Link to the University of Waterloo home page Advanced Search or
Fall 2006
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The Graduate Calendar
Advanced Search

The advanced search allows users to browse the academic calendar using one of three search types as well as the ability to search calendars from Fall 2006 onward.

  1. Use Exact Phrase if you are searching for a string of words on a page, e.g., enter "is committed to providing a vibrant." The system will search for "is committed to providing a vibrant." If you are not finding what you are looking for, try using the All Words Search. Exact Phrase is not recommended when searching for course and course number if the link appears only on the course number.
  2. Use All Words if you are searching for any of the words on a page, e.g., enter "is committed to providing a vibrant." The system will search for "committed" or "providing" or "vibrant. All Words runs a filter on the text to remove common words, e.g., a, the, of; otherwise, too many results would be found. Case is ignored. All Words is recommended when searching for course and course number.
  3. Use Any Word if you are searching for one of the words on a page, e.g., enter "is committed to providing a vibrant." The system will search for any one of those words (including is, to, a) that appear on a page.

Running a search on a previous calendar will change the website to view the selected calendar year. To continue viewing the current calendar, click "view current calendar" from any page.

Search Type
Select One

Changing this value will change the calendar being viewed.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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