GEOG 600s

GEOG 600 Seminar in Spatial Data Handling (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001344
An overview of concepts and methodologies in several aspects of spatial data handling: cartography, geographic information systems, remote sensing, spatial statistics. Analysis of spatial data sets. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 601 Environmental Change and Remote (0.50) LECCourse ID: 009416
Principles and techniques of analyzing environmental change from long time-series of remotely sensed imagery are examined. Case studies include the impacts of climate on sea ice and the role of natural and human-induced stress on tropical coral reefs. Prerequisites: Geography 603 or equivalent. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 602 Remote Sensing of Cold Regions (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001345
This course focuses on the extraction of hydrologically-relevant parameters from remote sensing that are germane to cold regions such as snowfall, snow cover, glaciers & ice caps, lake and river ice, permafrost, and seasonally frozen ground. The determination of hydrological parameters in the liquid and vapour phases such precipitiation, soild moisture, surface water, and evaporation/evapotranspiration from remote sensing, as well as the integration of remote sensing data into hydrological models are also covered. Prerequisites: UW undergraduates: GEOG 271, 371, 471 or undergraduate Geomatics degree. Undergraduate Geography degree with suitable remote sensing experience. Students with no remote sensing experience but strong GIS experience are required to take a 675 Directed Reading course entitled "Remote Sensing Analysis" prior to enrolment in 602. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 603 Remote Sensing and Earth System Science (0.50) SEM,TUTCourse ID: 001346
This course will explore how remote sensing is used and in concert with empirical or physically-based models to help us better understand Earth system processes from the local to global scales. Students will learn how remote sensing measurements are coupled with radiative transfer models, energy and mass balance models and spatial analytical models from different components of the Earth system. Examples will be drawn from the hydrologic and carbon cycles from the human built enviornment. Prerequisites: UW undergraduates: Geog 271, 371, 471 or undergraduate Geomatics degree. Undergraduate degree with suitable remote sensing experience. Students with no remote sensing experience but strong GIS experience are required to take a 675 Directed Reading course entitled "Remote Sensing Analysis" prior to enrolment in 603. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 604 Spatial Statistics (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001347
An overview of spatial statistics and their use in geographic studies. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 605 Spatial Information Technology, Globalization and International Development (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 011818
(Cross-listed with PLAN 654)
This course considers the role of GIS and RS technologies for problem solving and planning decision support in developing countries. Topics covered include the globalisation of information technology and its transfer from developed to developing countries and general aspects of the spatial information technology industry and its relationship to society. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 606 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001348
Introduction to GIS concepts and to their application in geographic studies using basic GIS software. This course is designed for students with little or no prior experience with GIS. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 607 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001349
Current applications of GIS and related technologies in geographic research and environmental management are examined through discussions and individual student projects. This course is designed for students with previous GIS experience. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 608 Urban Remote Sensing (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012793
An overview of high-resolution remote sensing systems and advanced study of image segmentation, data fusion, feature extraction, and change detection algorithms. Topics include 3D city modeling, land use/cover classification, urban heat island study, urban sprawl monitoring, and risk mapping. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 609 GIS and Spatial Decision Support for Planning and Resource Management (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 011491
(Cross-listed with PLAN 657)
This course introduces students to key theories, concepts and techniques that have been developed recently to improve the design support capabilities of spatial information systems. Topics covered include participatory GIS, group-based spatial decision support systems, and the integration of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) methods with GIS to facilitate decision-making in planning. *eligible for MES

GEOG 611 Industrial Location Theory and Concepts (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001839
(Cross-listed with LED 611, PLAN 611)
Examination of industrial location theory, and themes concerning the role of manufacturing in the space-economy. Factors of location will be considered as will the way that manufacturing has led to spatial disparity on international, regional and local levels.

GEOG 613 Regional Development Principles and Practice (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001841
(Cross-listed with LED 613, PLAN 613)
This course will review the principles underlying regional development theory and evaluate the application of these principles in policy and practice. The purpose of this course is to explore regional development options in the context of fiscal conservatism and intense international competition for investments.

GEOG 615 Community Economic Development (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001842
(Cross-listed with ERS 615, LED 615, PLAN 615)
Community Economic Development is a field of theory, process and practice that is concerned with understanding the forces shaping communities and finding sustainable local solutions to economic needs. This seminar course will examine topics such as capacity-building, asset-based strategies, social capital, poverty-alleviation, social enterprises and co-operatives, and comprehensive community initiatives, using international and local examples and case studies.

