The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) graduate program at the University of Waterloo attracts outstanding Canadian and international applicants, with an enrollment of more than 500 graduate students. The ECE department offers an outstanding research environment with world-class research laboratories and unique facilities. In addition, the ECE department supports many research groups.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department prides itself on providing a friendly and stimulating environment that allows its graduate students to excel in their development as a researcher. We encourage interactions among the graduate students, their supervisors, and other faculty members. In the department, the graduate student is not merely a number or a name, but is an integral part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Our graduate students also have an opportunity to interact with our undergraduate students, who are among the best in Canada and have significant industry experience due to our unique co-op education program. Our commitment to quality, fairness and professionalism means that all students are given the respect that they deserve in order to enrich their postgraduate training and achieve their full potential.
Graduate research benefits from close connections with many high-technology companies in the Waterloo area and from the very generous intellectual property policy of the University of Waterloo, which vests the rights with the inventor. (See University of Waterloo Policy 73 - Intellectual Property Rights for further details.)
Research Areas:
The ECE graduate program covers very comprehensive research areas. You can search for faculty by research areas. Most of our faculty are listed in more than one research area.
Annual Graduate Student Research Conference:
Each year the UW Graduate Studies Office together with the Graduate Student Association host an Annual Graduate Student Research Conference. All UW graduate students are encouraged to participate with either a short seminar or poster presentation. Full details are available on the conference website.