretical questions underpinning qualitative health research; and 2) giving students an opportunity to practically engage with key qualitative research skills (interviewing, data analysis) and to reflect on the ethical, theoretical, and practical issues that arise in conducting qualitative research in health settings.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 705 Advanced Statistical Methods for Analyzing Public Health and Health Systems Data (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015451
This course will focus on statistical methods for analyzing and drawing inferences from longitudinal data, time-to-event data and incomplete/missing data, with emphasis on their application for public health sciences. Topics include linear and generalized linear regression models (for correlated data), and imputation techniques for incomplete correlated and multilevel data. Students will learn appropriate methods to implement (particularly through the use of software) and interpret analyses of various types of complex public health data.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 706 Advanced Epidemiological Methods (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 015455
Building on HLTH 606, this course provides an in-depth survey of theory and methods in epidemiology, focusing on answering complex research questions using epidemiologic methods. Course topics include modeling multinomial, count, rate, and survival data and disease transmission; infectious disease dynamics; assessing the reliability/validity of measurement instruments; an in-depth examination of various study designs (e.g., case control, nested case control, case-cohort, randomized controlled trials, panel studies, and hybrid study designs); critical appraisal of the medical literature; and systematic reviews and meta-analysis.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 719 Advanced Research Methods in Health Informatics (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 015456
This course covers advanced research methods in health informatics that are often applied in cutting-edge health informatics research. Fundamental research methods will be extended to greater depth. Latest information technology will be discussed and applied in the context of health informatics.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 720 Advanced Topics (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 010539
An in-depth analysis of specific topics of interest. Representative topics may include advanced epidemiological and statistical methods for health research, cancer prevention and control, advanced health program evluation, psychoneuroimmunology, addictions, caregiver issues, etc. The form of the study may include a literature review or the planning and execution of and execution of an independent study leading to a mamor paper for possible publication.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 730 Fundamentals of Work and Health (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013139
This course will provide an overview of current thinking on work and health by introducing students to major substantive topics in the area from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The course will critically examine a variety of topics that may be investigated from different disciplinary perspectives. Classes will include presentations by faculty members representing different disciplines in the collaborative program. Examples of topics discussed in a given term may include work-stress relationships, healthy workplaces, and vulnerable populations.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 731 Critical Perspectives on Work and Health Systems (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 013132
This course will provide students with knowledge about social, organisational, legal and political dimensions of occupational health and safety so that they can design and implement research in work and health. We will begin by reviewing the basic building blocks of our work and health systems: injury prevention and illness/injury rehabilitation systems. Using a variety of disciplinary perspectives, the course will then turn to key contemporary topics in work and health including COVID-19, the changing nature of work including the gig economy, financial incentive systems to maintain safe work spaces, return-to-work programs, and worker representation in work and health.The course will include presentations by researchers and practitioners from the work and health domain who will facilitate discussions on the challenges and opportunities of conducting and applying research in these areas.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 732A Work and Health Research Seminar (I) (0.00) SEM

Course ID: 013133
This seminar is a forum for student presentations about results of or proposals for research. Invited speakers will also present results of research from time to time. Attendance at the seminar is required for two terms (i.e., during the candidates' first two years in the program). Attendance beyond that is encouraged. The range of topics that will be addressed in the seminar crosses all areas of investigation in the collaborative program. Grading will be on a credit/no credit basis.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 732B Work and Health Research Seminar (II) (0.00) SEM

Course ID: 013142
This seminar is a forum for student presentations about results of or proposals for research. Invited speakers will also present results of research from time to time. Attendance at the seminar is required for two terms (i.e., during the candidates' first two years in the program). Attendance beyond that is encouraged. The range of topics that will be addressed in the seminar crosses all areas of investigation in the collaborative program. Grading will be on a credit/no credit basis.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 741 Advanced Practicum (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 001743
Fall/Winter/Spring. The supervised research practicum is intended to enhance basic or applied research skills as demonstrated through previous practica, research assistantships or other research experiences. The placement may involve a combination of research design or development, data collection (using quantitative or qualitative methods), analyses, interpretation and presentation. A contract stipulating practicum objectives, and work to be completed and evaluated to meet these objectives, must be jointly approved by the student, the student's field supervisor, the student's academic advisor (if applicable), and the course instructor. A written report by the student, together with a letter from the field supervisor, are used by the course instructor to evaluate student performance.

Public Health Sciences (HLTH) 750 Fundamentals of Aging, Health and Well-being (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012422
This survey course will be team-taught by members of the collaborative program and will serve to introduce students to major sub-areas of aging, health and well-being research. Topics will be covered from each Department within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.