For more detailed course information, click on a course title below.

Accounting (ACC) 604 Statutory Interpretation (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011672
This course will introduce the student to the Canadian standards related to the interpretation of tax legislation and decisions of the courts.

Accounting (ACC) 605 International Tax (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011673
This course will introduce the student to Canadian taxation of international transactions, including the interpretation of tax treaties.

Accounting (ACC) 606 Business Valuations (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011674
This course will provide the fundamentals of business valuation theory and practice. Successful completion of this course can provide students pursuing a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV) designation with advanced standing in the CBV Institute Program of Studies through course exemptions.

Accounting (ACC) 607 Tax Issues Integration (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011675
This course will develop the students' skills in identifying and addressing tax issues, through the use of case studies.

Accounting (ACC) 609 Financial Statement Analysis (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011677
This course introduces fundamental tools of analysis and evaluation that are widely used in a variety of financial careers.

Accounting (ACC) 610 Public Accounting Practice (0.50) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 000003
This course will enhance students¿ technical and communication skills that they have developed through the application and integration of their knowledge in various types of cases. Students will use these skills extensively in their careers as financial professionals.

Accounting (ACC) 611 External Reporting with Integration (0.50) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 000004
This course emphasizes financial reporting standards, in conjunction with assurance and tax, and their application through the use of scenarios and simulations.

Accounting (ACC) 621 System Reliability Principles and Criteria (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011484
This course will address the principles of reliable systems including availability, security, integrity and maintainability risks and control practices that can contribute to system reliability. (Course offerings will be internet-based.)

Accounting (ACC) 622 Electronic Commerce (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011478
This course will address the features and related implementation issues of electronic commerce systems, including order processing, payment, fulfillment, integration with other entity systems and related issues of management, performance measurement and control. (Course offerings will be internet-based.)

Accounting (ACC) 623 Business Technology Law (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 011479
This course will equip students to manage technology issues of a legal nature by developing their knowledge of intellectual property including the obtaining and enforcement of rights as well as the use of legal tools to create business opportunity as well as to respond to legal risk. Students may also consider other technology law topics such as privacy, tax considerations, and licensing all of which are relevant for technology-oriented businesses.

Accounting (ACC) 625 Foundations of Venture Creation (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000011
This course provides students with an introduction to the processes involved in moving an idea for a new venture from concept through to launch. The theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to create a successful entrepreneurial enterprise are developed. Topics include definition and evaluation of entrepreneurial opportunities, business planning, funding strategies and early-stage revenue models, legal issues and intellectual property protection.

Accounting (ACC) 626 IT Assurance and Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000012
This course will address audit considerations and other assurance services in computer-based information systems. (Course offering will be internet-based.)

Accounting (ACC) 627 Business Process Enablement and Project Management (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000013
This course will cover methods of improving business processes and managing related organizational change. (Course offering will be internet-based.)

Accounting (ACC) 640 Working with Unstructured Data and Natural Language Processing (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016490
This course is offered within the basket of courses for the Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Computational Data Analytics for the Social Sciences and Humanities program. It uses an applied approach to provide students with foundational skills in programming and natural language processing (NLP). NLP can help turn unstructured, textual data into meaningful vectors useful for further quantitative analyses and visualization. The course will be paced to provide students an opportunity to learn programming basics and advanced techniques (in Python).

Accounting (ACC) 650 Assurance and Governance (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000020
This course considers the role of risk in the context of assurance and the client's risk management process and addresses the impact of risk on an assurance provider's professional practice.

Accounting (ACC) 652 Forensic Accounting (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013326
Through case-based learning this course provides insight into financial statement fraud, frauds against organizations, fraud investigations and how frauds may be prevented and detected.

Accounting (ACC) 662 Tax Policy (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000024
This course examines the economic, political, legal and administrative aspects of selected contemporary issues in Canadian tax policy.

Accounting (ACC) 680 Systems and Analysis for Management Decision-making (0.50) LEC,TUT

Course ID: 000028
This course reviews and integrates theory, analytical approaches, and processes for those intending to pursue certification as a professional accountant. It provides insight into the problems facing management and executives using cases designed to expose students to real world situations requiring qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Accounting (ACC) 681 Understanding and Managing Organizational Change (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000029
This course is designed for individuals who are interested in a deeper understanding of the process of change from a senior management perspective.