GEOG 616 Multivariate Statistics (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001360
(Cross-listed with PLAN 616)
Theory and application of multivariate statistics, regression and correlation analysis, factor analysis, discriminant analysis and grouping analysis, with emphasis on the use of the computer. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 619 Regional Planning Economic and Investment Analysis (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 002245
(Cross-listed with LED 619, PLAN 619)
Critical appraisal of regional economic analysis, projection and decision-making techniques. Problem based study of methods commonly used by regional planners, economic developers, and consultants. Identification of leverage sectors, trend analysis, investment decision-making and input/output analysis are discussed. New analysis applications and approaches are explored.

GEOG 620 Seminar in Human Geography (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001364
This seminar will provide a broad survey of the interdisciplinary scope of human geography and investigate a wide range of human/society dynamics, theoretical positions and methodologies. The format of inquiry will be that of a seminar wherein students conduct original research and exchange results through ongoing reports and discussions.

GEOG 621 Metropolitan Form and Structure in Canada (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 010621
(Cross-listed with PLAN 621)
A seminar on selected topics of particular relevance to understanding and planning for contemporary processes of metropolitan change in Canada. Major topics represent an interrelated set of exogenous forces, (globalization, economic restructuring, technological innovation and immigration and demographic shift), and endogenous structural responses, (central city decline, revitalization, dispersed styles of suburban development and new urbanist and ecologically sustainable styles of planned intervention).

GEOG 624 Human Activity and Travel Behaviour (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001368
An exploration of observed patterns of human activity and travel, underlying decision-making processes, data collection methodologies, and associated impacts on environment and health.

GEOG 625 Qualitative Methods in Geography (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001369
This course is designed to investigate the range of qualitative research methods (research tools) employed by human geographers and explore the methodological justifications (philosophical or theoretical underpinnings) for using this type of research approach. Qualitative methods attempt to interpret meaning as opposed to purely measuring phenomena. The focus of qualitative research is not descriptive measurement and prediction of phenomena, as offered by statistical description/analysis, but is more attuned to examining subjective understandings and the interpretation of meaning (hermeneutics). This course will examine and evaluate the range of research tools comprising qualitative methods including: various interviewing methods, participant observation, ethnography, case study methods and dicourse analysis. It will also engage with the theoretical debates and philosophical approaches that underpin qualitative research.

GEOG 635 International Development: Theories and Practice (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEMCourse ID: 001374
(Cross-listed with INDEV 602)
This course emphasizes both theoretical and conceptual frameworks, techniques, practices and methods for analysis of development, focusing in particular on the development - environment interface and questions of sustainability.

GEOG 637 Cultural Geography (0.50) LECCourse ID: 013243
This course will engage with the parameters of cultural geography from varying perspectives, which might include origins, evolution, impacts of the cultural turn, and future directions.

GEOG 638 Sustainable Tourism (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 010724
(Cross-listed with TOUR 603)
This course examines sustainability issues relevant to tourism. Conceptual and practical examples related to economic, environmental, and social/cultural sustainability of tourism are critically appraised, combined with reviews of policy and institutional effects on sustainability practices. The course also focuses on best practices in sustainable tourism within government, non-government and private sector.

GEOG 639 Food Systems and Sustainability (0.50) LECCourse ID: 013394
The course examines emerging and existing sustainable food systems from a North American and EU perspective. Topics may include: technology, nature and society; policy dimensions in North American and the EU; knowledge and power; spaces of consumption; the moral economy; new urbanism and food planning; and, food networks such as commodity chains and fairly traded food.

