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The Graduate Calendar

School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED)


Environment & Business (MEB)
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Admission Requirements

Applicants must:

• have completed a recognized four-year Honours Bachelor’s degree in a Canadian university (or its equivalent), and have a minimum of 75% overall standing in the last two years of study.

• have at least three years of business work experience in a private, public or non-profit sector setting, either through full or part-time employment, through documented volunteer efforts, or through cooperative work terms as an undergraduate student.

• provide proof of competency in English (if applicable). A score of at least 600 is required in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). A score of 250 is required on the computerized version of the TOEFL. (See Academic Regulations - English Language Proficiency Certification for other acceptable tests of English.)

• provide two letters of reference; preferably one academic and one professional.

• provide a statement of interest or purpose.

• provide a current curriculum vita.

• submit a University of Waterloo application form and official transcripts from each previous post-secondary institution.

Students who do not meet the requirements outlined above may be considered for admission to a transitional, probationary or qualifying program depending on their academic background. (See Graduate Studies Calendar - Academic Regulations - Categories of Admission to the Master's Program.)

Degree Requirements

Foundation Courses

(2 courses)

ENBUS 601: The Business Case for Sustainability

ENBUS 602: Introduction to Sustainability for Business

Core Courses

(4 courses)

ENBUS 620: Business Operations and Sustainability

ENBUS 630: Enterprise Marketing and Social Accountability

ENBUS 640: Strategy for Sustainable Enterprises

ENBUS 650: Environmental Finance

Electives (choice of any 2, minimum one ENBUS)

ENBUS 621: Enterprise Carbon Management

ENBUS 622: Product Life Cycle Assessment

ENBUS 631: Stakeholder Engagement

ENBUS 632: Sustainability Reporting

ENBUS 642: Business Partnerships and Policy for Sustainability

Other Departments:

  • ERS - Water, policy
  • GEOG - Energy, Climate
  • MBET - Entrepreneurship
  • AFM
  • CIGI/Political Science - Governance
  • MSCI - Supply chain, Behaviour

Capstone (double course)

ENBUS 690: Enterprise Sustainability Project

Other Requirements

Participation in at least two designated scholarly or professional conferences.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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