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The Graduate Calendar

Faculty of Arts


Faculty Members
Associate Professor, Department Chair
† Bruce, G.S., BA (Queen's), MA, (New Brunswick), Ph.D. (McGill)
Professor, Associate Dean, Graduate Studies
† Muirhead, B., BA (Queen's), MA (Toronto), PhD (York)
Professor, Associate Chair, Graduate Affairs
† Walker, J.W., BA (Toronto), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Dalhousie) Associate Professors
Associate Professor, Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
† Hayes, G.W., BA, MA (Laurier), PhD (Western) Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Professor, University Research Chair
†j Mitchinson, W.L., BA (Waterloo), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Toronto)
Distinguished Professors Emeriti
Craton, M.J., BA (London), MA, PhD (McMaster), FRHistS,
Harrigan, P.J., BA (Detroit), MA, PhD (Michigan)
j McLaughlin, K.M., BA (Waterloo), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Toronto)
g Snyder, C.A., BA (Waterloo), MA, PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor
g Epp, M., BA (Manitoba), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Toronto)
† Hunt, A.E., BA, PhD (Utah) Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
j† Lackenbauer, W., BA (Waterloo), MA, PhD (Calgary)
† MacDougall, H.A., BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
† Taylor, L., BA (Western), MA (LSE, London, UK), PhD (Michigan)
Assistant Professor
j Bednarski, S., BA (Glendon/York), MA (Toronto), PhD (Québec à Montréal)
Gorman, D., BA (St. Francis Xavier), MA (Queen's), PhD (McMaster)
Kroeker, G., BA (Bethel College), MA (Missouri), PhD (California, Berkeley)
Penny Light, T., BA (Nipissing), MA (Laurentian), PhD (Waterloo)
Roberts, J., BA (Wilfrid Laurier), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Toronto)
Sbardellati, J., BA (California, Riverside), MA, PhD (California, Santa Barbara)
Statiev, A., BSc (Moscow Mining Institute), MA, PhD (Calgary)
j Touhey, R., BA, MA (Ottawa), PhD (Waterloo)
Professor, Dean of Arts
Coates, K.S., BA (UBC), MA (Manitoba), PhD (UBC)
Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor
Primary Association with St. Jerome's University
Primary Association with Conrad Grebel University College

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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