GEOG 640 Seminar in Physical Geography (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001375
Basic concepts related to temporal and spatial scales together with variability as they directly affect data collection and analysis. Leading edge research related to selected sub-disciplines of physical geography will be critically discussed. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 641 Climate Change: Physical Science Basis (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 010625
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 601)
The course examines the interactive physical, biological and geochemical processes responsible for and resulting from climate change, including anthropogenic influences on these processes. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 642 Micrometeorology (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001376
Advanced study of boundary-layer meteorology. Energy balance regimes for complex surfaces are examined. The theory of turbulent and radiant transfer is studied using field data collected during the course. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 643 Dynamic Geomorphology (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001377
An overview of current issues and methodologies in geomorphology with special emphasis on processes operating in fluvial, glacial, periglacial or coastal environments. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 644 Applied Geomorphology (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001378
An examination of the way in which human activities modify landscapes and the impacts of government policy and planning with respect to landscape change. The role of the geomorphologist in landscape rehabilitation. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 645 Fluvial & Glaciofluvial Sediment Transport (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 009420
Laboratory (hydraulic) models and sediment transport theory are emphasized in the analysis of modern and ancient (Pleistocene) landforms of fluvial and glaciofluvial origin. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 646 Hydrology (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001379
Overview of hydrological processes with emphasis on Canadian examples related to the hydrologic cycle, surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology, and measurement techniques. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 647 Recent Advances in Wetland Studies (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001380
Selected topics on the distribution, classification, functional dynamics, and ecosystem structure of wetlands. A scientific basis for wetlands management is emphasized. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 648 Paleolimnology (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012794
(Cross-listed with BIOL 646, EARTH 646)
This course examines the use of stratigraphic records from lakes to reconstruct environmental change. Topics include sediment coring techniques, radiometric dating methods, analysis of physical, geochemical and biological indicators, and case studies demonstrating applications to address scientific and management questions. Practical experience is gained from a lake sediment coring field trip and subsequent laboratory analyses. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 649 Hydrology of Cold Regions (0.50) LECCourse ID: 012795
This course provides an overview of the hydrology of cold regions. Physical processes are emphasized, but hydrological modeling, and geochemistry are included where appropriate. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 651 Hydroecology for Freshwater Ecosystem Management (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 013757
(Cross-listed with BIOL 651)
This course examines the interaction in both space and time between hydrological processes and lacustrine environments. Applications to freshwater ecosystem management are explored.

GEOG 652 Climate Prediction, Modeling and Scenarios (0.50) LAB,SEMCourse ID: 014506
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 610)
Computer models of the physical climate system are essential tools for investigating future climate change. This course will introduce students to the basic formulation of these models, and their strengths and limitations. Inter-linkages between climate modeling and mitigation and adaptation policy agendas is reviewed and critiqued. The types of climate modeling experiments peformed with such models and scenarios will be reviewed. The latest projections of future climate on a variety of temporal and spatial scales will be presented and evaluated. *eligible for MES

GEOG 653 Land Use and the Carbon Cycle (0.50) LAB,SEMCourse ID: 014510
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 630)
This course examines contemporary theories, approaches, and technologies used to study coupled natural-human systems at the intersection of land-use and land-cover change, land management, and the carbon cycle. Topics covered include measurement and modelling techniques to improve carbon accounting, the effects of land use and land management on carbon storage and flux, and international and national policy frameworkds influencing carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. *eligible for MES

GEOG 654 Applied Biogeochemistry (0.50) LEC,TUTCourse ID: 014735
This course focuses on ecological and biogeochemical processes that are linked to the hydrological cycle and how these relate tothe management of natural resources. The objectives of this interdisciplinary course are to explore topics that integrate ecosystem processes with physical hydrology, and examine the impacts of human activities on the ecohydrological system. Therefore the focus of this course is on the storage and movement of water, solutes and nutrients within selected ecosystems, considering the ecological consequences of human activit. *eligible for MES

GEOG 660 Perspectives in Resource and Environmental Management (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001210
(Cross-listed with ERS 660, PLAN 660)
Current research and practice in resource and environmental management. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 661A Applied Studies in Hydrology and the Environment 1 (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002264
(Cross-listed with PLAN 661A)
This applied hydrology course involves defining, designing and conducting research on the hydrology and/or water quality of a specific environmental setting. Drawing on strengths and interests of students, the field and laboratory activities in this course typically involve collection, analysis and reporting of primary data. The Fall-term (661A) focuses on literature review, problem definition, methodological design and data collection; the Winter-term (661B) includes analysis, interpretation and write-up suitable for publication in a refereed journal. Group work is typically involved. *eligible for MES

GEOG 661B Applied Studies in Hydrology and the Environment 2 (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001389
(Cross-listed with PLAN 661B)
This course is a continuation of GEOG 661A/PLAN661A. *eligible for MES.
Prerequisite: GEOG 661A

