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Fall 2007
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The Graduate Calendar


Theological Studies

Faculty Members
Associate Professor, Academic Dean, Director of Graduate Theological Studies
Pankratz, J., BA, MA, PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor of New Testament and Peace Studies
Yoder Neufeld, T., BA (Manitoba), MDiv, ThD (Harvard)
Assistant Professor of Old Testament
Suderman, D., BA. Hons (Waterloo), BEd (Brock), MTS (Conrad Grebel), PhD (St. Michael's)
† Reimer, J., BChrEd (Mennonite Bible College), BA (Manitoba), MA (Toronto), PhD (St. Michael's)
Snyder, A., BA (Waterloo), MA, PhD (McMaster)
Associate Professor
Boers, A., BA (Western), MA, MDiv, MTh, DMin
Epp, M., BA (Manitoba), MA (Waterloo), PhD (Toronto)
p Frick, P., BA (Waterloo), PhD (McMaster)
Froese Tiessen, H., BA (Winnipeg), MA, PhD (Alberta)
Hull, K., BA. Hons (Waterloo), BMus, MMus (Western), MA (General Theological Seminary), PhD (Princeton)
Assistant Professor
Funk, N., BA (Adolphus College), PhD (American Univeristy School of International Service)
Adjunct Professor
Balmer, B., BA (Bluffton), MDiv, MA (Waterloo), DMin (St. Michael's)
Harder, L., BChrEd (Mennonite Bible College), BA (Goshen), MTh (Newman), ThD (Victoria)
College President
Paetkau, H.,
Adjunct Professor, Supervisor of Ministry
Mellinger, M., BA, MAR, DMin
Adjunct Faculty
Harder, G., BChrEd (Mennonite Bible College), BA (Goshen), MDiv (Assoc. Mennonite Biblical Seminaries), DMin (St. Stephen's)
Steiner, S., BA (Goshen), MDiv (Assoc. Mennonite Biblical Seminary)
Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor
Primary Association with St. Paul's United College

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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