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Electrical and Computer Engineering


Certificate of Completion in Electric Power Engineering
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The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers Certificates of Completion awarded to a participant upon successful completion of a course from the list of courses offered within the Master of Engineering (MEng) program. Courses are offered on a cost recovery basis, and are offered in an online web-based environment. This option is designed for those industry personnel who are seeking to update their knowledge on any specific subject in the field.

Students admitted to Electric Power Engineering Non-Degree who wish to apply to a Diploma or Master of Engineering, Electric Power Engineering program, must apply to the desired program. Students are not permitted to transfer from Non-degree to either the Master of Engineering or Diploma programs.

Courses taken during Non-Degree study cannot be used to meet either the diploma or degree program requirements. 

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for the Certificate of Completion include an engineering degree or equivalent from a recognized university. In the absence of this, academic qualifications and work experience in the power industry will be considered. Applicants must apply online through the regular application process.

Course Requirements

In this option, candidates are awarded a Certificate of Completion after successful completion of one course taken from a select group of courses offered in Electric Power Engineering.

Visit the MEng Electric Power (online) webpage for detailed information about the program.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411

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