GEOG 664 Political Ecology: Nature, Society and Sustainability (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001392
Readings, discussions and case study analysis draw attention to the intersection of political-economy and ecological analysis, and contested understandings of environmental change, livelihoods and sustainability. Topics may include communities and conservation, knowledge systems and power, ecological change, property rights and institutions, social movements, and methods. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 665 Environmental Planning Theory and Practice (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002269
(Cross-listed with PLAN 665)
An interdisciplinary approach to environmental planning. Focuses on the socio-economic, planning, environmental science, design, and decision-making theories and methods utilized in environmental planning theory and practice. Regional and local case studies and studio projects will be used to demonstrate professional practice issues and techniques. Recommended: A senior level course in ecology, environmental science, landscape architecture or equivalent. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 666 Ecosystem Approach to Park Planning (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 002270
(Cross-listed with PLAN 666)
An ecological approach to planning national and provincial parks, focusing on system planning, master planning and park administration. Examination of the theory and practice of parks planning, utilizing ecological concepts. Recommended: a senior undergrad or graduate ecology course. Estimated additional field trip cost to student: $30.00 *eligible for MES

GEOG 669 Energy Sustainability (0.50) LEC,RDG,SEMCourse ID: 012666
(Cross-listed with ERS 619, INDEV 606)
Renewable and non-renewable energy supply systems are compared using economic and environmental measures. Consumption trends, conservation options and choices are considered at the household, community and global scales. Projects are used to demonstrate the economic and environmental challenges in the design of sustainable energy systems. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 671 Contemporary Perspectives on Tourism (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001400
(Cross-listed with LED 671, TOUR 601)
This course will introduce participants to a variety of topics and research methods through presentations made by active researchers from Canada and abroad. *eligible for MES

GEOG 672 Human Ecology of Stressed Environments (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001401
An examination of socioeconomic-biophysical system interactions emphasizing multi- and transdisciplinary perspectives such as human ecology, health, ecosystems, and complexity. Students normally focus on one particular problem and region to illustrate concepts and methods. *eligible for MES

GEOG 673 International Perspectives on Resource and Environmental Management (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001402
An overview of issues, problems and concepts in international resource and environmental management. The complex nature of ecological/biophysical, economic, and sociocultural aspects of resource management will be explored, with particular emphasis placed on tracing challenges experienced in developing countries. *eligible for MES

GEOG 674 Climate and Society (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014508
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 620)
This course examines how weather and climate influence human systems, and the international trend twoard improved climate information. The emphasis is on developing competence in using analytical tools to understand the direct and indirect impatcts of weather and climate on human activities and economic sectors. *eligible for MES.