Accounting (ACC) 682 Measuring and Managing the Value Creation Process (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 010147
By examining the fundamentals of vlue creation, this course links internal performance systems with performance in financial markets.

Accounting (ACC) 683 Emerging Issues in Management and Marketing (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 012014
This course provides students with a review and synthesis of emerging issues in management and marketing in order to prepare students who are pursuing a career in financial management with a business background. The course will consist of assigned readings, exercises, and term projects that involve evaluation of current business issues, and an examination.

Accounting (ACC) 684 Strategy and Business Models (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013327
This course examines concepts within strategy, business models, and performance measurement to explore connections among an organization¿s competitive environment, business model pattern, and relevant performance measures.

Accounting (ACC) 685 Performance Management (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 013328
This course covers advanced performance management topics including strategy development and implementation, the design and use of performance metrics, goal setting and incentive programs, risk management, and management accounting decision analyses using customized, real-world cases.

Accounting (ACC) 690 Topics in Accounting (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000030
One or more one-term courses will be offered at different times as announced.

Accounting (ACC) 701 Financial Accounting Research Seminar (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 000040
Current research topics in financial accounting including applications of agency theory, capital markets theory and human information processing.

Accounting (ACC) 702 Management Accounting Research Seminar (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 000041
This course provides an in-depth look at the major research efforts that characterize contemporary management accounting and cost management systems. Particular emphasis is placed on field-based research techniques.

Accounting (ACC) 750 Auditing Research Seminar (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 000042
A broad survey of current auditing research covering: the socio-economic role of auditing in society; the agency relationships between shareholders, managers and auditors; the factors influencing the quality of auditing, in particular, experimental research into key attributes of the audit judgment process, and technological innovations such as statistical sampling, regression, and expert systems.

Accounting (ACC) 760 Taxation Research Seminar (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 000043
A survey of non-legal tax research in accounting. Tax research in related areas, especially economics, will also be reviewed.

Accounting (ACC) 770 Finance 1 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000044
The course introduces options and other derivative securities in different asset classes. The main focus is on methods of pricing in a multi-period setting, but continuous-time models are also discussed. Topics may include no-arbitrage pricing theory, the fundamental theory of asset pricing, complete and incomplete markets,and pricing of complex financial instruments.

Accounting (ACC) 771 Finance 2 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000045
The course discusses methods and tools for modeling of financial derivatives in the continuous-time setting. Both theory and practical applications are discussed. The first part covers methods of pricing and hedging of derivatives under different assumptions about the dynamics of the underlying economic factors. Topics normally include currency derivatives, American and exotic options, futures contracts, stochastic volatility models and mean-variance hedging. The second part deals with modeling and pricing of interest-rate products. Topics may include short interest rate models, the Heath-Jarrow-Morton Framework, and Libor and swap market models.

Accounting (ACC) 772 Finance 3 (0.50) LEC

Course ID: 000046
The course will cover selected and advanced topics in quantitative finance and risk management, with a particular focus on current developments. Topics may include robust and Bayesian portfolio optimization, limits to arbitrage, derivatives pricing under model uncertainty, credit risk models, and models of systematic risk.

Accounting (ACC) 781 Introduction to Accounting Research (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 000047
ACC 781 provides an introduction to academic research in Accounting and Finance. It covers elements of scientific inference, experimental and quasi-experimental design, and various threats to valid inference.

Accounting (ACC) 782 Experimental and Field Research in Accounting (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016199
An introduction to experimental and field research addressing a broad range of accounting subjects.

Accounting (ACC) 783 Archival and Analytic Research in Accounting (0.50) SEM

Course ID: 016200
An introduction to archival and analytical research addressing a broad range of accounting subjects.

Accounting (ACC) 800 Directed Readings in Accounting (0.50) RDG

Course ID: 015394
This selected topics course is an intensive reading course on specific topics that are not available in the regular departmental course offerings. The course is supervised by a faculty member and normally requires students to undertake a systematic program of reading leading to the writing of a research paper. This course does not replace any of the required accounting PhD seminar courses. Only one reading course can count toward the required program courses. Departmental/graduate officer consent is required.