Currently, areas of research in the Department of French Studies MA program include:
- French Literature: Medieval, Renaissance, Classicism, Classical Comedy, Enlightenment, Romanticism, Symbolist Poetry, Existentialism, Contemporary Theatre and Novel
- Quebec and French Canadian Literature: Contemporary Quebec Theatre, Gabrielle Roy, Jacques Poulin, Franco-Ontarian and Acadian literatures
- Francophone Caribbean and African Literatures: Maghreb Literatures, African Women Writers, Édouard Glissant and the Martinican Créolité Movement
- Cultural and Literary Theory: Postcolonialism, Adaptation and Translation Theory, Feminist Literary Theory, Mythocriticism
- Linguistics: History of the French Language, French Phonology and Morphology, Acadian Dialects
The PhD in French Studies is composed of the following three comprehensive fields of study:Â
- Electronic archiving, editing and publishing in a Francophone context
- Early modern French l;iterary studies and theory
- Cultural studies in a Francophone context