GEOG 675 Selected Topics in Geography (0.50) RDGCourse ID: 001403
Topic(s) to be negotiated on an individual basis with faculty members. An outline for this course, approved by the professor in charge, must be submitted to the Program Director, within three weeks of registration.
Instructor Consent Required
1 GIS Data Modeling & Appl.
2 Consv Theory & Planning
3 Remote Sensing Project
4 GIS Applications
5 Technology, Values & Modernity
6 Use of GIS in Fisheries Mgmt
7 Political Econ & Forest Man
8 Developing Custom GIS Software
9 Globalization and World Cities
10 Changes in Japanese Keiretsu
11 GIS Application Development
12 The Travel Experience in Print
13 Policy Dimensions/Climate Chng
14 Analysis of Policy Survey Data
15 Agent-Based Modeling Lit Rvw
16 Issues of Tourism Development
17 Anlys:Lidar Data for RF Models
18 Urban Transportation Studies
19 Qualitative Methods
20 Environmental Accounting
21 GIS & Environmental Monitoring
22 Japan/Canada Env. Policies
23 Plan:Cycling Infrastructure
24 Agricultural Land Conversion
25 Commercial Remote Sensing
26 Applied Micro-Econ Modeling
27 Digital Terrain Modeling
28 Introduction GIS
29 Political Geog of Terrorism
30 Spatial Analysis Using GIS
31 Digital Camera/Lidar Integrt'n
32 Municipal Public Finance
33 Env. Modelling Using GIS
34 Climate Chng & Cdn Perspective
35 Software Use: Sky Gap Analysis
36 Broadband & Econ Development
37 Web GIS
38 Third World Development
39 Eval Boreal Forest Fire Cycle
40 Topics in Multivariate Stat
41 Community Econ Dev in Canada
42 Towards Sustainable Trans
43 Directed Rdg on South Africa
44 Watershed Alliances and Indica
45 GlobEnv Change & Grand Watshed
46 Stagnating & Declining Cities
47 Climate Change Adaptation
48 GIS Mapping of Landslide Hazar
49 Geographies of Development
50 Pass Micro Rem Sense-Snow&Ice
51 Valid. of Agent-Based Modeling
52 Rural Popul Change in Canada
53 Theories in Data Modeling
54 Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs
55 Community Economic Development
56 GIS System Design for EnvH&S
57 Multivariate Statistics
58 Food Hazard Mitigation
59 Tourism & Environmental Change
60 Lake Ice
61 Environmental Valuation
62 Remote Sensing of Soil Erosion
63 Internet Appl with GIS
64 Political Ecology
65 Motivations for Eco-Action
66 Hazard Management and Modeling
67 ClimateChange:Human Dimensions
68 Object-oriented classification
69 Remote Sensing of Surface Wate
70 Agent Based Models and GIS
71 Urban Stormwater Management
72 Community Energy Planning
73 Community Renewable Energy
74 Transport Methods & Practice
75 Vulnerability to Disasters
76 GIS Internet Project
77 SAR Image Segmentation
78 LiDAR Remote Sensing
79 Modeling Landscape Dynamics
80 Soil in the Environment
81 Ecology of Linear Disturbances
82 Ecotourism and Park Planning
83 Remote Sensing Data Assimilate
84 Mapping from SAR Imagery
85 Issues in Canadian Tourism
86 ClimateChange: Human Dimension
87 Creativity and Business
88 Modeling Soil Dynamics
89 Environmental Remote Sensing
90 Energy Education in the North
91 Wetland Biogeochemistry
92 Modeling the City
93 Environmetrics
94 Energy Related Factors
95 Mass Movements in the Andes
96 Radar Remote Sensing
97 Tourism in Developing Countrie
98 Int Devel: Theories & Practice
99 Archeology and Tourism
100 Heritage and Tourism
101 Local Communities and Tourism
102 EV 3 - Ideas Dsgn Cmptn Wrkshp
103 Spatial Patterns of Ethnicity
104 Immigration
105 Modelling Lakes in Climate
106 Scatterometry of Snow on Land
107 Parks and Communities
108 Spatial Modelling of Crime
109 Mobile GIS & City Maintenance
110 Participatory GIS Applications
111 Modeling Wetland Vegetation
112 Urban-Rural Dynamics
113 Resource Governance
114 GPS & Remote Sens. Integration
115 Remote Sensing of Lakes
116 R/S for Atmospheric CO2 Models
117 Green Building Syllabus
118 Green Home Inspection
119 GIS for Network Management
120 Environmental Governance
121 GIS Applications-Climate Chang
122 Managing Complex Regions
123 Theory&Method: Health Research
124 Managing Complex Regions
125 Data assimilation in NWP
126 Water Governance
127 Environmental Hydrology
128 Change Detection for Imagery
129 Recreation-Resource Tourism
130 Cryosphere Radar Remote Sensin
131 Building Envelope Performance
132 Ecological Footprint & Carbon
133 Ecotoxicology of Metals
134 Climate Change in Waterloo
135 Municipal Climate Risk Mgmt.
136 Ecosystem Response
137 Development & Tourism
138 Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry
139 Pro-poor Tourism: A Critique
140 Advanced Change Detection Tech
141 Advanced Change Detection Tech
142 Culture-Led Ec. Development
143 SAR Image Classification
144 Lessons/Intangible Culture
145 Agritourism&Rural Development
146 Applied Biogeochemistry
147 Geoweb/Location-Based Services
148 The Arctic Climate System
149 Aerosol Radiative Forcing
150 Plant Physiology
151 Remote Sensing of Volcanic Ash
152 Weather Generators
153 Industrial Pollution & GIS
154 GIS and Agricultural Pollution
155 GIS for Managing Early Surveys
156 Watershed/Wetland Hydrology
157 Radar Remote Sensing: Forests
158 Climate and Ecosystem Change
159 Community PV Energy Planning
160 Agent Based Modelling Theory
161 The Cryosphere
162 Auto Industry Carbon Footprint
163 Integrating Themes in Geog.
164 Epidemiology: People's Health
165 Spatial Analysis of Crime
166 Forest Hydrology
167 Geography of Fear of Crime
168 Integration of GIS and RS
169 GIS Suitability Analysis
170 GIS and STEM Education
171 Lake-Atmosphere Interaction
172 Snow Hydrology
173 Boreal Ecohydrology and Fire
174 The General Circulation
175 Coastal Vuln. Adaptation
176 Readings in Dendrochronology
177 Plants in Urban Sustainability
178 Mobile GIS applications
179 Open Data Standards
180 Climate Compatible Development
181 Analysis of Land Grabs
182 Natural Resources Management
183 Agent-Based Modelling
184 Holocene Ocean Acidification
185 Agent-Based Modelling
186 T&T:Building Island Resilience
187 CoralReef Adaptation to Change
188 Wetlands Ecohydrology
189 Climate Change Governance
190 Geographies of Health
191 Topics in Futures Studies
192 Climate Change Resettlement
193 ManagedWetland Biogeochemistry
194 Climate Control
195 Smart Grid Energy Management
196 Simulating the Cryosphere
197 Vancouver Coastal City at Risk
198 Climate Change Governance
199 Inland Water Remote Sensing
200 Environmental Geochemistry
201 Resilience Mapping and Metrics
202 Social Resilience Mapping
203 Evidence-Based Decision Making
204 Peatland Ecohydrology
205 Agricultural Soil P Cycling
206 Catchment & Global Biogeochem
207 Boreal Plain Ecohydrology
208 Tourism & Natural Environment
209 Research Design and Proposal
210 Climate Change & Biodiversity
211 Rural Change and Tourism
212 Food Systems & Sustainability
213 Resilience Disasters & Tourism
214 GIS and Tourism Applications
215 Forest Micrometeorology
216 Microbial Community Statistics
217 Urban Climate Governance
218 GIS and Epidemiology
219 Beyond GDP: Geog of Wellbeing
220 Vadose Zone Phosphorus Dynamic
221 Wetlands & Climate Change
222 Hazards, Climate Change & Risk

