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Calendar - General Information & Regulations

Policies & Guidelines

Use of Computer Network Facilities
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"Statement on the Use of UW Computing and Network Resources" was issued by the President on the advice of Executive Council and the University Committee on Information Systems and Technology on December 2, 1998. This statement "provides guidelines that govern the appropriate and ethical use of these resources, informs users of expectations and responsibilities assumed in the use of UW computing and network resources, and clarifies the context". The following Guiding Principles, Rights/Responsibilities and Adjudication/Disciplinary Action are contained in the statement.

Guiding Principles
  1. UW encourages the use of computing and network resources to enhance the working and learning environment of its members.
  2. These resources are provided primarily to support and further the mission of UW.
  3. UW values and strives to provide its members with an environment of free inquiry and expression. Freedom of expression and academic freedom should be limited to no greater degree in electronic format than in printed or oral communication.
  4. Members of the UW community are responsible and accountable for their actions and statements, which includes showing reasonable restraint in the consumption of shared resources. There is an expectation of appropriate and ethical behaviour (see Policy #33) in the use of computing and network resources. Users of computing and network resources are expected to comply with applicable provincial and federal laws and pertinent University of Waterloo policies and procedures.
  5. There is a presumption of privacy. The privacy of system users should be respected and reasonable safeguards in
    place to protect it.

Contained within and following from the Guiding Principles are a variety of rights and responsibilities of both the user and the University. Some of these are presented below.

UW Rights and Responsibilities :

  • To allocate the use of and access to UW computing and network resources.
  • To define access privileges of UW users and, where just cause is present, to revoke access privileges of any UW user.
  • To inform UW users of their rights and responsibilities in the use of UW computing and network resources, and to communicate clearly the terms and conditions under which access to and use of such resources are provided.
  • To ensure reasonable safeguards are in place to protect the privacy of UW users.
  • To ensure reasonable security for UW computing and network resources, and where just cause is present, to act upon complaints in a reasonable manner.

User Rights and Responsibilities:

  • To a presumption of privacy in the use of the computing resources assigned to them. Users should keep in mind that certain information is gathered routinely.
  • To use University computing and network resources in a manner which does not unduly interfere with the study, work or working environment of other users.
  • To be accountable for the use of any computing and network resources assigned to the user.
  • To seek permission from the appropriate University authority to use UW computing or network resources for fundamentally different purposes than those for which they were allocated.
Adjudication/Disciplinary Action

Misuse of the University's computing and network resources may result in disciplinary action within the University. Any such action undertaken will be governed by relevant University of Waterloo policies and procedures (as described in the official statement).

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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