Needles Hall, second floor, room 2201
The program information below was valid for the fall 2023 term (September 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023). This is the archived version; the most up-to-date program information is available through the current Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
The Graduate Studies Academic Calendar is updated 3 times per year, at the start of each academic term (January 1, May 1, September 1). Graduate Studies Academic Calendars from previous terms can be found in the archives.
Students are responsible for reviewing the general information and regulations section of the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.
Admit term(s)
- Fall
- Winter
- Spring
Delivery mode
- On-campus
Length of program
- The minimum period of registration for the Master's degree is two terms after an Honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent. The maximum time limit is six terms for the regular program and fifteen terms for the part-time program. Extensions beyond six terms must be approved by the Faculty Graduate Studies Office.
Program type
- Collaborative
- Master's
- Research
Registration option(s)
- Full-time
- Part-time
- Study option(s)
Minimum requirements
- The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering requires either (i) a 75% overall standing in the last two years, or equivalent, in a relevant four-year Honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent or (ii) a 75% overall standing or equivalent, in a relevant four-year Honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent, as the minimum requirement for admission to a Master's program for applicants educated at a Canadian institution. A 75% overall standing or equivalent, in a relevant four-year Honours Bachelor's degree or equivalent is the minimum requirement for admission to a Master's program for applicants educated outside of Canada.
- At the time of admission, each student must have a faculty supervisor who has endorsed the recommendation for admission.
Application materials
- Résumé
- Supplementary information form
- Transcript(s)
- Number of references: 2
Type of references:
at least 1 academic
- English language proficiency (ELP) (if applicable)
- Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Graduate AIM)
- Students must complete a total of at least 5 courses (0.50 unit weight) including NANO 600 Introduction to Nanotechnology, 1 nanotechnology core course and 3 elective courses, the choice of courses must meet with the approval of the supervisor. The electives taken by a student should, however, be from within the Faculties of Engineering, Science or Mathematics.
- Students who have completed their Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) degree in Nanotechnology Engineering at the University of Waterloo can not take NANO 600. Instead, they can choose 1 course from the list of nanotechnology core courses to meet the total course credit requirement.
- Nanotechnology core courses::
- NANO 601 Characterization of Nanomaterials
- NANO 602 Structure and Spectroscopy of Nanoscale Materials
- NANO 603 Nanocomposites
- NANO 604 Nanomechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- NANO 605/SYDE 683 Design of MEMS & NEMS
- NANO 606/SYDE 682 Advanced MicroElectroMechanical Systems: Physics, Design & Fabrication
- Students may be required at any time to withdraw from the program if they fail to maintain a minimum grade of 65% in each of the 5 courses and a cumulative average of at least 70% in the coursework portion of their approved study program or if they fail to receive satisfactory progress reports regarding their research activities.
- The Department may recommend that credit be allowed for courses taken at other institutions. In special cases, 1 course (0.50 unit weight) may be approved.
- Link(s) to courses
- Nanotechnology Seminar
- This seminar is a forum for student presentation of research results or proposals. The range of topics that will be addressed in the seminar crosses all areas of research in the collaborative program. Each student is required to present at least 1 Nanotechnology research seminar over the course of the degree. The Nanotechnology Seminar may simultaneously count towards the Master’s Seminar requirement of the ECE Department.
- Master's Seminar
- Students are required to present a seminar on their thesis topic as part of the degree requirements. The purpose of this seminar is to develop the student's ability to communicate the results of a research work in an organized and informative manner. The seminar is not an oral examination of the thesis. The seminar should be held during the term the thesis is submitted to the readers. The supervisor(s), plus one other Faculty member must be in attendance at the seminar in order for the student to receive credit.
- Master’s Thesis
- The topic of the thesis and the choice of the required 5 courses of graduate coursework are arranged by students and their faculty supervisor. Each student's program is subject to approval by the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department. Students must maintain continuous active registration until the thesis requirements are completed. The research work leading to the thesis must be performed under the direction of the faculty supervisor(s) and is finally approved and accepted by at least three readers. The readers will consist of the supervisor(s) plus a minimum of two other faculty members.