GEOG 676 Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 009423
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 602)
This course examines the impacts of changing climate on natural and human systems and focuses on the capacity of societies to adjust to, plan for and cope with changing climate and environmental conditions. *eligible for MES

GEOG 677 Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014509
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 622)
This course explores the complex links between climate change and natural hazards, and related disasters, including disaster risk reduction as an adaptation strategy. Emphasis is placed on examining these concepts in a developing country context. *eligible for

GEOG 678 Climate Change Governance: From Global Treaties to Local Innovation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014511
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 640)
This course explores the theories behind, and practical approaches to, the multi-level governance of climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, national climate action plans and local innovation are viewed through the lenses of legitimacy, effectiveness, and participation. Finally, we consider the challenge of transformative change, and the possibility of finding synergies among climate change responses and other pressing social and environmental priorities.

GEOG 679 Climate Change Mitigation (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 014507
(Cross-listed with GEMCC 603)
This course examines the anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas emissions and the range of strategies to reduce these emissions and to enhance carbon sequestration. The policy frameworks governing climate change mitigation are critically appraised from geopolitical, economic and ethics perspectives. This course also considers the potential role of climate remediation strategies.

GEOG 685 Theory of Local Economic Development (0.50) LECCourse ID: 001843
(Cross-listed with LED 685)
This course focuses on economic development for regions, communities and municipalities. We examine organizational structures and strategies that a community may employ to increase its capacity to control its destiny. Topics include: strategic economic planning, information management, partnerships, internet opportunities, entrepreneurship, incubators, tourism, sustainable development and healthy community initiatives. Finally, we critique various evaluation methods.

GEOG 690 Geographic Thought and Methodology (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001434
An analysis of changing methods and philosophy of geographic research with emphasis on problem formulation and the design and evaluation of geographic research.

GEOG 691 Graduate Student and Faculty Seminar in Geography (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 001435
Participation in departmental seminars; invited presentations by guest speakers, program faculty and students. Graded on a Cr/NCr basis

GEOG 692 International Study (0.50) SEMCourse ID: 010626
The aim of this course is to provide academic credit for a foreign academic learning experience.This will take one of the following formats: study with a foreign expert, a specialized graduate course taken at a foreign institution, or a research/study project abroad conducted under the guidance of an approved advisor. In all instances the plan of study must be approved before a student leaves and in each case a final approved report must be submitted.

GEOG 693 Human Geography Special Topics Course (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 015268
Seminar topics offered one time only, or to introduce a potential permanent course within the designated subject area.

GEOG 694 Environmental Management Special Topics Course (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 015269
Seminar topics offered one time only, or to introduce a potential permanent course within the designated subject area.

GEOG 695 Geomatics Special Topics Course (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 015263
Seminar topics offered one time only, or to introduce a potential permanent course within the designated subject area.

GEOG 696 Environmental Science Special Topics Course (0.50) LAB,LEC,SEM,TUTCourse ID: 015267
Seminar topics offered one time only, or to introduce a potential permanent course within the designated subject area.